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• Cognizant 20-20 Insights

A Tag Management Systems Primer
Emergent tagging tools allow nontechnical resources to more effectively
manage JavaScripts used by ad measurement and serving systems.

      Executive Summary                                     •	 Puts marketers/business in control of third-
                                                               party tagging: With user “permissioning,” ac-
      The proliferation of third-party tags used by Web
                                                               cess can be limited to specific tags within a
      sites has resulted in a burdensome reliance on
                                                               site’s source code.
      already-stretched-thin IT resources. With the
      emergence of tag management systems (TMS),            •	 Reduces   IT dependency: Less dependency
      site managers can now accelerate updates of              on IT resources to update and maintain tags
      site code by empowering nontechnical resources           creates more of a “self-service” environment.
      to deploy tagging via intuitive, user-friendly           Also, these tools decouple tag maintenance
      interfaces.                                              from IT bandwidth and code release cycles.

      TMS tools allow for the management of JavaScript      •	 Intuitive user interface: Simplifies tag man-
                                                               agement by leveraging tag libraries and menu
      tagging typically associated with measurement
                                                               options to maintain tagging.
      and ad serving, without the need to access a
      site’s entire source code. This is accomplished
                                                            Tagging Challenges
      by permitting any selected internal or external
      company resource to access third-party tag            While tag management solutions greatly optimize
      source code. As a result, tagging modifications       third-party tags used on organizations’ Web sites,
      are decoupled from IT and its dependence on site      they come with their own set of challenges:
      update cycles.
                                                            •	 Effective   tag deployment requires IT and
                                                               consulting resources: TMS implementations
      Advantages of Tag Management
                                                               typically require external expertise.
      Significant benefits can be achieved via proper       •	 Tags create vendor lock-in: Once implemen-
      use of tag management. Its ability to resolve            tation is completed across all the pages it can
      entrenched challenges that restrict the flexibility      be challenging to switch vendors.
      of Web analytics and marketing optimization can       •	 Tag   deployment rarely works perfectly at
      include:                                                 first: There is always a defect or variable that
                                                               was missed; moreover, data collection is an on-
      •	 Page speed optimization: By compressing the           going process that increases deployment time.
         size of third-party tags, TMS tools speed page
         downloading by decreasing page weight.             •	 Emerging platform challenges: New and non-

      cognizant 20-20 insights | november 2012


JavaScript-based platforms such as Adobe                         rors on the page and notify support team.
   Flash, Microsoft Silverlight and the mobile
   platform require tags that use proprietary
                                                               •	 Support and services: Ongoing vendor sup-
                                                                    port, technical documentation and online
   languages.                                                       knowledge repositories.

Tag Management Features                                        Types of TMS Architecture
With tag management technology still nascent,                  While there are many features and functionalities
it is important to ensure the selected solution                across the different tag management vendors,
supports key functionalities, including:                       there are three primary types of TMS architec-
                                                               ture: client-side conditionals, server-side condi-
•	 Complex/emerging     technology compatibil-                 tionals and the server-to-server approach. Each
   ity: TMS tools should have the capability to                comes with varying degrees of complexity in how
   support JavaScript tags, rich media applica-                tags are created, loaded and executed. Which
   tions, Flash and mobile scripts.                            TMS structure works best for your organization
•	 Vendor    template support: The ability to                  will depend on the functionality of your site, the
   handle preconfigured third-party vendor tem-                structure of your organization and your budget.
   plates and create custom templates for spe-
                                                               Client-Side Conditionals
   cific scenarios.
                                                               With client-side conditionals, the rules are deployed
•	 Scope management: Flexibility to control de-                within the JavaScript file that is downloaded from
   ployment of tags including domain, path, file
                                                               the TMS servers to the client-side browser. This
   and URL query parameters.
                                                               file is cached for subsequent page loads, reducing
•	 Rule management: The ability to create, mod-                the need for communication between browser
   ify, duplicate, activate and deactivate rules,              and server. File size increases as rules are added,
   compare rule versions, view version history                 which can result in increased page weight and
   and create rule dependencies and conditional                decreased site speed (See Figure 1.)
                                                               Server-Side Conditionals
•	 Code  deployment management: Ability to
                                                               In this model, conditional logic is processed by
   support multiple deployment environments
   such as development, QA and production.                     the TMS server. Once a small JavaScript file is
                                                               downloaded from the TMS server, a dynamic
•	 Security   management: Role-based access                    request is generated and returned to the TMS
   with specific, configurable functionality for dif-          server. Based on the tag rules created within the
   ferent types of users.                                      interface, only the necessary vendor code is then
•	 Error management: The ability to track tag er-              loaded into the browser. Subsequently, tags are

Client-Side Conditionals

                                                               1. Request from
                                         Web Page
                                                              2. Client-side tag rules are downloaded and
                                                                 cached in the browser for subsequent  nt
                                                                 page loads. The initial large file can be
                                                                 followed by multiple smaller requests.

                      Vendor A               Vendor B                  Vendor C

                           3. Tags are executed in the browser and requests
                              containing tracking data are sent to various vendors.

Figure 1

                        cognizant 20-20 insights                2


Server-Side Conditionals

                                                                1. Request from
                                           Web Page
                                                                2. Vendor tags are downloaded
                                                                    to the browser.

                      Vendor A                 Vendor B                   Vendor C

                            3. Tags are executed in the browser and requests
                               containing tracking data are sent to various vendors.

Figure 2

executed within the browser and data is forwarded                  While there are some performance advantages
to the respective vendors (See Figure 2.)                          to this approach, there are potential issues
                                                                   that should be considered. For instance, a lack
Server-to-Server Approach                                          of vendor support and issues around visitor ID
In addition to server-side conditionals, cloud                     cookie sharing are common with the server-to-
connectivity with selected partners allows for                     server model. Additionally, data contained in the
data to be communicated directly between the                       server-side calls can be difficult to validate and
TMS server and vendor servers. This reduces                        will not be seen using a standard browser-based
the number of requests fired from the browser,                     debugging tool.
where integration is an option (See Figure 3).

Server-to-Server Approach

                                                                                                          Vendor X
                                                 1. Request from
                                                                                                          Vendor Y
                            Web Page
                                                 2. Vendor tags are downloaded                            Vendor Z
                                                    to the browser.

                                                                                                  3a. Tags are fired from
                                                                                                      the server for selected
                                                                                                      integrated vendors.

           Vendor A             Vendor B                  Vendor C

              3b. Tags are executed in the browser and requests
                  containing tracking data are sent to various vendors.

Figure 3

                       cognizant 20-20 insights                    3


Pricing Models
When weighing tag management vendors, it is
important to consider the pricing model that fits               Quick Take
best with your site type and amount of traffic.
                                                            A Word on Content
While most TMS providers charge on a server call            Management Systems
basis (similar to Web analytics vendors), other
cost models include per visit, per domain and by            Though somewhat limited when compared with standalone
the number of vendor tag templates.                         tag management solutions, some content management
                                                            systems (CMS) are integrated with Web analytics tools and
Many tag management providers may also levy
                                                            can be used to push tracking tags to the Web page. Adobe
implementation and consulting fees for proper
                                                            CQ, for example, has integration with Adobe SiteCatalyst.
configuration and end-user training. Make sure to
                                                            Check with your CMS vendor for more information.
weigh the total cost of implementation with the
vendor you consider.

Best Practices
As enterprise Web sites evolve, new tags are added     an intuitive user interface. It is important to
and existing tags are modified on a continuous         implement uniform processes for managing
basis, it is not possible to deliver 100% error-free   templates, rules, deployment and users.
tagging. By adhering to tag management best
                                                       Page Dependencies
practices, errors can be substantially reduced.
                                                       As a Web site goes into maintenance mode, site
Standard Naming Convention                             administrators may inadvertently alter page ele-
Having an enterprise-wide standard naming              ments that impact tag functionality. It is best
convention creates the foundation for a robust         practice to share page elements that have tag
and intuitive TMS implementation. Large orga-          dependencies to the platform team. Make sure to
nizations may have multiple Web sites across           implement procedures to communicate tag/page
dozens of countries in multiple languages, each        interdependencies between the TMS manager
with its own unique vendor tags configuration,         and IT teams.
QA and development environments. Architects
and developers should create the foundation            Tag, You’re It
for a uniform TMS environment by utilizing an          Tag management systems provide a welcome
enterprise standard naming convention.                 alternative to the inefficient processes and
                                                       tagging constraints of today’s complex Web sites.
For example:                                           By providing a consolidated approach to tag
<Marketing Vendor tag>-<Country>-<Partner              administration, a TMS can ease the burden faced
sites>-<Environment>-<Functionality name>              by IT staff and assist nontechnical resources in
                                                       meeting the digital measurement requirements
An organization using SiteCatalyst and Double-
                                                       of the business.
Click vendor tags within the U.S. and Canada can
have rules such as:                                    Organizations should do their due diligence
“SC-US-Student Loan-QA-Apply for loan (or)             in the discovery and evaluation of the various
DBL-CA-Weekly Deal-PROD-Registration”                  tag management vendors and implementation
                                                       specialists in the market. By fully and candidly
Tag Administration                                     exploring challenges stakeholders face related
Vendor tags within a TMS are managed using             to Web site code management, organizations will
administrative tools. Most solutions deploy the        be in a better position to determine which TMS
tags within the cloud, allowing an administra-         solution will best serve their needs.
tor to enable, disable and archive rules using

                       cognizant 20-20 insights        4


•	 Tealium, “Buyers Guide to Tag Management,” by Logan Tod & Co,
•	 Joe Stanhope, “How Tag Management Improves Web Intelligence,” Forrester report,

About the Authors
Brian McGee is a Senior Manager within the Cognizant Interactive Practice, with nearly a decade of
experience in managing digital analytics initiatives for agencies and enterprises. He specializes in Adobe
SiteCatalyst, Discover and Test&Target, as well as Google Analytics. He holds a bachelor’s degree from
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an M.B.A. from Clark Atlanta University. He can be
reached at Brian.Mcgee@cognizant.com.
Vishwa Sharan is a Senior Manager within the Cognizant Interactive Practice. He specializes in Ensighten
and Adobe SiteCatalyst. Vishwa holds a bachelor’s degree from National Institute of Technology (NIT),
Jamshedpur. He can be reached at Vishwa.Sharan@cognizant.com.

About Cognizant Interactive
Cognizant Interactive provides innovative solutions for design, content, learning, digital marketing and
analytics worldwide. Its 2,000-plus member team of Web strategists, analytics consultants, informa-
tion architects, visual artists and developers have the experience of working with 1,500-plus projects
ranging from design, development, strategy and analytics. The CI Digital Marketing & Analytics Practice
offers comprehensive digital measurement solutions that enable companies to effectively benchmark
and optimize their digital properties across the Web, social and mobile channels. We are a corporate
member of the Digital Analytics Association (DAA) and feature a 150-plus pool of on-site and offshore
subject matter experts and certified consultants. Our strategic alliances with global partners including
Adobe, IBM, Tealeaf, Ensighten and Tealium enable Cognizant Interactive to deliver world-class solutions
with zero execution gaps from strategy to implementation.

About Cognizant
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process out-
sourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Headquartered in
Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry
and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 50
delivery centers worldwide and approximately 150,400 employees as of September 30, 2012, Cognizant is a member of
the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing
and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at www.cognizant.com or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant.

                                         World Headquarters                  European Headquarters                 India Operations Headquarters
                                         500 Frank W. Burr Blvd.             1 Kingdom Street                      #5/535, Old Mahabalipuram Road
                                         Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA               Paddington Central                    Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam
                                         Phone: +1 201 801 0233              London W2 6BD                         Chennai, 600 096 India
                                         Fax: +1 201 801 0243                Phone: +44 (0) 20 7297 7600           Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000
                                         Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277          Fax: +44 (0) 20 7121 0102             Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060
                                         Email: inquiry@cognizant.com        Email: infouk@cognizant.com           Email: inquiryindia@cognizant.com

­­ Copyright 2012, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is
subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

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Tag management system

  • 1. • Cognizant 20-20 Insights A Tag Management Systems Primer Emergent tagging tools allow nontechnical resources to more effectively manage JavaScripts used by ad measurement and serving systems. Executive Summary • Puts marketers/business in control of third- party tagging: With user “permissioning,” ac- The proliferation of third-party tags used by Web cess can be limited to specific tags within a sites has resulted in a burdensome reliance on site’s source code. already-stretched-thin IT resources. With the emergence of tag management systems (TMS), • Reduces IT dependency: Less dependency site managers can now accelerate updates of on IT resources to update and maintain tags site code by empowering nontechnical resources creates more of a “self-service” environment. to deploy tagging via intuitive, user-friendly Also, these tools decouple tag maintenance interfaces. from IT bandwidth and code release cycles. TMS tools allow for the management of JavaScript • Intuitive user interface: Simplifies tag man- agement by leveraging tag libraries and menu tagging typically associated with measurement options to maintain tagging. and ad serving, without the need to access a site’s entire source code. This is accomplished Tagging Challenges by permitting any selected internal or external company resource to access third-party tag While tag management solutions greatly optimize source code. As a result, tagging modifications third-party tags used on organizations’ Web sites, are decoupled from IT and its dependence on site they come with their own set of challenges: update cycles. • Effective tag deployment requires IT and consulting resources: TMS implementations Advantages of Tag Management typically require external expertise. Systems Significant benefits can be achieved via proper • Tags create vendor lock-in: Once implemen- use of tag management. Its ability to resolve tation is completed across all the pages it can entrenched challenges that restrict the flexibility be challenging to switch vendors. of Web analytics and marketing optimization can • Tag deployment rarely works perfectly at include: first: There is always a defect or variable that was missed; moreover, data collection is an on- • Page speed optimization: By compressing the going process that increases deployment time. size of third-party tags, TMS tools speed page downloading by decreasing page weight. • Emerging platform challenges: New and non- cognizant 20-20 insights | november 2012
  • 2. JavaScript-based platforms such as Adobe rors on the page and notify support team. Flash, Microsoft Silverlight and the mobile platform require tags that use proprietary • Support and services: Ongoing vendor sup- port, technical documentation and online languages. knowledge repositories. Tag Management Features Types of TMS Architecture With tag management technology still nascent, While there are many features and functionalities it is important to ensure the selected solution across the different tag management vendors, supports key functionalities, including: there are three primary types of TMS architec- ture: client-side conditionals, server-side condi- • Complex/emerging technology compatibil- tionals and the server-to-server approach. Each ity: TMS tools should have the capability to comes with varying degrees of complexity in how support JavaScript tags, rich media applica- tags are created, loaded and executed. Which tions, Flash and mobile scripts. TMS structure works best for your organization • Vendor template support: The ability to will depend on the functionality of your site, the handle preconfigured third-party vendor tem- structure of your organization and your budget. plates and create custom templates for spe- Client-Side Conditionals cific scenarios. With client-side conditionals, the rules are deployed • Scope management: Flexibility to control de- within the JavaScript file that is downloaded from ployment of tags including domain, path, file the TMS servers to the client-side browser. This and URL query parameters. file is cached for subsequent page loads, reducing • Rule management: The ability to create, mod- the need for communication between browser ify, duplicate, activate and deactivate rules, and server. File size increases as rules are added, compare rule versions, view version history which can result in increased page weight and and create rule dependencies and conditional decreased site speed (See Figure 1.) loading. Server-Side Conditionals • Code deployment management: Ability to In this model, conditional logic is processed by support multiple deployment environments such as development, QA and production. the TMS server. Once a small JavaScript file is downloaded from the TMS server, a dynamic • Security management: Role-based access request is generated and returned to the TMS with specific, configurable functionality for dif- server. Based on the tag rules created within the ferent types of users. interface, only the necessary vendor code is then • Error management: The ability to track tag er- loaded into the browser. Subsequently, tags are Client-Side Conditionals 1. Request from browser. TMS Platform Web Page 2. Client-side tag rules are downloaded and cached in the browser for subsequent nt page loads. The initial large file can be followed by multiple smaller requests. Vendor A Vendor B Vendor C 3. Tags are executed in the browser and requests containing tracking data are sent to various vendors. Figure 1 cognizant 20-20 insights 2
  • 3. Server-Side Conditionals 1. Request from browser. TMS Platform Web Page 2. Vendor tags are downloaded to the browser. Vendor A Vendor B Vendor C 3. Tags are executed in the browser and requests containing tracking data are sent to various vendors. Figure 2 executed within the browser and data is forwarded While there are some performance advantages to the respective vendors (See Figure 2.) to this approach, there are potential issues that should be considered. For instance, a lack Server-to-Server Approach of vendor support and issues around visitor ID In addition to server-side conditionals, cloud cookie sharing are common with the server-to- connectivity with selected partners allows for server model. Additionally, data contained in the data to be communicated directly between the server-side calls can be difficult to validate and TMS server and vendor servers. This reduces will not be seen using a standard browser-based the number of requests fired from the browser, debugging tool. where integration is an option (See Figure 3). Server-to-Server Approach Vendor X 1. Request from browser. TMS Vendor Y Platform Web Page 2. Vendor tags are downloaded Vendor Z to the browser. 3a. Tags are fired from the server for selected integrated vendors. Vendor A Vendor B Vendor C 3b. Tags are executed in the browser and requests containing tracking data are sent to various vendors. Figure 3 cognizant 20-20 insights 3
  • 4. Pricing Models When weighing tag management vendors, it is important to consider the pricing model that fits Quick Take best with your site type and amount of traffic. A Word on Content While most TMS providers charge on a server call Management Systems basis (similar to Web analytics vendors), other cost models include per visit, per domain and by Though somewhat limited when compared with standalone the number of vendor tag templates. tag management solutions, some content management systems (CMS) are integrated with Web analytics tools and Many tag management providers may also levy can be used to push tracking tags to the Web page. Adobe implementation and consulting fees for proper CQ, for example, has integration with Adobe SiteCatalyst. configuration and end-user training. Make sure to Check with your CMS vendor for more information. weigh the total cost of implementation with the vendor you consider. Best Practices As enterprise Web sites evolve, new tags are added an intuitive user interface. It is important to and existing tags are modified on a continuous implement uniform processes for managing basis, it is not possible to deliver 100% error-free templates, rules, deployment and users. tagging. By adhering to tag management best Page Dependencies practices, errors can be substantially reduced. As a Web site goes into maintenance mode, site Standard Naming Convention administrators may inadvertently alter page ele- Having an enterprise-wide standard naming ments that impact tag functionality. It is best convention creates the foundation for a robust practice to share page elements that have tag and intuitive TMS implementation. Large orga- dependencies to the platform team. Make sure to nizations may have multiple Web sites across implement procedures to communicate tag/page dozens of countries in multiple languages, each interdependencies between the TMS manager with its own unique vendor tags configuration, and IT teams. QA and development environments. Architects and developers should create the foundation Tag, You’re It for a uniform TMS environment by utilizing an Tag management systems provide a welcome enterprise standard naming convention. alternative to the inefficient processes and tagging constraints of today’s complex Web sites. For example: By providing a consolidated approach to tag <Marketing Vendor tag>-<Country>-<Partner administration, a TMS can ease the burden faced sites>-<Environment>-<Functionality name> by IT staff and assist nontechnical resources in meeting the digital measurement requirements An organization using SiteCatalyst and Double- of the business. Click vendor tags within the U.S. and Canada can have rules such as: Organizations should do their due diligence “SC-US-Student Loan-QA-Apply for loan (or) in the discovery and evaluation of the various DBL-CA-Weekly Deal-PROD-Registration” tag management vendors and implementation specialists in the market. By fully and candidly Tag Administration exploring challenges stakeholders face related Vendor tags within a TMS are managed using to Web site code management, organizations will administrative tools. Most solutions deploy the be in a better position to determine which TMS tags within the cloud, allowing an administra- solution will best serve their needs. tor to enable, disable and archive rules using cognizant 20-20 insights 4
  • 5. References • Tealium, “Buyers Guide to Tag Management,” by Logan Tod & Co, http://www.tealium.com/business/paper_buyers_guide.html. • Joe Stanhope, “How Tag Management Improves Web Intelligence,” Forrester report, http://www.forrester.com/How+Tag+Management+Improves+Web+Intelligence/fulltext/-/E- RES58207?objectid=RES58207. About the Authors Brian McGee is a Senior Manager within the Cognizant Interactive Practice, with nearly a decade of experience in managing digital analytics initiatives for agencies and enterprises. He specializes in Adobe SiteCatalyst, Discover and Test&Target, as well as Google Analytics. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an M.B.A. from Clark Atlanta University. He can be reached at Brian.Mcgee@cognizant.com. Vishwa Sharan is a Senior Manager within the Cognizant Interactive Practice. He specializes in Ensighten and Adobe SiteCatalyst. Vishwa holds a bachelor’s degree from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jamshedpur. He can be reached at Vishwa.Sharan@cognizant.com. About Cognizant Interactive Cognizant Interactive provides innovative solutions for design, content, learning, digital marketing and analytics worldwide. Its 2,000-plus member team of Web strategists, analytics consultants, informa- tion architects, visual artists and developers have the experience of working with 1,500-plus projects ranging from design, development, strategy and analytics. The CI Digital Marketing & Analytics Practice offers comprehensive digital measurement solutions that enable companies to effectively benchmark and optimize their digital properties across the Web, social and mobile channels. We are a corporate member of the Digital Analytics Association (DAA) and feature a 150-plus pool of on-site and offshore subject matter experts and certified consultants. Our strategic alliances with global partners including Adobe, IBM, Tealeaf, Ensighten and Tealium enable Cognizant Interactive to deliver world-class solutions with zero execution gaps from strategy to implementation. About Cognizant Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process out- sourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 50 delivery centers worldwide and approximately 150,400 employees as of September 30, 2012, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at www.cognizant.com or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant. World Headquarters European Headquarters India Operations Headquarters 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd. 1 Kingdom Street #5/535, Old Mahabalipuram Road Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA Paddington Central Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam Phone: +1 201 801 0233 London W2 6BD Chennai, 600 096 India Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Phone: +44 (0) 20 7297 7600 Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000 Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7121 0102 Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060 Email: inquiry@cognizant.com Email: infouk@cognizant.com Email: inquiryindia@cognizant.com © ­­ Copyright 2012, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.