While technology is often seen as a teaching tool, its overuse can potentially cause physical problems like neck, back, eye strain and loss of manual dexterity over time. As technology advances rapidly and its use becomes more pervasive, humans must find ways to reduce its negative impacts such as getting children to slow down usage and preventing problems from becoming severe through avoidance and moderation of screen time.
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Regarding people see it as harmful but as.docx
1. Regarding technology, people don’t see it as harmful but as
Regarding technology, people don’t see it as harmful but as a teaching tool. What humans
need to know is that technology can help or potentially increase more problems in the
future for their neck, back, thumbs, hands, and even eyesight. They can also lose how to get
resources. How could humans fix this problem before it becomes a severe problem? How
can you get your children to stop or slow down on technology? What can humankind do to
prevent problems in the future or try to decrease them before they start or before the
problems get worse? There is always a way to reduce technology suffering. Technology
came about in the 1960s but wasn’t what people see it as it is today, according to Thomas
Jefferson University (2016). When technology starts affecting humanity in a way that will
harm humankind will think more about their bodies and what could and would happen if
they don’t react to the problem in avoidance. Technology is a problem that will affect the
human race on their bodies, and