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Discussion:Senior Project Progress
Discussion:Senior Project Progress ON Discussion:Senior Project ProgressComplete a two
to three page (excluding title and reference pages) report on the progress you have made to
date on your Senior Project. You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources. Your
report, and any citations used, must be in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing
Center. Your progress report should cover the following:Topic: Identify the topic that you
have selected for your Senior Project and provide a brief explanation for why you have
chosen to address this topic *This may be copied from the Week Two assignment if
evaluated as Distinguished Performance. Otherwise, make adjustments per Week Two
feedback.Organization Specific Rationale: Provide a brief overview of the health care
organization that you have selected for your Senior Project including a summary of the
challenges and/or opportunities impacting the balance between health care costs, quality,
and access to services that the organization is currently facing. The challenges and/or
opportunities should directly relate to your rationale for why you have chosen your topic
(i.e., training program) to help the organizational leaders manage this
challenge/opportunity. Challenges and/or opportunities should be grounded in the
research (e.g., web-based resources, electronic articles, or personal interviews). The more
informed you are, the better prepared you will be to complete your Senior Project.
Discussion:Senior Project ProgressTraining: Identify the audience for your training
program and provide a brief outline of the topics it will address. Include a minimum of three
to five learning outcomes that are targeted for your identified audience. Specifically, what
do you want your audience to know and/or be able to do after they have completed
training? How does this training program align with the overall challenges and/or
opportunities that the organization is facing? Overall, how will the training program benefit
the organization?*attachments will provide the topic and the project up to this
point*Challenges of Employee Recruitment and Retention for Health Care Professionals
Jennifer Hopes Ashford University: HCA 459 Senior Project Vicki Sowle August 12, 2016
Nursing workforce, Shortage of primary care physicians, staff turnover, retention, and
Staffing patterns ? Specialized Care Facilities ? ? ? ? ? Growth in the nursing workforce
Extensive research in the field of nursing Educational standards in Nursing Licensing of
nursing workforce New clinical conditions ? Management of diversity in disease and illness
assessment ? Fresh approach to care ? ? Low recruitment costs Effective communication.
Discussion:Senior Project Progress? Talent Management ? Sustaining an engaged workforce
Shortage of primary care physicians require extensive recruitment of specialist physicians
(ADPH (2016)) ? Healthcare reforms like ACA and federal security acts put more
regulations on healthcare and recruitment procedures has become more complicated ?
Demand for primary healthcare physician has increased ? Rural areas have low population
and low incentives ? ? ? ? ? Large scale retirement Competition Poor feedback Lack of
appreciation and communication ? ? ? ? ? Demographic differences Low Incentives Lack of
mentoring Poor organizational culture Lack of motivation ? ? ? ? ? High quality of care
Increase in patient satisfaction Lower Costs Increased revenues Increased Access to care ? ?
Although, the nursing workforce has seen significant increase in hiring of new class but
overall, there is a shortage of primary care physicians in the healthcare industry. The
technological advancements, mixing of cultures, high turnover rates, and retention issues
have raised concerns for the healthcare professionals and in order to address these issues
to ensure efficiency and quality of healthcare. The decreased number of primary care
physicians will reduce the quality of care and patient care will be of poor quality.
Discussion:Senior Project Progress? ? ? Jones and Bartlett (n, d.), Chapter 1: The Changing
Scene: Organizational Adaptation and Survival, page: 1-5 HRSA (2016), U.S Department of
Health and Human Services, “The U.S. Nursing Workforce: Trends in Supply and Education”,
(WEB) Retrieved from: http://bhpr.hrsa.gov/healthworkforce/supplyde
mand/nursing/nursingworkforce/ ADPH (2016), “Challenges Recruiting and Retaining
Healthcare Providers”, (WEB) Retrieved from:
http://www.adph.org/ruralhealth/assets/Recruiti ngandRetainingHealthcareProviders.pdf
Running Head: HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS Health Care Professionals Jennifer Hopes
Vicki Sowle Ashford University: HCA 459: Senior Project August 18, 2016 HEALTH CARE
PROFESSIONALS 2 Introduction The selected topic is on the recruitment and retaining of
health care professionals.The reason for the selection of this topic is due to the fact that
there are many registered nurses in the nation today as well as an increase in the number of
licensed nurses. This research is due to the statistics seen throughout the research whereby
the rates at which the increase in the nursing population is active then there is bound to be
difficulty in securing jobs in the nursing department. This is important to the health care
administration within the organization to be able to know how to retain the existing nurses
within the institution and balance the recruitment of more care givers in the organization
(Armstrong, 2015). Scope The scope of the senior project is the primary care physicians and
the department of recruitment where the nurses are referred and recruited from (Gerwing,
2013). The importance of this department is because they play a big role in the maintenance
and the payment of the employees. The demand for primary healthcare services seem to be
on the increase and therefore valid for the target scope. The rural areas also have very few
care givers in the primary care sector and therefore the increase in the need to check on the
recruitment of the necessary physicians and the retaining of the physicians especially in the
areas where they are least and more is expected from the recruitment of the nurses. There
is evidence of large amounts of physicians who retire early, there is however massive
competition in relation to the large number of people who work on these missed spaces
during retirement.There is also competition that is very wide for the desired scope. Most
physicians located in the urban areas enjoy better working facilities and actual working
space compared to those in rural areas (Armstrong, 2015). This factor contributes to the
fact that there HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS 3 is need for the government to ensure that
the resources reach all hospitals including those that are in the rural areas so as to help the
care providers to carry out their duties easily and better. Discussion There is an evident
need for physicians in an everyday basis. It is however up to various institutions to ensure
that their care givers offer the required attention to the industry. The retention of care
givers and the need for recruitment of more physicians has increased over the years. This
makes the growth of the physicians in the market relevant since they are required and
needed. The expansion in the industry helps the efficiency and enables quality health care to
take place. The benefits of having many care givers is that there is quality care given owing
to the fact that there is easy replacement once one goes against the rules of their duties in
their work (Armstrong, 2015).On the other hand the disadvantage is that the physicians live
in fear of retrenchment of replacement with new staff. Conclusion In conclusion, the cost of
each and every patient and care given to the patients depends of the services rendered. It is
therefore in the best interest of the industry to ensure that there is quality services
rendered to the patients (Gerwing, 2013). Lack of care givers in some areas such as the
rural grounds is not a fair play to the society. This is where the stakeholders should come in
to ensure that all areas acquire health services with the required equipment. It is also
relevant to ensure that the physicians who are recruited are qualified and can offer services
that are acceptable and yield positive results to the stakeholders. These include the patients,
the management and other individual who ultimately benefits from the success of the care
given in the health institution (Gerwing, 2013). HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS 4
References Armstrong, N. (2015). Serious but not solemn: Rebalancing the assessment of
risks and benefits of patient recruitment materials. Research Ethics, 2-17. Gerwing, B.
(2013). Health outcomes, education, healthcare delivery and quality – 3048. From uterus to
university: Recruitment and retention of a primary prevention birth cohort. Biomed central,
12-25. …Purchase answer to see full attachment

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  • 1. Discussion:Senior Project Progress Discussion:Senior Project Progress ON Discussion:Senior Project ProgressComplete a two to three page (excluding title and reference pages) report on the progress you have made to date on your Senior Project. You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources. Your report, and any citations used, must be in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your progress report should cover the following:Topic: Identify the topic that you have selected for your Senior Project and provide a brief explanation for why you have chosen to address this topic *This may be copied from the Week Two assignment if evaluated as Distinguished Performance. Otherwise, make adjustments per Week Two feedback.Organization Specific Rationale: Provide a brief overview of the health care organization that you have selected for your Senior Project including a summary of the challenges and/or opportunities impacting the balance between health care costs, quality, and access to services that the organization is currently facing. The challenges and/or opportunities should directly relate to your rationale for why you have chosen your topic (i.e., training program) to help the organizational leaders manage this challenge/opportunity. Challenges and/or opportunities should be grounded in the research (e.g., web-based resources, electronic articles, or personal interviews). The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be to complete your Senior Project. Discussion:Senior Project ProgressTraining: Identify the audience for your training program and provide a brief outline of the topics it will address. Include a minimum of three to five learning outcomes that are targeted for your identified audience. Specifically, what do you want your audience to know and/or be able to do after they have completed training? How does this training program align with the overall challenges and/or opportunities that the organization is facing? Overall, how will the training program benefit the organization?*attachments will provide the topic and the project up to this point*Challenges of Employee Recruitment and Retention for Health Care Professionals Jennifer Hopes Ashford University: HCA 459 Senior Project Vicki Sowle August 12, 2016 Nursing workforce, Shortage of primary care physicians, staff turnover, retention, and Staffing patterns ? Specialized Care Facilities ? ? ? ? ? Growth in the nursing workforce Extensive research in the field of nursing Educational standards in Nursing Licensing of nursing workforce New clinical conditions ? Management of diversity in disease and illness assessment ? Fresh approach to care ? ? Low recruitment costs Effective communication. Discussion:Senior Project Progress? Talent Management ? Sustaining an engaged workforce Shortage of primary care physicians require extensive recruitment of specialist physicians
  • 2. (ADPH (2016)) ? Healthcare reforms like ACA and federal security acts put more regulations on healthcare and recruitment procedures has become more complicated ? Demand for primary healthcare physician has increased ? Rural areas have low population and low incentives ? ? ? ? ? Large scale retirement Competition Poor feedback Lack of appreciation and communication ? ? ? ? ? Demographic differences Low Incentives Lack of mentoring Poor organizational culture Lack of motivation ? ? ? ? ? High quality of care Increase in patient satisfaction Lower Costs Increased revenues Increased Access to care ? ? Although, the nursing workforce has seen significant increase in hiring of new class but overall, there is a shortage of primary care physicians in the healthcare industry. The technological advancements, mixing of cultures, high turnover rates, and retention issues have raised concerns for the healthcare professionals and in order to address these issues to ensure efficiency and quality of healthcare. The decreased number of primary care physicians will reduce the quality of care and patient care will be of poor quality. Discussion:Senior Project Progress? ? ? Jones and Bartlett (n, d.), Chapter 1: The Changing Scene: Organizational Adaptation and Survival, page: 1-5 HRSA (2016), U.S Department of Health and Human Services, “The U.S. Nursing Workforce: Trends in Supply and Education”, (WEB) Retrieved from: http://bhpr.hrsa.gov/healthworkforce/supplyde mand/nursing/nursingworkforce/ ADPH (2016), “Challenges Recruiting and Retaining Healthcare Providers”, (WEB) Retrieved from: http://www.adph.org/ruralhealth/assets/Recruiti ngandRetainingHealthcareProviders.pdf Running Head: HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS Health Care Professionals Jennifer Hopes Vicki Sowle Ashford University: HCA 459: Senior Project August 18, 2016 HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS 2 Introduction The selected topic is on the recruitment and retaining of health care professionals.The reason for the selection of this topic is due to the fact that there are many registered nurses in the nation today as well as an increase in the number of licensed nurses. This research is due to the statistics seen throughout the research whereby the rates at which the increase in the nursing population is active then there is bound to be difficulty in securing jobs in the nursing department. This is important to the health care administration within the organization to be able to know how to retain the existing nurses within the institution and balance the recruitment of more care givers in the organization (Armstrong, 2015). Scope The scope of the senior project is the primary care physicians and the department of recruitment where the nurses are referred and recruited from (Gerwing, 2013). The importance of this department is because they play a big role in the maintenance and the payment of the employees. The demand for primary healthcare services seem to be on the increase and therefore valid for the target scope. The rural areas also have very few care givers in the primary care sector and therefore the increase in the need to check on the recruitment of the necessary physicians and the retaining of the physicians especially in the areas where they are least and more is expected from the recruitment of the nurses. There is evidence of large amounts of physicians who retire early, there is however massive competition in relation to the large number of people who work on these missed spaces during retirement.There is also competition that is very wide for the desired scope. Most physicians located in the urban areas enjoy better working facilities and actual working space compared to those in rural areas (Armstrong, 2015). This factor contributes to the
  • 3. fact that there HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS 3 is need for the government to ensure that the resources reach all hospitals including those that are in the rural areas so as to help the care providers to carry out their duties easily and better. Discussion There is an evident need for physicians in an everyday basis. It is however up to various institutions to ensure that their care givers offer the required attention to the industry. The retention of care givers and the need for recruitment of more physicians has increased over the years. This makes the growth of the physicians in the market relevant since they are required and needed. The expansion in the industry helps the efficiency and enables quality health care to take place. The benefits of having many care givers is that there is quality care given owing to the fact that there is easy replacement once one goes against the rules of their duties in their work (Armstrong, 2015).On the other hand the disadvantage is that the physicians live in fear of retrenchment of replacement with new staff. Conclusion In conclusion, the cost of each and every patient and care given to the patients depends of the services rendered. It is therefore in the best interest of the industry to ensure that there is quality services rendered to the patients (Gerwing, 2013). Lack of care givers in some areas such as the rural grounds is not a fair play to the society. This is where the stakeholders should come in to ensure that all areas acquire health services with the required equipment. It is also relevant to ensure that the physicians who are recruited are qualified and can offer services that are acceptable and yield positive results to the stakeholders. These include the patients, the management and other individual who ultimately benefits from the success of the care given in the health institution (Gerwing, 2013). HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS 4 References Armstrong, N. (2015). Serious but not solemn: Rebalancing the assessment of risks and benefits of patient recruitment materials. Research Ethics, 2-17. Gerwing, B. (2013). Health outcomes, education, healthcare delivery and quality – 3048. From uterus to university: Recruitment and retention of a primary prevention birth cohort. Biomed central, 12-25. …Purchase answer to see full attachment