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Green IT Need Help? Call ReadyTalk Support at  1-800-843-9166 PANELISTS: Dave Deal, Community IT Innovators Anna Jaeger, TechSoup MODERATOR: Ann Yoders An Introduction to Green Software &  Green Hardware Powered by:
For phone audio, please dial:  800-920-2997 (toll-free) 212-231-2907 (toll number)
A little housekeeping: The webinar will be recorded. A link to the recording and the slides from today’s presentation will be emailed to you later today. A post-webinar survey will open when you close out of the webinar, please help us better our programming by completing it. Phones will be muted.
Stay engaged! Please ask questions and comment by: Typing in the chat box. We’ll respond via chat or over the phone when appropriate. If it is information to share with the whole audience, we’ll chat it to everyone.
Green IT:  An Introduction to Green Software and Green Hardware Overview of Green IT Software (Part 1) and Hardware (Part 2) : Types of software and hardware you’ll want to know about to green your IT  The Learning Objective:  Experience and learn about a wide array of green technology options
Please Chat in Questions As we go along, please feel free to chat in questions. The moderators will have a chance to ask them at the end of each section.
Our Presenters David Deal    Community IT Innovators  [email_address] Anna S. Jaeger TechSoup Global [email_address]
We are working toward a time when every nonprofit and social benefit organization on the planet has the technology resources and knowledge they need to operate at their full potential
TechSoup is an  integrated  offering of the Resources, Knowledge, and Connections that NPO ’ s need to effectively use technology to advance their work
Community IT Innovators … is a  technology partner  to nonprofits and social mission organizations, providing  trusted guidance  and  “just right” solutions  for IT and data challenges.  “ CITI” has a staff of 45 employee-owners who have served over 900 organizations since 1993.
Part 1:  “Green Software”  Software that  reduces the use of energy  and consumables by IT equipment.  Software that  enables practices  (e.g. teleworking) that reduce the impact of business/nonprofit operations on the environment.  Note : some of these are just good technologies, and their “green” potential is simply an additional benefit
ICT Emissions & Energy Consumption 2% 5%
Techies often look first to the  server room …
Key Technology:  Server Virtualization Energy reduction up to 82% Small & medium-sized NPO’s (<100 PCs) often virtualize 4-8 servers on 1 physical server Software: VMware, MS Hyper-V, Citrix, etc.
… BUT  workstations   present a  greater opportunity ! 3x the energy consumption of the server room Cut PC energy use up to 70%, save about $50 per desktop (NRDC) Free options for standalone PCs:  Built-in settings in Windows, Macs Verdiem Edison (downloadable) Options for networked PCs:  Faronics PowerSave Verdiem Surveyor
(Server-based) Desktop Virtualization Desktop virtualization makes energy savings possible by allowing the use of terminals instead of desktops or laptops Also, roaming access = travel reduction!
Utilizing Software to Green Operations Travel reduction Working with distributed teams Reduce paper consumption Online faxing Smart buildings Emissions tracking software
Software for Reducing Paper Consumption Provides a preview window in which you can deselect unneeded pages Makes the  duplexing  option more easily accessible Examples:  GreenPrint Fine Print
Travel Reduction Reduce  commuter  and  business  travel Travel contributes to 50% of CITI’s total emissions (even with 75% of travel done via public transit, biking, and walking!) Ingredients: Remote & mobile access to ICT resources - data, voice, video Numerous studies confirming moderate to significant positive environmental impact
Video Peer-to-peer, small groups: Skype  VuRoom add-on allows for group video Quality? Hosted, better for groups: WebEx (for up to 6 people)
Working with Distributed Teams Web conferencing:   GoToMeeting, WebEx, Ready Talk File sharing:  Box.net, Dropbox, Jungle Disk, Google Docs, BPOS/SharePoint Comprehensive  hosted apps:  Zoho, Google Apps, MS BPOS+Office Web Apps Extranets/project collaboration:  Basecamp, SharePoint
Key Takeaways for Green Software:  Easy  step:  Implement  desktop power management  software/settings with  Faronics PowerSave ,  Verdiem Surveyor , or the like More involved  step:  Look at ways to  reduce travel  through remote and mobile access to IT and communications resources Next time you upgrade  servers:  Replace with cloud applications, or consolidate servers using  virtualization  software
Part 2: Green Hardware Hardware that is designed to  minimize  the use of  toxic materials and energy . Hardware is now being rated on criteria like packaging, transport and design for reuse. In this category are also items that allow you to eliminate hardware like  hosted services .
Computers and other electronics are the fastest-growing (and among the least recycled) components of the waste stream All electronics devices with circuit boards contain toxic substances Two million tons of used electronics discarded yearly – only 18% of TVs and PCs are recycled, 10% of cell phones See TechSoup GreenTech’s  Hardware and Toxics Reduction pages Electronics Waste Stats Stats from the EPA
Shocking Stats – Law Berkeley Labs http://standby.lbl.gov/summary-table.html Major Drop Minor Drop Units are in watts Desktop Notebook LCD On 73.97 (idle) 29.48 (charged) 27.61  Sleep 21.13 15.77 1.38 Off 2.84 8.9 1.13
Green Hardware Stats A new ENERGY STAR compliant PC or laptop uses  15 to 25 percent less energy   on average than a standard new computer.  EPEAT: 23 eco-friendly criteria Refurbished: 50-70% of the lifetime energy consumption of a computer is used before it is ever turned on.  Thin-Clients: Energy reduction from 80-100W desktop or 20-40W laptop to 6-8W terminal
Procurement: Selecting greener hardware Refurbished Reduced Impact: Thin clients Eliminate hardware: Hosted Services
Energy Star Joint program between EPA & DOE provide   energy efficient products and practices Energy management can produce twice the    savings—both the bottom line and the    environment Caution: Program is voluntary & self-audited www.energystar.gov http://earth911.com/news/2010/04/08/fake-products-receive-energy-star-certification/
It is: a tool, an environmental standard, a rating system,  & a verification program System that helps purchasers evaluate, compare and select electronic products based on their environmental attributes www.epeat.net Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)
EPEAT EPEAT Criteria are known as (IEEE 1680) American National Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products Meets all 23 required criteria plus at least 75% of the optional criteria Meets all 23 required criteria plus at least 50% of the optional criteria Meets all 23 required criteria                                                                                            
EPEAT Poll Please raise your hands… Do your organizations already purchase EPEAT rated hardware?
Buying products made from recycled materials is a key step in supporting recycling programs and resource conservation. Resources are saved only when recycled products are purchased. This is referred to as  closing the loop .  Buy Recycled/Refurbished
Sources of Refurbished Computers Manufacturers like Dell and Apple National refurbishers like  RedemTech Local refurbishers like  Next Step Recycling in Eugene Oregon  Nonprofits and Libraries:  TechSoup.org Some advice:  Consumer Watch: Refurbished PCs--Sweet Deals or Lemons? http://www.pcworld.com/article/81966/consumer_watch_refurbished_pcssweet_deals_or_lemons.html
TSG: Refurbished Computer Initiative 17, 000 - # of product distributed (includes desktops, notebooks, and monitors) 6,050 - # of orgs served Green impact as a result of equipment reuse:  Enough energy saved to power 3,821 US households for an entire year  Greenhouse gas savings equivalency of removing 1,670 passenger cars off the road for a year  $2.1M – Approximate sector savings  5% - quality: issue rate rivaling that of brand new  equipment.
RCI Story: Village Northwest Unlimited, Sheldon, Iowa  “ We’re just tickled to get 23 donations since last November for our computer lab and other programs like our brain injury ‘Empathy Stations’ … To me it’s a win/win: it’s green, it’s recyclable, and very useable.”   –  Terry Ashland, Technology Coordinator The Village is an independent living residential center for 180 people ages 17-70 suffering from brain injuries, cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, and epilepsy.
Thin Clients Examples: N Computing  – terminal services PanoLogic  – proprietary software HP, Howard, Seneca -  Windows MultiPoint Server Software that enables thin clients Citrix XenDesktop
Hardware Consolidation Onsite: Virtualization Data Storage Needs Analysis (file servers/email) In the Cloud: IaaS: Infrastructure as a service PaaS: Platform as a service SaaS: Software as a Service Comparing Online vs. Traditional Office Software  Why Should Nonprofits Care About Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing “ One of the biggest opportunities for decreasing an organization’s power and equipment usage is through the use of hosted software.… This offers significant environmental advantages, and typically also simplifies IT administration. ”  David Deal in  Greening Your IT Through Your Software Choices
Cloud Computing Stats IDC forecasts that from 2009 through 2014 Worldwide IT product spending will grow at an annual rate of 5.0% Spending on  Cloud Services  will increase at an annual rate of  27%,  i.e., _very_ fast. Non-Cloud IT product spending will grow at an annual rate of 3.3%, i.e., positively, but slowly.  Source:  IDC’s Public IT Cloud Services Forecast: New Numbers, Same Disruptive Story
Examples of Cloud Providers Google – App Engine (PaaS) Amazon – EC2 and S3(IaaS) Microsoft – Azure (IaaS and PaaS) Caution:  Make IT Green: Cloud Computing and its Contribution to Climate Change
Eliminate the Need for Hardware Hosted services: Virtual PBX VoIP – potentially eliminate your phone Electronic fax services like MyFax and eFax Green Host for Websites
Questions for  Green Hosting Providers When selecting a provider, consider these items: $$:  most are comparable or better than traditional hosts   Ease of startup  Features Reliability  How green are they?  Do they buy carbon off-sets or power their operations with their own solar panels? Do they virtualize their servers? Are they certified by anyone? Lists of Green Web Hosts webhostinggeeks.com   TreeHugger  WebHostingReport.com  http://twitter.com/greenwebsites
Peripherals & Printing Smart Power Strips Timer Power Strips Kill-A-Watt Make sure to turn off unused equipment:  modems,  servers,  telecom equipment, hotel machines,  peripherals (power strip)  Multi-Function Devices : One machine for printer, copier, fax and scanner  Auto-Print Duplexing Ratio of printers to people - fewer larger devices rather than personal printers
Reduce Your Paper Use   Set defaults on office software,  double-sided printing  margins of  0.7 inches  all the way around print in Draft Mode
Green Practices Acquiring “green” hardware and software means little if you use them in an inefficient way.  How you use your IT Systems is just as important as which systems you use. Keep in mind that expecting people to change their habits will lead to frustration. Instead set up automated solutions.
eWaste – Keeping it Useful TechSoup:  Extend the life of your hardware   http://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/hardware/page12265.cfm Planet Green:  Extend Your PC's Life With A Tune-Up http://planetgreen.discovery.com/tech-transport/extend-pc-years.html eHow:  How to Extend Your Computer's Life http://www.ehow.com/how_4714203_extend-computers-life.html
Plug-in to eCycling - Donating www.epa.gov/plugin Info on how to prepare and donate your computer for reuse
Safe Hardware Disposal Use manufacturers’ take back programs.  http://www.computertakeback.com/corporate/who_takes_back.htm http://www.electronicstakeback.com/recycling/find_a_responsible_recycler.htm
Finding Responsible Recyclers http://search.earth911.com/?what=Computer+Recycling http://e-stewards.org/find-a-recycler/
More Info Questions? www.techsoup.org/greentech
Conclusion Going green doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend more money. It can often save money.  Changing the situation is easier than changing behaviors.  Use greener software, buy greener hardware and set up defaults to automatically stop waste rather than asking your staff to change.  Talk with your board, staff, volunteers and/or consultants. Decide which is the best first step for your organization. Spread the word
Thank you! David Deal    Community IT Innovators  [email_address] www.citidc.com   Anna S. Jaeger TechSoup Global [email_address] www.techsoup.org

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WWT 2010: Greening Your IT

  • 1. Green IT Need Help? Call ReadyTalk Support at 1-800-843-9166 PANELISTS: Dave Deal, Community IT Innovators Anna Jaeger, TechSoup MODERATOR: Ann Yoders An Introduction to Green Software & Green Hardware Powered by:
  • 2. For phone audio, please dial: 800-920-2997 (toll-free) 212-231-2907 (toll number)
  • 3. A little housekeeping: The webinar will be recorded. A link to the recording and the slides from today’s presentation will be emailed to you later today. A post-webinar survey will open when you close out of the webinar, please help us better our programming by completing it. Phones will be muted.
  • 4. Stay engaged! Please ask questions and comment by: Typing in the chat box. We’ll respond via chat or over the phone when appropriate. If it is information to share with the whole audience, we’ll chat it to everyone.
  • 5. Green IT: An Introduction to Green Software and Green Hardware Overview of Green IT Software (Part 1) and Hardware (Part 2) : Types of software and hardware you’ll want to know about to green your IT The Learning Objective: Experience and learn about a wide array of green technology options
  • 6. Please Chat in Questions As we go along, please feel free to chat in questions. The moderators will have a chance to ask them at the end of each section.
  • 7. Our Presenters David Deal Community IT Innovators [email_address] Anna S. Jaeger TechSoup Global [email_address]
  • 8. We are working toward a time when every nonprofit and social benefit organization on the planet has the technology resources and knowledge they need to operate at their full potential
  • 9. TechSoup is an integrated offering of the Resources, Knowledge, and Connections that NPO ’ s need to effectively use technology to advance their work
  • 10. Community IT Innovators … is a technology partner to nonprofits and social mission organizations, providing trusted guidance and “just right” solutions for IT and data challenges. “ CITI” has a staff of 45 employee-owners who have served over 900 organizations since 1993.
  • 11. Part 1: “Green Software” Software that reduces the use of energy and consumables by IT equipment. Software that enables practices (e.g. teleworking) that reduce the impact of business/nonprofit operations on the environment. Note : some of these are just good technologies, and their “green” potential is simply an additional benefit
  • 12. ICT Emissions & Energy Consumption 2% 5%
  • 13. Techies often look first to the server room …
  • 14. Key Technology: Server Virtualization Energy reduction up to 82% Small & medium-sized NPO’s (<100 PCs) often virtualize 4-8 servers on 1 physical server Software: VMware, MS Hyper-V, Citrix, etc.
  • 16. … BUT workstations present a greater opportunity ! 3x the energy consumption of the server room Cut PC energy use up to 70%, save about $50 per desktop (NRDC) Free options for standalone PCs: Built-in settings in Windows, Macs Verdiem Edison (downloadable) Options for networked PCs: Faronics PowerSave Verdiem Surveyor
  • 17. (Server-based) Desktop Virtualization Desktop virtualization makes energy savings possible by allowing the use of terminals instead of desktops or laptops Also, roaming access = travel reduction!
  • 18. Utilizing Software to Green Operations Travel reduction Working with distributed teams Reduce paper consumption Online faxing Smart buildings Emissions tracking software
  • 19. Software for Reducing Paper Consumption Provides a preview window in which you can deselect unneeded pages Makes the duplexing option more easily accessible Examples: GreenPrint Fine Print
  • 20. Travel Reduction Reduce commuter and business travel Travel contributes to 50% of CITI’s total emissions (even with 75% of travel done via public transit, biking, and walking!) Ingredients: Remote & mobile access to ICT resources - data, voice, video Numerous studies confirming moderate to significant positive environmental impact
  • 21. Video Peer-to-peer, small groups: Skype VuRoom add-on allows for group video Quality? Hosted, better for groups: WebEx (for up to 6 people)
  • 22. Working with Distributed Teams Web conferencing: GoToMeeting, WebEx, Ready Talk File sharing: Box.net, Dropbox, Jungle Disk, Google Docs, BPOS/SharePoint Comprehensive hosted apps: Zoho, Google Apps, MS BPOS+Office Web Apps Extranets/project collaboration: Basecamp, SharePoint
  • 23. Key Takeaways for Green Software: Easy step: Implement desktop power management software/settings with Faronics PowerSave , Verdiem Surveyor , or the like More involved step: Look at ways to reduce travel through remote and mobile access to IT and communications resources Next time you upgrade servers: Replace with cloud applications, or consolidate servers using virtualization software
  • 25. Part 2: Green Hardware Hardware that is designed to minimize the use of toxic materials and energy . Hardware is now being rated on criteria like packaging, transport and design for reuse. In this category are also items that allow you to eliminate hardware like hosted services .
  • 26. Computers and other electronics are the fastest-growing (and among the least recycled) components of the waste stream All electronics devices with circuit boards contain toxic substances Two million tons of used electronics discarded yearly – only 18% of TVs and PCs are recycled, 10% of cell phones See TechSoup GreenTech’s Hardware and Toxics Reduction pages Electronics Waste Stats Stats from the EPA
  • 27. Shocking Stats – Law Berkeley Labs http://standby.lbl.gov/summary-table.html Major Drop Minor Drop Units are in watts Desktop Notebook LCD On 73.97 (idle) 29.48 (charged) 27.61 Sleep 21.13 15.77 1.38 Off 2.84 8.9 1.13
  • 28. Green Hardware Stats A new ENERGY STAR compliant PC or laptop uses 15 to 25 percent less energy on average than a standard new computer. EPEAT: 23 eco-friendly criteria Refurbished: 50-70% of the lifetime energy consumption of a computer is used before it is ever turned on. Thin-Clients: Energy reduction from 80-100W desktop or 20-40W laptop to 6-8W terminal
  • 29. Procurement: Selecting greener hardware Refurbished Reduced Impact: Thin clients Eliminate hardware: Hosted Services
  • 30. Energy Star Joint program between EPA & DOE provide energy efficient products and practices Energy management can produce twice the savings—both the bottom line and the environment Caution: Program is voluntary & self-audited www.energystar.gov http://earth911.com/news/2010/04/08/fake-products-receive-energy-star-certification/
  • 31. It is: a tool, an environmental standard, a rating system, & a verification program System that helps purchasers evaluate, compare and select electronic products based on their environmental attributes www.epeat.net Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)
  • 32. EPEAT EPEAT Criteria are known as (IEEE 1680) American National Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products Meets all 23 required criteria plus at least 75% of the optional criteria Meets all 23 required criteria plus at least 50% of the optional criteria Meets all 23 required criteria                                                                                          
  • 33.  
  • 34.  
  • 35. EPEAT Poll Please raise your hands… Do your organizations already purchase EPEAT rated hardware?
  • 36. Buying products made from recycled materials is a key step in supporting recycling programs and resource conservation. Resources are saved only when recycled products are purchased. This is referred to as closing the loop . Buy Recycled/Refurbished
  • 37. Sources of Refurbished Computers Manufacturers like Dell and Apple National refurbishers like RedemTech Local refurbishers like Next Step Recycling in Eugene Oregon Nonprofits and Libraries: TechSoup.org Some advice: Consumer Watch: Refurbished PCs--Sweet Deals or Lemons? http://www.pcworld.com/article/81966/consumer_watch_refurbished_pcssweet_deals_or_lemons.html
  • 38. TSG: Refurbished Computer Initiative 17, 000 - # of product distributed (includes desktops, notebooks, and monitors) 6,050 - # of orgs served Green impact as a result of equipment reuse: Enough energy saved to power 3,821 US households for an entire year Greenhouse gas savings equivalency of removing 1,670 passenger cars off the road for a year $2.1M – Approximate sector savings 5% - quality: issue rate rivaling that of brand new equipment.
  • 39. RCI Story: Village Northwest Unlimited, Sheldon, Iowa “ We’re just tickled to get 23 donations since last November for our computer lab and other programs like our brain injury ‘Empathy Stations’ … To me it’s a win/win: it’s green, it’s recyclable, and very useable.” – Terry Ashland, Technology Coordinator The Village is an independent living residential center for 180 people ages 17-70 suffering from brain injuries, cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, and epilepsy.
  • 40. Thin Clients Examples: N Computing – terminal services PanoLogic – proprietary software HP, Howard, Seneca - Windows MultiPoint Server Software that enables thin clients Citrix XenDesktop
  • 41. Hardware Consolidation Onsite: Virtualization Data Storage Needs Analysis (file servers/email) In the Cloud: IaaS: Infrastructure as a service PaaS: Platform as a service SaaS: Software as a Service Comparing Online vs. Traditional Office Software Why Should Nonprofits Care About Cloud Computing?
  • 42. Cloud Computing “ One of the biggest opportunities for decreasing an organization’s power and equipment usage is through the use of hosted software.… This offers significant environmental advantages, and typically also simplifies IT administration. ” David Deal in Greening Your IT Through Your Software Choices
  • 43. Cloud Computing Stats IDC forecasts that from 2009 through 2014 Worldwide IT product spending will grow at an annual rate of 5.0% Spending on Cloud Services will increase at an annual rate of 27%, i.e., _very_ fast. Non-Cloud IT product spending will grow at an annual rate of 3.3%, i.e., positively, but slowly. Source: IDC’s Public IT Cloud Services Forecast: New Numbers, Same Disruptive Story
  • 44. Examples of Cloud Providers Google – App Engine (PaaS) Amazon – EC2 and S3(IaaS) Microsoft – Azure (IaaS and PaaS) Caution: Make IT Green: Cloud Computing and its Contribution to Climate Change
  • 45. Eliminate the Need for Hardware Hosted services: Virtual PBX VoIP – potentially eliminate your phone Electronic fax services like MyFax and eFax Green Host for Websites
  • 46. Questions for Green Hosting Providers When selecting a provider, consider these items: $$: most are comparable or better than traditional hosts Ease of startup Features Reliability How green are they? Do they buy carbon off-sets or power their operations with their own solar panels? Do they virtualize their servers? Are they certified by anyone? Lists of Green Web Hosts webhostinggeeks.com TreeHugger WebHostingReport.com http://twitter.com/greenwebsites
  • 47. Peripherals & Printing Smart Power Strips Timer Power Strips Kill-A-Watt Make sure to turn off unused equipment: modems, servers, telecom equipment, hotel machines, peripherals (power strip) Multi-Function Devices : One machine for printer, copier, fax and scanner Auto-Print Duplexing Ratio of printers to people - fewer larger devices rather than personal printers
  • 48. Reduce Your Paper Use Set defaults on office software, double-sided printing margins of 0.7 inches all the way around print in Draft Mode
  • 49. Green Practices Acquiring “green” hardware and software means little if you use them in an inefficient way. How you use your IT Systems is just as important as which systems you use. Keep in mind that expecting people to change their habits will lead to frustration. Instead set up automated solutions.
  • 50. eWaste – Keeping it Useful TechSoup: Extend the life of your hardware http://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/hardware/page12265.cfm Planet Green: Extend Your PC's Life With A Tune-Up http://planetgreen.discovery.com/tech-transport/extend-pc-years.html eHow: How to Extend Your Computer's Life http://www.ehow.com/how_4714203_extend-computers-life.html
  • 51. Plug-in to eCycling - Donating www.epa.gov/plugin Info on how to prepare and donate your computer for reuse
  • 52. Safe Hardware Disposal Use manufacturers’ take back programs. http://www.computertakeback.com/corporate/who_takes_back.htm http://www.electronicstakeback.com/recycling/find_a_responsible_recycler.htm
  • 53. Finding Responsible Recyclers http://search.earth911.com/?what=Computer+Recycling http://e-stewards.org/find-a-recycler/
  • 54. More Info Questions? www.techsoup.org/greentech
  • 55. Conclusion Going green doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend more money. It can often save money. Changing the situation is easier than changing behaviors. Use greener software, buy greener hardware and set up defaults to automatically stop waste rather than asking your staff to change. Talk with your board, staff, volunteers and/or consultants. Decide which is the best first step for your organization. Spread the word
  • 56. Thank you! David Deal Community IT Innovators [email_address] www.citidc.com Anna S. Jaeger TechSoup Global [email_address] www.techsoup.org