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Submitted By: Zafar Ahmad
Roll # L – 519679
Reg. # 99–PMN–0978
Department of Business Administration
Allama Iqbal Open University, H – 8, Islamabad
Session 2002 – 04
Internship Report
IT Support to MIS
Human Development Support Unit
National Commission for Human Development
Rahim Yar Khan
Submitted By: Zafar Ahmad
Roll # L – 519679
Reg. # 99–PMN–0978
Department of Business Administration
Allama Iqbal Open University, H – 8, Islamabad
Session 2002 – 04
This report reflects personal experiences based on the level of interpersonal
communication, interaction with the personnel, coordination level and information
shared & perceived. There is always room for improvement. However, it is not
necessary for the reader to agree with the contents, findings/conclusions and
areas of improvement as identified therein.
ADPO Assistant District Program Officer
AIOU Allama Iqbal Open University
ALCs Adult Literacy Centres
AMO Assistant Media Officer
CSOs Civil Society Organizations
DDPO Deputy District Program Officer
DITO District Information Technology Officer
DPO District Program Officer
F&A Finance & Administration
FAO Finance & Administration Officer
FIS Finance Information System
FS Feeder School
FT Feeder Teacher
HDSU Human Development Support Unit
HMIS Health Management Information System
HR-MIS Human Resource Management Information System
IT Information Technology
LC Literacy Coordinator
M&E Monitoring & Evaluation
MC Markaz Coordinator
MIS Management Information System
MPR Monthly Progress Report
NCHD National Commission for Human Development
NGO Non Governmental Organization
PHDF Pakistan Human Development Fund
PMIS Personnel Management Information System
SCM Social Community Mobilizer
SO Social Organizer
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
TOR Terms Of Responsibility
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UPE Universal Primary Education
VCD Volunteerism & Community Development
To go for internship training, I moved my C.V. on 10-02-2005 to the Chairman – National
Commission for Human Development, Islamabad with the request to provide me an
opportunity to get hands on experience as internee for a period of 8 – weeks with NCHD.
In response to my application, I was called for interview on 21-02-2005 at HDSU, Rahim
Yar Khan. Finally, the General Manager, HDSU – NCHD, R.Y.Khan honoured my
request and consented for a stipend free internship in IT Section therein. Image of consent
message is produced hereunder: -
Meanwhile, I managed to get recommendation letter issued by the Regional Director –
AIOU, Regional Campus, Multan in this regard. With such support vide letter # 4271/MN
dated 16-03-2005 (copy of same is produced hereunder), I submitted my joining report on
18-04-2005 for internship training at HDSU – NCHD, Rahim Yar Khan.
Thus I got authorization for internship training as practical component in the way to meet
with the requirement to qualify for MBA-IT degree under MBA program by Allama Iqbal
Open University, Islamabad.
First of all, I am very grateful to Almighty Allah Who provided me strength and made
capable of doing internship training and summarize the proceedings in the form of report
to meet with the realistic interpretation of the matter. Obviously, I have nothing to do
without His blessings.
I certainly believe that skills and hidden abilities remain useless if no one is there to help
to bring these attributes at forefront and polish them in a fruitful manner. No doubt, the
teacher does it well. So my utmost thanks and gratitude to my beloved and Hon’ble
teachers in the entire program; and especially Ms. Tayyaba Naz, District IT Officer,
HDSU – NCHD, Rahim Yar Khan whose guidance make me so capable to complete the
task as it was planned. I am thankful to Mr. Gohar Khan Khattk, faculty member of AIOU
whose guidance made me capable to make changes accordingly.
With the blessings of beloved parents; we are successful in the entire length of career and
life. I have no words to thank to my beloved parents whose advice and guidance, love and
affection, and experience made me capable to distinguish between wrong and the right
path in my career development phases. Specially, I salute to the dignity of my mother due
to which I have been successful so for and also would love to seek her guidance at step-
by-step during the remaining course of life. May Allah bless my parents a long life and
keep me joining their association in eternal!
Motivation and moral support play a vital role to do things consistently. Especially, I
would like to thank to Mr. Kashif-Ud-Din Siddiqui at IT Section, HDSU – NCHD,
R.Y.Khan who always encouraged me and extended his cooperation to come out of the
difficulties, as and when encountered during the course of training work.
From the core of my heart, my sincere thanks are due to Col. Muneef Malik, Senior
General Manager, NCHD, Islamabad (the then GM at HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan) who
provided me opportunity to take PEHLA QADAM towards NCHD to learn and
concentrate on training with good time management during the entire length of internship
program. It is because of him, I got the concept of this report on “IT Support to MIS” and
access to go through whole of the working cycle at HDSU. This helped me a lot in
understanding the procedural mechanism to put this in a form of the report. I really admire
and salute to him.
In the last, but not the least, it would be very unfair, if I leave this acknowledgement
without paying recognition to all NCHD people: Mr. Shakeel Mahmood Butt (FAO),
DPOs in program section(s) and their team members, Ms. Noureen, DDPO(E), Ms. Aasia
(HMIS), Ms. Sumaira Khalid in VCD, Mr. Shahid Nawaz in CB, Mr.Ishrat and Ms.
Shakeela from F&A, personnel in sub-areas(s) and others. I am highly thankfully to all of
them for extending their cooperation, support and logistics during the entire course of
work giving feel to me as their own team member.
May Allah be very kind to all of us!
Zafar Ahmad
National Commission for Human Development
Inception of the Organization:
In a view to Human Development Index of Pakistan and envisioned by the President
of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, a Task Force on Human Development was
established in June 2001. It was designed to find innovative solutions to improve and
fill implementation gaps in social service delivery at the grass-root level in the sector
of Education, Health and Poverty Alleviation. Having extensive research and selfless
efforts of social scientists, foundation of a National Level Development Agency was
laid in July 2002 under the Ordinance # XXIX of 2002 and named as National
Commission for Human Development (NCHD).
The Commission operates as an autonomous body under the flag of Federal
Government. NCHD aims at effective provision of social services. It perceives human
development as a process of enlarging choices, building capacities and encouraging
participation of communities at the grass-root level. To ensure this, NCHD is directed
towards supporting government line departments, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
and the local communities in the sectors of Education, Basic Health Care,
Volunteerism & Community Development and Income Generating activities
according to the commission objectives as dreamed at grass root level.
NCHD – Mission:
To promote Human Development by supporting Government line departments, non-
governmental organizations and elected officials at the district level in primary
education, literacy, income generating activities and provision of basic health
Scope under NCHD Operates:
The scope of NCHD emerges from the mandate of the commission as listed in the
clause 7 of the Ordinance as follows: -
a. Formulate, approve, manage, promote, enhance, implement, execute, monitor
and organize its support programmes and projects for assistance of the line
Ministries, Departments and agencies concerned, inter alia, for-
National Commission for Human Development
i. Capacity building, training, and enhancement of competency of
Governmental functionaries and line departments, and non-governmental
organizations working in the social sectors, especially under District
ii. Literacy and non-formal basic education programmes supported by skills
training programmes for income generating activities;
iii. Programmes to assist in universal primary education;
iv. Programmes to assist in primary health care;
v. Programmes to assist in alleviation of poverty
vi. National volunteer programme to assist in the social sectors.
b. Undertake research, studies and surveys to assess the needs and requirements
of an area for extending scope of its activities and disseminate information in
respect thereof;
c. Keep informed the Federal Government and respective Provincial
Governments and their District Administration of its programmes and projects
being carried out by it in performance of its functions;
d. Global resource mobilization including finances, intellectual expertise and
talent to assist in the social sectors; and
e. Perform such other function, as may be incidental or ancillary to the execution
of its programmes and projects.
NCHD – at a Glance:
Focusing on the above social sector development areas, NCHD identifies, and
consequently presents innovative and cost effective solutions to fill implementation
gaps, building the capacities of the involved agencies and stakeholders to effectively
address the issues hampering the process. Through extensive training programs and
capacity building workshops which cater to all the stakeholders involved in the
process, NCHD helps to ensure a lasting impact. These capacity building exercises are
targeted towards Government Line departments, CSOs and the community. Generally,
it has been observed that strategies are done but remain unimplemented for one reason
or the other; resultantly the social service delivery system suffers and development
projects can’t meet to its realistic interpretation. NCHD takes PEHLA QADAM to
work on an innovative approach – Incubation of government and non-government in
regard to service delivery system to bridge the implementation gap between strategy
and delivery. In order to put this approach in practice, a nationwide network of
National Commission for Human Development
Human Development Support Unit (HDSU) is placed in operation at district level.
Social services delivery is accomplished through HDSU in building the capacity and
competencies of lines departments and CSOs at the district level by imparting skills to
promote communication and knowledge sharing.
Today, NCHD has its operational projects in over forty-two districts across the
Pakistan, with aims of replicating the successes in the remaining districts of the
country. In order to carry out this dream in to its realistic interpretation – the
Commission shares financial resources from the fund known as the Pakistan Human
Development Fund (PHDF) & UNDP. The fund is used to support the human
development endeavors of NCHD in Pakistan. However, a strategy is followed to be a
doner agency in near futures for grass-root level project in social sector.
NCHD – in Action:
In regard to work areas identified as above, NCHD seems to be in action in different
programs of Education and Health in particular whereas on the move to create
National Volunteer Corps. Communication & Media Campaign and Global Resource
Mobilization programs are in also in operation. Here we have a brief on these
programs as an overview: -
i. Education Program:
This program is executed to assist the govt. in achieving 100% primary school
enrollment taking assistance from the CSOs. Under this program, schools are also
opened in the areas where no govt. school exists. Partially, this program facilitates to
beneficiaries to economically empowered towards poverty reduction i.e. improving
the employment rate.
Under this program, general beneficiaries are distributed into three categories of target
groups applying different sorts of treatment but with the one main objective to take
PEHLA QADAM towards raising literacy rate.
- Universal Primary Education Program (UPE) for 5 – 7 years old target groups
- Basic Literacy and Non-Formal Community Based Primary Projects for 8 – 14
year age group.
National Commission for Human Development
- Adult Literacy Program followed by a skill training focusing 15 – 39 years old
ii. Health Program:
As per guidelines under National Health Policy, the program emphasizes on Primary
Health Care Services to improve Infant & Mortality Rate and Population Growth
Rate. For the purpose, Family Worker Training, Community Midwifery and Health
Capacity Building projects (e.g. Training on ORS preparation underway)
iii. Promoting Volunteerism:
It is on credit of NCHD for taking first ever initiative to address this area to create
National Volunteer Corps (NVC). Under this program volunteers are taken into
account to utilize their skills and capabilities in the area of interest matched with the
programs of NCHD. Operations are done through Volunteerism & Community
Development Section(s) at HDSU level.
Besides this, in order to masses awareness and to develop behaviour necessary for
human development programs of NCHD, social marketing programs utilizing the
communication and media with the available technology are put into operations at
HDSU level through media personnel: Assistant Media Officer (AMO) as part of
supportive role to programs. Moreover, description on operations of each program
section(s) is given in the enclosed Fact Sheet(s) as per annexure.
Organizational Hierarchy:
CFO Sr. Director
Sr. Director
M & E
FAOPerformance Contract
National Commission for Human Development
Sections at HDSU level
Scope and Limitations of the Organization:
Hence having overview of the organization, we summarize that the scope of the
organization revolves round the efforts towards social sector development; providing
helping hand to govt. lines departments, ensuring to make the masses at grass root
level empowered to get and have access to the basic necessities of life (e.g. health,
education and livelihoods). This organization doesn’t operate on commercial or
industrial basis and not a doner agency at the end. In short, the commission attempts
to make Pakistani capable through knowledge with a vision to help them in accessing
social facilities leading to a happy, satisfied and prosperous life at the end.
Volunteerism &
Community Dev.
Finance & Admin
Rahim Yar Khan
Capacity Building
National Commission for Human Development
Judgement about performance during internship training and documentation of
experiences in the form of report is evident in the certificate issued by the competent
authority at HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan. The same is placed hereunder: -
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................................1
1. Purpose of Report..................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Scope of the Study........................................................................................................................3
1.2 Objectives of the Study ................................................................................................................4
2. Data Collection and Analysis ................................................................................................................5
2.1 Detail of Data................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Source Used..................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Importance and Cost of Data ......................................................................................................6
2.4 Requirement Analysis Tools ........................................................................................................6
2.5 Preliminary Requirement Analysis .............................................................................................7
2.6 Role and Participation .................................................................................................................9
2.7 SWOT Analysis ..............................................................................................................................9
2.8 System Design & Development.................................................................................................12
2.9 System Implementation.............................................................................................................13
2.10 System Evaluation......................................................................................................................14
3. Methods of Research........................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Self-Administered Survey...........................................................................................................16
3.2 Personal Interviews....................................................................................................................17
3.3 Observation.................................................................................................................................17
3.4 Research Methods used for the Report....................................................................................18
4. Current Issues ......................................................................................................................................19
5. Causes of Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 22
6. Effects after Analysis........................................................................................................................... 25
7. Problem Analysis .................................................................................................................................27
8. Result....................................................................................................................................................28
9. Solution Criteria ...................................................................................................................................30
10. Recommendations..........................................................................................................................33
11. Benefits............................................................................................................................................35
12. Weaknesses ....................................................................................................................................37
13. Suggestions for Improvements......................................................................................................38
14. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................40
Fact Sheet - A: Finance & Admin Section......................................................................................................i
A1. Data Flow Diagram..........................................................................................................................xii
A.1.1 Level 0 DFD............................................................................................................................xii
A.1.1 Level 1 DFD............................................................................................................................xii
A2. Entity – Relationship Diagram ......................................................................................................xiii
Fact Sheet - B: Information Technology Section .......................................................................................xiv
Fact Sheet - C: Education Section .............................................................................................................xvii
Fact Sheet - D: Health Section ..................................................................................................................xxvi
Fact Sheet - E: VCD Section .....................................................................................................................xxxv
a. Approved Work Plan
Executive Summary
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Executive Summary
National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) – The Wheel of Change and
Development is an organization with a people centered philosophy which is striving to
empower the people at the grass root level to become the agents of social change.
NCHD is a statutory autonomous federal body, mandated with the role of orchestrating
human development efforts in Pakistan. Its primary role is to build capacities and improve
services delivery in the social sector at the district level. Human Development Support
Unit is put as key operational unit for delivery of services in lines with the NCHD focused
areas of Education, Health, Capacity Building and Volunteerism & Community
The HDSU at Rahim Yar Khan has distinction among other HDSUs to the extent of
covering the largest target district under NCHD operations. Since its commencement of
operations; under Universal Primary Education (UPE) Project, baseline data of 556,376
households has been collected and analyzed with 242,304 children identified as out of
school and decreasing this figure through enrollment of 167,232 children subsequently.
Besides this, 4,691 adults were focused in 165 Adult Literacy Centres (ALCs) and
provided education through 268 teachers. In result of all this efforts 86% enrollment is
achieved but experienced 50% dropout (on over all estimation). UPE-MIS is need of the
day to address the issue in concern and meeting objectives in letter and spirit. Besides this,
IT support is also required in developing short applications on the areas, which are not
covered under UPE-MIS Scope.
No one can deny the importance and contribution of Information Technology products in
every sphere of life and inevitable inputs towards sustainable development especially in
social sector services delivery at very grass root level. In meeting with the objectives set
by NCHD. Its IT Department is at fore front to contribute its share to facilitate the
program sections at grassroots level. Still there is a long way to go. IT Department has to
enhance its support to the program sections in the end. A lot of work has been done in a
dream to launch first ever MIS on UPE soon at least to equip the Education Section with
the list of upcoming enrollable children well before the start of their turn with the dream to
utilize this system over the large geographical area. In order to support: Admin and
Executive Summary
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Finance Section, IT Department has contributed so nicely. MIS on Finance is already put
in operations following the steps in performance of financial activities smoothly,
minimizing the chances of errors, and to hold the responsible accountable for effective
utilization of resources. Following to this, HR – MIS is on paper to strengthen the Human
Resource Activities.
However, in the present circumstances, IT Section at HDSU level may provide its support
in terms of training especially on office application tools particularly to staff in different
sections desperately needed to perform their assignments with effective use of IT
resources in terms of cost and time. Moreover, short applications preferably using MS-
ACCESS may be developed by IT Section recognizing the need of program sections even
the above mentioned MIS will be in operation in different sections.
IT Section should take a step ahead helping program section(s) in recognition of their need
assessment to provide IT Solution at their door step. We feel coordination level on part of
IT Section needs to be improved giving feel to program sections a helping hand rather
creating obstacles for them in meeting day-to-day requirements. Computer Use Policy
should be enforced in order to minimize frequent trouble shooting activities and effective
use of IT Resources.
Purpose of Report
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
1. Purpose of Report
Obviously one of the main reason to prepare this report is associated with the final target
i.e. to qualify for MBA – IT degree under MBA program by Allama Iqbal Open
University, Islamabad. After having completed 20 courses under the program, every
student has to undergo for internship training minimum for a period of 6 week to get hands
on experience through practical exposure in some organization and finally put it in the
form of a report. Here this task is taken after completing 23 courses successfully scoring
73.42% marks in five consecutive semesters with the development of a project “Track and
Trace System” of PHS – Department, Regional Office, State Life Insurance Corporation
of Pakistan, Multan with the project report in final semester for specialization in IT.
For internship purpose, the organization – an autonomous body at federal level named as
“National Commission for Human Development” is picked for study on many reasons but
its Human Development specialty is the prime one. As the Commission has its operational
units in scattered parts of the country; so difficult to visit all of these units and even
operational areas in a specific unit to address all ongoing activities therein. Here, in this
report, the one of operational unit at Rahim Yar Khan given the name “Human
Development Support Unit” (HDSU) is focused.
1.1 Scope of the Study
After having focused the operations of HDSU at Rahim Yar Khan; it is revealed that there
is a mix of operations like finance & administration in general and supporting operations
of IT Section to different set of programs undertaken separately by other sections: Health,
Education, Volunteerism & Community Development, Capacity Building in particular.
Hence to limit the scope of the study and concentrating on one area with respect to the
degree program (MBA-IT); here we take the focus on IT Section and examine the nature
of support this section has extended to strengthen the capabilities of above mentioned
program sections in carrying out different task assigned to accomplish at their own end. In
relation to this scheme we draw following objectives to have answered in this report.
Purpose of Report
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
1.2 Objectives of the Study
- To develop an understanding on the over all activities being carried out in different
sections at HDSU – NCHD, R.Y.Khan.
- To list down the areas relating to support of IT section has extended to other
sections helpful in their meeting job assignments.
- To point out the limitations of IT Department with respect to time, cost and
expertise to comply with the desired support as dreamed by the associated sections.
- Requirements in terms of skills & expectations of the program sections, presently
and in near future, to acquire support from IT section in meeting with their
program objectives effectively and efficiently.
- To come up with the recommendations for having support, in the present scenario,
from IT section, which may be extended to other, associated program sections
beneficial in their respective programs and to get work done with the optimum
utilization of human and logistic resources.
So, the track we are following to meet the objectives in a coherent way, the study is given
the name “IT Support to MIS”. In order to carry out the task, the study scheme is
designed to have practical exposure as per work plan [annexed herewith] for 36 days plus
08 days of work experience exclusively in IT Section. Fact Sheet(s) for each and every
section to observe the ongoing activities and probe into the matter relating to IT support
regarding logistic, human and expertise; are prepared and then summarized in the report
following the desired format as per directions of MBA Department, AIOU, Islamabad.
Supporting stuff like Manual(s), Activity Report(s), Presentation(s) etc, taken in study, is
listed under reference column at the end of this report and come up with conclusion and
recommendations keeping in view NCHD – The Wheel of Change and Development.
In addition to 44 days of training experience, further 15 days are utilized for
documentation to produce this report. Hence 8 – weeks are utilized to finish this activity in
a fruitful manner.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
2. Data Collection and Analysis
In this section, we will discuss the key points on which data has been collected in relation
with the topic of the report and then will go through the preliminary investigation to the
system evaluation points at the end.
2.1 Detail of Data
In regard to scope of the study and topic “IT Support to MIS” and on having experience of
each section at HDSU, the detail of the data on following lines has been collected.
- Human Resource
o Management
o In association with the Management
- Support Available
o Hardware Support
o Software Application Support
o Operating System & Office Application Tools
o Network available
o MIS Support in relation to IT infrastructure available in the respective
[Note: Detail on these points and actual data collected can be perused in the
referred Fact Sheet(s), prepared for each section, as annexed at the end of
this report]
2.2 Source Used
Focusing on the line of action and in order to obtain the data as per points mentioned
above, data is collected utilizing the following sections in operation at HDSU as primary
- Supporting Part at HDSU
o Admin & Finance Section
o IT Section
- Program Implementation Part at HDSU
o Education Section
o Health Section
o Volunteerism and Community Development Section
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Alongwith the primary source of data, secondary source like reports available with
different sections and stuff available at website of NCHD is also used with respect to the
topic helpful for study.
2.3 Importance and Cost of Data
In any kind of research activity, primary data is of vital concern and plays a key role in
rest of the proceedings. Hence its importance is beyond any doubt. In this particular study,
the importance of primary data takes the weightage as compared to data collected from
secondary source due to its distinction the way it is collected and composed in a Fact
Sheet specifically addressing the point in concern. As for as cost incurred on collection of
data is concerned; all the sections extended their cooperation and provided free of cost
stuff/material in the form hard/soft copy(s) without showing any reluctance in regard to
the material they thought free from shattering their concerns.
2.4 Requirement Analysis Tools
There are a number of requirement analysis tools to assess the organization, two main:
SWOT and PEST are elaborated as under: -
SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the first
stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors.
Opportunities and threats are external factors
The SWOT analysis provides a good framework for reviewing strategy, position and
direction of a company or business proposition, or any idea. SWOT analysis also works
well in brainstorming meetings. SWOT analysis is used for business planning, strategic
planning, competitor evaluation, marketing, business and product development and
research reports. We can also use SWOT analysis exercises for team building games.
PEST analysis, which measures a business's market and potential according to external
factors; Political, Economic, Social and Technological. It is often helpful to complete a
PEST analysis prior to a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis measures a business unit, a
proposition or idea; a PEST analysis measures a market.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Strength could be specialist expertise, new or innovative services, quality of procedures
and process or any other aspect that adds value to the delivery of services/product.
Weakness could be lack of expertise, poor quality of services delivery or damaged
Opportunities could be developing new market, ineffective competitor, mergers, joint
ventures or strategic alliances. Threat may include: new competitor with innovative
product/service, taxation or service/product delivery channel.
2.5 Preliminary Requirement Analysis
The tool used for requirement analysis is not different as discussed under Methods of
Research heading. It is also a blend of direct observation, personal experiences, especially
minute watch on action and reaction of departments on acquiring information and level of
fulfillment on performance of responding section. Here, the format on the points on which
facts collected, specific to preliminary requirement analysis, are given hereunder.
- Requirement Analysis:
Why it is being used?
Are user needs fulfilled? ____________________________________
Are organizational needs are fulfilled?
Is it recognizable compatible with the system available at other HDSU?
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
- Free of ambiguity
- Easily understandable
- Performance Analysis:
Types of Reports generated:
Are reports generated automatically?
Strength to accommodate the changes in organizational policy
Security Measures:
Current Issue:
With respect to the IT support, what would you think the vital concern that really needs to
be solved?
Cause of Analysis:
To improve the credibility of financial resources, production, inventory, human resources
development activities in the organization.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
After these analysis, impact on organization
Hence the requirement analysis is done keeping in view of internal Strengths &
Weaknesses and external Opportunities & Threats (SWOT analysis) with respect to the IT
Support to MIS.
2.6 Role and Participation
On joining at HDSU – Rahim Yar Khan and having first meeting with Col. Muneef Malik,
General Manager; I was asked to go through whole of the working of support as well as
program sections and observe analytically to come up with recommendations to
implement it, if applicable, without putting additional resources (financial, human and
logistics) in a dream to ensure optimal utilization of resources to achieve efficiency and
effectiveness on the way to achieve HDSU objectives in particular and NCHD at large.
This task is taken in spirit to work whole-heartedly. Initially, a work plan is chalked out,
enclosed as annexure, and got it approved by the GM-HDSU to work in a disciplined way.
After setting scope of work and focused on one area of performance “IT support to MIS”
efforts are documented in the shape of preparation of Fact Sheet(s) one each section
elaborating observations, working environment, prevailing situation, identification of areas
improvements and suggestions at the end; keeping in view the format of the report. After
having prepared these sheet(s), summarization is made in the form of this report while fact
sheets are taken as evidence at the end of this report. Thus, in this way, I participated in
the system.
2.7 SWOT Analysis
In pursuance of scope of the project and focused on the area “IT support to MIS”, SWOT
analysis of HDSU is done on the following parameters: -
Competitive advantages: As a layman
thinking, NCHD works as NGO but under
Timescales, deadlines and pressures:
Organizational personnel needs to absorb
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
the cover of government flag. Hence the
organization has advantage to implement
its programs in delivery of social service to
the grass-root level over other NGO with
such work areas, only because of under
cover of govt. cover. The govt. lines
departments, in one way are compelled to
attempt to do things consistently, which
leads to improvement in social services
delivery. Moreover, HDSU operates in the
areas where no other govt. agency is doing
in regard to programs implemented by
Resources, Assets, People: The HDSU has
resources (financial, human, logistics) quite
sufficient to implement the programs
without major obstacle.
Experience, knowledge, data: In program
sections, experienced personnel are applied
in respective program sections (Health,
Education, VCD and Capacity Building).
They people are knowledgeable and come
up with verified and authenticated data on
their work areas.
Financial reserves: The organization has
no concern over continuous funding to
their programs. Recently PHDF is created
to meet with the financial needs.
Location and geographical: HDSU –
Rahim Yar Khan operates in the area where
no other govt. agency doing programs as
NCHD is implementing.
Value, Quality: Quality of work is
maintained and programs implemented by
NCHD through HDSU – Rahim Yar Khan
have value in the eyes of the beneficiaries.
Accreditations, qualifications: NCHD has
been recognized by the doner agencies like
UNDP only on the work they people have
pressures of work. Deadlines to complete
the task are not fully meet.
Continuity, supply chain robustness:
Robustness in supply chain has been not
upto the mark. For example, Medicine as
committed to provide in the field, is delay
so much.
Effects on core activities: Program related
activities especially on Enrollment are
shattered due to non-availability of
information on list of encrollable children,
in time.
Reliability of data, plan predictability:
On UPE-MIS, data collected has not been
manipulated and take sufficient time to use
due unsoundness on reliability.
Morale, commitment, Coordiation:
Commitment level of some personnel is not
upto the mark and coordination level
between the section-to-section needs to be
strengthened in the interest of the
Processes and systems: UPE-MIS, H-MIS
and FIS lacks with the support of short
applications on FS/FT, Budget utilization
management, VCD on identification card
issuance process in particular.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Processes, systems, IT, communications:
NCHD has well versed SOPs and
guidelines to make the personnel fully
understood to meet their job obligations in
letter and spirit. The HDSU is equipped
with a system supported with IT
infrastructure and system software in order
to ensure update information system. UPE
– MIS and FIS are being utilized and HR-
MIS is under way.
Cultural, attitudinal, behavioural:
Organizational Culture, behaviour of
personal and working environment is
cordial to work with peace of mid and
motivational spirit.
Management cover, succession: Well-
reputed management cover is given to
NCHD as Chairman is advised to report to
the President of Pakistan. NCHD
Secretariat is established at Prime Minister
Secretariat. Renowned personalities of the
country are honoured as member of Board
of Directors of the organization.
Technology development and innovation
Through information technology revolution
there is an increasing opportunity for the
organization to strengthen their information
system to support their programs for
optimal results by the end of 2015 as
dreamed and commitment made with the
global community.
Global influences: With strong and reliable
information system with IT Support,
organization has the opportunity to exercise
healthy influence through educated human
Political and Legislative effects: As
NCHD is established under an Ordinance
passed by the President of Pakistan;
analyzing past experience, it is a strong
perception that Commission may be
dissolved in result of change in political
IT developments: In case of non-
compliance and adoption of on going IT
technology in information system; the
Commission may go beyond the object
Vital contracts and partners: It has been
all the time of great concern by the doner
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Information and research: As
organization has the close interaction with
the community; hence greater is the
opportunity of research and acquire
information to address the social issue in a
coherent way.
agencies about consistency of govt. policies
because past experience reveals that on
change of ruling party; policies are set aside
on assumption on charge by other party in
Pakistan. So, funding agencies all the time
remain vigilant about the policies about
focused programs.
Loss of key staff: Once team is shared,
work suffers a lot. On loose of key
personnel, program activities disturbs
significantly. Frequent in/out of key staff
may result in badly effect of program
2.8 System Design & Development
In way of data collection and analysis regarding system design; the information, in lines to
IT support to MIS, is collected on storage capacity and device used therein, personnel
engaged and users, input and output taken. Here, the format on which such information is
shaped given hereunder: -
a. Human Resource:
Management: ____________________ ___
In association with: ____________________ ___
b. IT Support available:
i. Hardware:
ii. Software Application Support:
iii. Operating System & other Office Application Tools:
Operating System: _______________________
Office Application Tools: _______________________
Item with Specification Purpose
01. Computer System
03. Printer
03. Data Storage Device
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National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
iv. Network:
c. Operations of the Section:
Following key assignments are performed meeting with obligations in the pursuance of
objectives of the Program.
In meeting with the above obligations, the nature of IT Support is available:
System Application Software Name:
Front-end/Backend Design Tool ____________________________________
DBMS used
Help available:
2.9 System Implementation
Here, we are going to describe our experience on the methods used to implement the
recommendations on development of short applications to support the existing information
system on Finance and UPE in particular. Therefore, implementation of proposed system
planned to put into action through the competent authority. The recommendations on
proposal may be analyzed and presented to DPOs on respective issues highlighted
pertaining to their individual sections, GM – NCHD, Rahim Yar Khan in order to make
them fully conversant on what is actually proposed to strengthen the information system
requiring IT Support.
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Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
At second step, after doing presentation at length; queries, questions are welcome and
honoured upto the entire satisfaction of all participants. Then, finally, the system is put
into practical exposure. Rapid Application Development model is suggested to use to
implement the system. [Presentation on Demand]
2.10 System Evaluation
It's difficult to design an evaluation form that could be used for all types of software.
Instead, consider developing a general form with components that deal with each type of
software: informational, instructional, and creativity. However, the existing Financial
Information System and other short software applications are evaluated on the following
lines by using the feed back from the end users, personal observation and experience.
 Run without errors that disrupt program function.
 Be easy to install and use.
 Provide documentation to support program installation and operation.
 Be compatible with the hardware, network, and system.
 Provide user-friendly search capabilities that provide optimal access to information.
 Provide searches in reasonable time.
 Provide flexible means to navigate and search.
 Incorporate principles of effective screen design including readability, legibility,
consistency, and use of functional areas.
 Provide valid and complete information from reliable sources.
 Sequence information in a logical order.
 Allow you to vary the font size for easier reading.
 Provide means of printing or downloading.
 Be the best format for the information.
 Easy to use and reliable information
 Search Tools/options are available
 Screen Design and Visual appeal
 Option selection, calculation, Graphic Tools
 Color Options, Spelling/Grammar
 Printing Options
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National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Data Collection and Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
 Reports self generated, options/pre-defined
Further, general view is taken on the following lines for the purpose of evaluation as well
as to come up with the identification of areas need improvement and strengthening
capacity of Human Resource.
 Are you well versed with SOPs/Terms of Responsibilities (TORs)?
 Do you think distribution of work assignments is justified?
 Job rotation plays a vital role in strengthening Human Resource. Do you agree with the
statement and love to work in other section for the sake of experience and enhance
your capabilities?
 Do you have sufficient training to do your assignments effectively?
 Do you need further training, especially relating to IT support?
 What kind of support do you expect from your IT Section?
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National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Methods of Research
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
3. Methods of Research
Depending on the nature of information to be gathered, different instruments are used to
conduct the assessment: forms for gathering data from official sources such as police or
school records; surveys/interviews to gather information from youth, community residents,
and others; and focus groups to elicit free-flowing perspectives.
In today’s scenario, with the revolution of Information Technology, there are number of
sophisticated, result oriented and easy to use research tools are available. Conventional
methods of research like observation, interview, personal experience and questionnaire are
best used so for. These methods have its own importance even with highly advanced tools
like Video Conference, electronic mail, net poll etc. Let us take a brief look on some of
these tools:-
3.1 Self-Administered Survey
Self-administered surveys have special strengths and weaknesses. They are useful in
describing the characteristics of large population and make large samples feasible. In one
sense, these surveys are flexible, making it possible to ask many questions on a given
topic. This also provides flexibility in the analysis of the responses. On the other hand,
standardized questionnaire items often represent the least common denominator in
assessing people’s attitudes, orientations, circumstances, and experiences.
Some advantages of the self-administered survey are:
 Low Cost. Extensive training is not required to administer the survey. Processing
and analysis are usually simpler and cheaper than for other methods.
 Reduction in Biasing Error. The questionnaire reduces the bias that might result
from personal characteristics of interviewers and/or their interviewing skills.
 Greater Anonymity. Absence of an interviewer provides greater anonymity for
the respondent. This is especially helpful when the survey deals with sensitive
issues such as questions about involvement in a gang, because respondents are
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
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Methods of Research
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
more likely to respond to sensitive questions when they are not face-to-face with
an interviewer.
3.2 Personal Interviews
The interview is an alternative method of collecting data. Rather than asking respondents
to fill out questionnaire, interviewers ask questions orally and record respondents’
answers. This method generally decreases the number of “do not know” and “no answer”
responses. Interviewers also provide a guard against confusing items. If a respondent has
misunderstood a question, the interviewer can clarify, thereby obtaining relevant
As noted previously, personal interviews are a good way to gather information from
community leaders, particularly those who might be unwilling or too busy (management
personnel) to complete a written survey. Some of the advantages of the personal interview
 Flexibility – Allows flexibility in the questioning process and allows the
interviewer to clarify terms that are unclear.
 Control of the interview situation – Can ensure that the interview is conducted in
private, and respondents do not have the opportunity to consult one another before
giving their answers.
 High response rate – Respondents who would not normally respond to a mail
questionnaire will often respond to a request for a personal interview.
3.3 Observation
Observation is a word that comes from the social sciences. It usually refers to the use of an
observer to record events, which can then be analyzed. To be done objectively,
observation requires a plan for making observations which includes, identifying what
behaviors are to be observed, a schedule identifying how often and when behaviors are to
be observed, a recording format for the observations, and a method for analysis.
One issues with respect to observation is the impact of the observer on the observed.
People who are being observed will often change their behaviors from what they might
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Methods of Research
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ordinarily be. For example, when a supervisor is present, personnel may work to rules. In
the absence of the supervisor, personnel may take short cuts.
3.4 Research Methods used for the Report
This report is prepared by using a mix of research methods in data collection. As internee,
I have been privileged to experience the course of work and personal observation worked
all together during the entire length of internship. In regard of getting data from the
personnel; a Fact Sheet pertaining to each section has been prepared instead of a formal
questionnaire put before them to answer. Different fact sheets are prepared with respect to
the working of the sections at HDSU in question. The fact sheet(s) is a fine blend of
information extracted through interview, putting queries to the personnel, personal
observation and experience. This source of data is treated as base line to come up with the
current issue of that particular section, problems analysis and suggesting alternative
solution, identifying strengths and weakness, recommendations for improvements and then
finally to reach the end result as per format desired by the University. The copy of each of
the fact sheet is annexed herewith for perusal of the reader.
Besides this, on the part of documentation support in way of research methods, reports
pertaining to different sections on their orientation workshops, program activities, SOPs
etc are also taken into account and sought help in order to clear the viewpoint on the
operational mechanism of different sections. The stuff taken under study is mentioned in
the reference section of this report.
In the last but not the least, as information technology is on the super highway; the web
site www.nchd.org.pk is also accessed and information is used for help not only to have
acquaintance over background of the organization but also to their projects as NCHD
people claim – The wheel of change and development.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Current Issues
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
4. Current Issues
Having sessions in different section for acquaintance upon major activities and making
analysis in focusing on IT Support to prevailing MIS, we are come up with the following
current issues which needs to be addressed, section wise summarized as under. The detail
discussion can be pursued in the attached Fact Sheet(s) given at the end.
Admin & Finance Section
Admin Part: on enquiring, FAO showed his concern on the issue of vehicle management
information system. The issue is on priority of FAO to strengthen the capacity of admin
section expecting IT Services in regard of capacity building and acquiring expertise in
order to develop the short application.
Finance Part: Going through FIS, it has been observed that the system is a combination
of different individual programs like part of capital inventory management system,
payroll, budgeting, accounting conventional transaction support etc. At HDSU level, some
of the components are provided in access to the FAO on need cum basis provided training
accordingly. For example, presently, payroll is maintained and prepared at Head Office
level. Therefore, payroll preparation facility is not provided to FAO. Trial Balance,
voucher summary listing, balance sheet are included in output reports from the system.
However, Bank Reconciliation, one of the major components to run the accounting system
smoothly, is not facilitated to the extent it should be.
Budget analysis, allocation to the concerned sections and utilization all done vigilantly.
But a hand on information on management of budget utilization is missing over here.
Instead on managing it manually, software short application is needed to address the point
in concern and support on the above area.
Information Technology Section
IT section is doing well in providing technical support to associated sections. For example,
handling IT related equipment; minor troubleshooting facility at desk of the respective
section, maintenance of LAN facility at the end of each section etc. But capacity of the
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Current Issues
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
personnel in respective sections on their work relating to IT related activities is not up to
the mark. IT section should perceive this point as current issue to support and make them
fully capable on Operating System, using office application tools proficiently (at least of
intermediate level) and expertise on developing short applications in concern with the
issues highlighted at their end.
Education Section
Education Section has to work on UPE, FS/FT part of UPE and Adult Literacy (now given
under the control of District Literacy Coordinator). To cover all programs in this report is
beyond the scope. Here only UPE is apparently taken into focus and documented the issue
of vital concern in regard to IT support at surface level. We all agree that UPE program
desperately needs IT support on developing such information system that helps on solving
the following major identified problems so that the objective drawn on this program be
achieved in letter and spirit.
 Need to curtail Children Drop out ratio after having enrolled in the school
 Need to provide list(s) of enrollable children well before admission session
commences to ensure 100% enrollment of children in the school
 Need to find out convenient track and trace system for child left over from one
school and joined other one or the situation may be.
As said, UPE is a vast program; here only surface area of this program is covered. UPE-
MIS, as we perceive, has to deal with the data focused on the child at length whereas
management information system on field staff (SO, MC, FT/FS etc) are left on the part of
DPO(E). An up-to-date and solid application on monitoring, evaluating and analysis of
progress of such field staff is required to associate with the main UPE-MIS. Education
Section needs IT Support to develop short applications in order to meet with the realistic
interpretation of the matter.
Health Section
There are number of activities performed in Health Section i.e. planning, implementation,
monitoring or special emphasis on some focused assignments like ORS campaign etc.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Current Issues
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Here only MIS related to IT focused activities (MPR and Epi Info 6.04c baseline data
entry) is taken into account.
We understand, in preparation, consolidation/compilation of MPRs received from eight
sub areas; IT support is very much required to improve the skills of Health MIS in
performing this activity in dream to good time management and efficient use of resources.
Volunteerism & Community Development Section
VCD Section needs assistance of IT Section to address the following issues in concern.
 Development and maintenance of a database application for management of record of
Registered Volunteers in operational area i.e. Track and Trace System of Volunteers.
 IT Support on preparation and issuing of Computerized Identification Card(s) to
Registered Volunteers
 Training on maintaining/development a short database application and to those
ADPOs who have inadequate knowledge on using the office application software.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Causes of Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
5. Causes of Analysis
With reference to the currents issues listed in previous discussed; here, causes of analysis
are drawn in regard to improve the credibility of financial resources, and human resources
development activities in respective section. Section wise analysis is given as under
whereas detail discussion is left with the attached Fact Sheet(s): -
F&A Section
Admin Part: In handling of currently available fleet of vehicles, expected to increase in
near future; there is need to manage the human resource (especially drivers) for efficient
utilization and: -
 To utilize the financial resources on fuel expenditure (on acquiring of scare
resources) more effectively
 Need for effective analysis to hold the responsible accountable on logbook
Finance Part: In order to reflect a clear picture at the time of voucher preparation,
approving payment and preparing cheque(s); budget utilization information make the
accounting system more transparent especially payments in absence of Pre-Audit Payment
System as is the case at HDSU level. Since, here, Post-Audit Payment System prevails;
this would be beneficial to adopt such practices.
IT – Section
It is observed that some personnel lack desired level of efficiency while using the
computer application tools. First, they prepare the desired stuff manually and then put to
the application software to get the work composed through the equipment. The capacity of
copy/pasting techniques cannot fulfill the requirements. Besides this, they people are not
fully aware of using the operating system. For example, some personnel are unable to
conceive the page set up under office application tools properly results to which wastage
of resources (paper, toner, time etc) .IT section should keep on eye and analyze the
situation not only to keep these personnel satisfied over their queries but also to help them
to get the assignments completed effectively and efficiently with good time management.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Causes of Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Education Section
UPE program has a serious concern on dropout ratio (about 50%). Without having
updated, timely available, concrete information system there is difficult to enjoy
satisfaction level of achieving 100% enrollment of children between age of 5 – 7 years
currently showing 50% dropout (on overall estimation).
To apply measures to cut down the dropout ratio, alongwith other strategies, IT support is
required to get hands on information to analyze the situation in depth. UPE Register is
maintained manually at each UPE primary school level and same is the case with Feeder
School. Imagine the fruit, once sound and verified data collection is put to a database and
replacing/support the manual mechanism; the output through such information
(Computerized List) will not only equip with the list of enrolled children but with the list
of those children come to eligible to enroll well before the admission session commences.
If this time consuming effort is accomplished through IT support; the rest of the work e.g.
implementation, monitoring and tangible measures to minimize the dropout ration can get
effective human resource utilization at the end. At HDSU level, with such information
system short applications in maintaining information on SO/FT is required to make the
task comfortable for DPO(E) and more concentration on major objectives.
Health Section
 On the task in focus, manual data entry is put for reports of each sub areas (15
reports for each sub area) towards compilation of MPR. This leads to extra effort
put by human resource.
 It is also observed, some times, manual calculation is done for having effect, on
eight sub-total(s) of individual reports, in one cell of compiled report format.
VCD – Section
VCD Section does as supportive role to Health and Education program sections to make
things easy for them strengthening participatory development approach. Imagine, if no
proper record management (database) is established; the VCD may be in a fix on desired
information for decision making in selection of most suitable person on the required task.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Causes of Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Presently, the time consumed on maintaining the record by utilizing the inappropriate
application tool disturbs the effectiveness on sound decision-making and exercises
unhealthy influence towards meeting other assignments within stipulated period of time.
Secondly, at present, due to inappropriate use of application tool on record management of
Registered Volunteers results in unutilized information for preparation of Computerized
Identification Cards. They people are doing the task manually. A bulk of cards to issue is
left to complete. On pursuance of the registered volunteers; they issue the card accordingly
putting particulars on the card by hand.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Effects after Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
6. Effects after Analysis
After having current issues(s) in focus and analysis on it; in this section we discuss the
effects on identified issues and see the impact therein. The Section wise discussion is
summarized as under: -
 Finance and Admin Section: As the section has to perform on two extremes:
Finance and Admin; therefore, in sequence of previous discussion and issues
identified on each end, here, effects are taken accordingly: -
 On Admin Part: focusing on the support of IT to MIS, Vehicle
Management Information System exercises the effect: -
 Human resource specially drivers lack required level of efficiency
 With good time management for provision of logistic support can be
 Person responsible in handling the vehicle can be held accountable
 Lacking information system helpful in solving of physical
maintenance problems resulting to which increase in life efficiency of
the vehicle.
 Track record of vehicles can be maintained of the vehicle
 Sound decision-making can be made on occurring maintenance
expenditures etc
 On Finance part: With good budget utilization information system, Post-
Audit Payment System activities would be strengthen and Bank
Reconciliation activity will leave chances to complete in hassle and bustle.
 Education Section: As organization acts as Wheel to Social Change and
Development under their Education program, the solution to the issue in concern
will exercise a healthy influence on part of achievements, effective human,
financial resources utilization and help the task easy in services delivery to
empower the community, govt. lines departments at District and Tehsil level. The
solution to such problem will enforce lines departments’ personnel in discharging
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Effects after Analysis
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
their responsibilities effectively and be more focused to this noble cause –
Education For All.
 Health Section: In regard to issue highlighted in previous section i.e. Monthly
Progress Reports preparation; the effect is analyzed in the following points: -
 Efficiency and effectiveness on part of this task shatters the degree of
performance in result to which productivity level decreases.
 It is also observed that after having laborious work done on manual feeding for
each and every cell except figures on total; worksheet(s) are imported to Word
just for taking hardcopy. This shows not fully conversant on the Page Setup
mechanism of EXCEL.
 VCD – Section: In view of cause of analysis, the current situation exercises the
following impact on performance of the section, visualized in the following
 Data on registered volunteers remains inconsistent to utilize for multiple
purposes. Even simple analysis cannot be taken by utilizing the current tool.
 Delay in process of issuance of Identification Cards exercises an unhealthy
influence on the performance of the section.
 Lack with the desired level of skills results in consumption of time more than
the desired to complete a specific task.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Problem Analysis
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7. Problem Analysis
Issue wise problem analysis is taken with respect to the time frame, political, economical,
reforms by government and global changes.
 Admin Part: So as Vehicle MIS is concerned, scare energy resources in the
changing scenario keeping in view on global issues and world economy; has
exercised a lasting impact to adjust our homeland policies. Every country is in
search of getting innovative energy resources not only for expansion needs but also
for survival to certain extent. Long and short, there is a desperate need to manage
and effective utilization of energy resources and to curtail the expense as much as
 Finance Part: As for as management of budget utilization information is concerned;
this practice will minimize the chances of error, provide input to the reconciliation
activity and enhance the credibility of accounting transactions. Moreover, it will
exercise a healthy influence on the doner in general and enhances worth in the eyes
of the Post-Audit Team or External Auditors in performing activities at their end.
Having such support, Bank reconciliation tasks would be eased in case of
expansion of programs/transactions and future requirements.
 Education: Timely solution to the problem in concern matters a lot and needs to be
taken on priority. Since NCHD has launched the UPE Program, period of about 2 –
years has elapsed. The HDSU in focus has achieved 86% enrollment rate whereas
estimated dropout is 50% (based on overall estimation). On having close look at
the statistics, timely solution would save from the real damage. Such information
system is needed not only to fulfill the requirements on implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of the program activities but also helpful in meeting
with the global challenges as commitment made by government on world forum
towards meeting 100% literacy rate by the end of 2015.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
8. Result
In this section, we will highlight the over all perception about the activities being
performed in relation with IT support and the course of work done during the internship
 Finance & Admin Section: In respect Admin part, generally speaking, the
briefing and conduct has been excellent in a friendly environment. FAO shared the
information to the extent of level he desired to share. I tried to probe into the
activities in function and understand assignments are performed in observance of
SOPs. Whereas having observation in F&A Section, Overall working is
satisfactory. However, there is always room for improvement. If slight adjustments
are made; reliability, validity and efficiency can be increase in the scenario of Post-
Audit Payment System at HDSU level.
 Education Section: is doing at their level best in lines with targets set to
achieve. But they people are also concerned on dropout figures even measures are
taken as per training manual guidelines. The coordination level with lines
departments and among the team members is admirable. They people are united as
team. The positive aspect is that they are committed to do the assignments
perceiving as noble cause to make people literate and delivering quality education
comes under definition by NCHD.
 Health Section: Work is done any way; but not effectively in use of IT Support
applied. The personnel lacks of Training to use the tool at intermediate/advance
level. However, at beginning level, it is done well.
 Volunteerism & Community Development: team is very much dedicated
and determined to do work utilizing best of their efforts in meeting with the
responsibilities. They people are desperately looking for support from IT Section
for assistance to solve their genuine problems. They coordinate and assist each
other on assignments. They welcome queries, volunteers, and visitors to their
section with open heart and always in attempt to motivate, satisfied on the
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
observations towards this noble cause. I am of the view that IT Section requires
formal request from VCD people. Whereas VCD section dreams that IT Section is
analyzing the situation and would come to their door step to assist them as IT
Section is fully aware of the need in result of scheduled meetings, informal
discussions between sections etc.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Solution Criteria
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
9. Solution Criteria
In connection with the current issue(s) taken from different sections, problems identified,
doing analysis on causes, showing effect of it and problem analysis; here, some points on
alternative solutions are discussed to solve the issue(s) in focus.
 Admin and Finance Section: Part: different solutions are suggested as
follows to solve the issues in concern.
 The best solution is to develop requirement base vehicle management
information system as analyzed to meet with the objectives of sectional
head in regard to the guidelines.
 Quick short application can be developed with MS-ACCESS having
expertise of IT Section.
 MS-EXCEL can effectively be used not to the extent of Average Analysis
on Fuel Consumption of vehicle but other functions to meet the above
 Manual Budget utilization Register can be maintained.
 This information may be part of FIS.
 For Bank reconciliation activity; FIS be enhanced to desired level of
 In Education Section: Obviously and as discussed so for, UPE-MIS is the
best solution on tracking and tracing of child. This information system contains the
database of children of 0 – 9 years age of the focused area. The system is
developed using tool Oracle 11i for both back-end and front-end interface. The
software is passing through necessary checks and to ensure the consistency on
database. Partially, the system is under commissioning at different HDSU level.
Rahim Yar Khan being the largest target district is getting time to launch due to
heavy database records.
 Secondly, incomplete short applications on MIS relating to SOs, SCMs, FT
should be developed with a serious concern to integrate with UPE-MIS for
effective utilization.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Solution Criteria
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
 Thirdly, alongwith capacity building of Education Section, IT Section
should take steps to extend their expertise to Education Department at
District level so that they people be able to adopt the effective information
system to manage the work in lines with the object. The sincere efforts are
required at both ends to curtail the dropout ratio having serious concern. IT
Section may help the Education personnel in local government setup to
make their analysis and reporting system reliable and up-to-the standard.
MIS on short applications can be developed or IT Section can help them to
utilize applications tools (EXCE, MS-ACCESS) for the purpose to
associate the strength of measures with NCHD activities.
 Health Section: to solve the problem in question, the solution is suggested
using the tool EXCEL; District Monthly Progress Report can be prepared and
compiled in quick possible time following the steps as elaborated at length in the
attached Fact Sheet on Health Section. These steps are given in brief. A
presentation/demonstration can be performed, if required.
 VCD Section: in order to solve the problem in focus, list of following solution(s)
are suggested: -
 Incomplete application software initiated by the IT Section should be
developed and implemented so that the database is managed on registered
 In order to handle record on estimated database of 5000 registered
volunteers, short application may be developed by taking necessary
attributes of Volunteer Registration Form in MS-ACCESS expecting the
output on following objectives: -
o Extraction/analysis of volunteers at District, Tehsil, Union Council
and Village level separately
o Extraction of record on the area of interest of volunteer
o Types of report(s) necessary to meet the requirements as analyzed
by ADPOs and VCD Section to meet the time-to-time requirements
of Head Office.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Solution Criteria
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
o Export of Data to be utilized for Identification Cards or Facility of
Computerized Card issuance using the same application tool.
o Issuance of thanks/acknowledgement/motivation letters to the
volunteer, his/her parents/guardian.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
10. Recommendations
Here the most appropriate solution by means of objective analysis among the different
alternative with financial implications is picked from the suggestions in concern of
different sections proposed in the previous discussion: -
 Admin Part: At this point in time, to go with the first option is beyond the level
of IT Section even or unless Head Office assigns the responsibility to IT Section.
Short application using MS-ACCESS can be developed within quick time to have
a close look in lines with the objective in question. No additional financial
resources are involved therein. IT Section can support and guide FAO in
developing such application.
 Finance Part: The management of budget utilization information system
would be appropriate to address both concerns in focus. Development of a short
software application would be appropriate for the purpose. The support from IT
Section can be sought. Sketch of rough output is draws here as under: -
Payment voucher should bear the following information: -
Working Code # _______________
Budget Allocated _______________
Amount utilized prior this bill _______________
This Bill _______________
Total Utilized _______________
Balance available _______________
Initial _______________________________________
 Education: There is no way except to exercise all the steps as recommended in
previous section to get problem solved as discussed at length in regard to objective
Title of A/C _______________________ Working Code # _________________
Budget Allocation: __________________________________________________
Payment Made to This Bill Total Utilized
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
 Health Section: The solution suggested in the previous section would be the
best choice to exercise in the prevailing situation and most appropriate for the
reasons: -
 No changes are required in the current available infrastructure/resources
(financial, human and technical).
 It is all the time cost effective. Only expertise from IT Section is required to
accomplish the task and make the personnel i.e. Health – MIS fully skilled
on getting the steps performed as detailed in the Fact Sheet on Health
 VCD – Section: First the software application system developed by DITO
should be reviewed and efforts should be made to complete it so that fruitful
results be taken from it. However, in my opinion, best solution to the problem is to
go with the second option stated in previous discussion. A short application needs
less time to complete and set in operation at compared to the first one system
developed in Oracle. Over 5000 records is not a difficult task to handle in MS-
ACCESS. If IT Section extends its support to build the capacity of ADOs/DPO
(who are interested to learn skills); it will be more beneficial not only to get the
problem solved but maximum task would be in the hands of VCD people and only
facilitation be left on the part of DITO to meet with the realistic interpretation.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
11. Benefits
Here, we list the advantages on exercising the recommendations given in the previous
section, in lines with the organizational objectives analysis in sequence of discussion so
far in solving the identified problems on concerned issues in each section at HDSU level
with respect to IT support to MIS: -
Admin & Finance Section
In context with the section in focus, applying the possible recommendation on the problem
in question; the section will enjoy the following benefits: -
Admin Part Finance Part
 Maintenance of logbook will be done in
a coherent way
 Vehicle maintenance analysis will be
more precise
 Tracking and Tracing of vehicle fleet
will be fast.
 Voucher Preparation would get an
additional support
 Payment credibility would be
 Post-Payment Audit activity would get
a hand on support to accomplish easily.
 Chances of errors will be minimized
 The Information will support Bank
Reconciliation task.
Education Section
 The analysis mechanism will be strengthened. The reporting will be accurate and fast.
On reliable analysis, decision-making will be sound and more effective to apply.
 List on Children coming eligible to enroll will be available well before the session
 The full fledge information system will help to control the dropout ratio.
 This system will be helpful in addressing the issues as discussed earlier.
Health Section
 It would save from laborious work of data entry for worksheet(s) on different eight sub
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
 Verification on compilation of reports would be easy.
 Reports will be passed on to Head Office in quick possible time for doing necessary
action at their end.
 The effort/time saved from this activity may be consumed on other focused work.
Volunteerism & Community Development Section
 Definitely, VCD would be handy access to the most suitable volunteer on the specified
 To go with the recommend option not only builds the capacity of the VCD personnel
to get solution on the problem in question but also they people would be able to
develop a short application on personnel management of SCMs.
 In case, Computerized preparation facility is not put in the proposed Volunteers Track
and Trace System; VCD can use the database in import in other application software
e.g. WORD utilizing the option of merge printing with having format of desired Card
to get a printout over here or other short application may developed.
 Surely, following the recommended criteria would enough time and other resources
leading to improvement in performance and disposing off the assignments effectively
and efficiently.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
12. Weaknesses
There is always room for improvement. Here, we are giving some points on flaws, as we
observed during the activities in different departments. It is pertinent to mention here that
points given hereunder are based on personal observation. It is not necessary for the reader
to agree with the points in letter and spirit.
 Admin & Finance Section: In regard to IT, personnel working in different
sections are lack with the desired level of training on their assignments specially
using the available IT infrastructure.
 Education Section: no major weakness is observed in working of Education
Section. However, for effective utilization of human resource with good time
management, they people lack with training to some advance level for
development of short applications using Excel, MS-ACCESS, MS-Project etc. as
they effectively plan and want to do.
 In Health Section, no significant weakness is observed towards coordination,
motivation and teamwork progress. However, there is always room for
improvement. All the time, we are in learning process.
 VCD Section: For a couple of month at HDSU, it has been observed that VCD
people has been in uncertainty about the fate of the Section conceiving
rumors/facts from different sources about close/dissolution of the section. So, in
this sort of situation, performance and commitment level to work with heart and
soul definitely decreases.
Generally, NCHD people are committed and self-motivated to work in the best interest of
the organization. In respective sections, they are successful in building teamwork scenario
but section-to-section wise lack desired level of coordination binding them as Team Unit.
Some times, it seems one section creating trouble to other section irrespect of helping to
getting work done in focus.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Suggestions for Improvements
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
13. Suggestions for Improvements
On above areas, here we scrutinize some suggestions to improve weaknesses, as
mentioned at Serial # 12, for further improvements: -
 Admin & Finance: IT Section should come forward to train the personnel at
least on office application tools to use effectively rather than open/close/cut/past
application and like that. The personnel should be trained on using different
functions relating to specific job assignments. This objective can be fulfilled
following “on the job training methods” rather than conducting formal training
workshops in Training Halls(s) etc providing all logistics over there.
 IT Section: In the present situation, keeping in view the financial resources as
well; IT section should be actively involved in software application support rather
than general support. As IT section is supposed to take backup(s) on FIS, therefore,
IT Section should have the control of currently available MIS program on Finance
i.e. FIS at the server end. Finance section should only have the privilege to feed
 General Support matters like maintenance of equipment not directly related
to the computer hardware should be left on the part of Admin Section.
 Utilizing the present infrastructure, real move should be initiated by IT
Section to work on short software applications to help other sections e.g.
Personnel Management System in way of HR – MIS etc.
 IT section is using Windows – XP as operating system. Although this
version is user friendly but comes at the second stage as for as security
matters and bugs are concerned. The use of Windows NT Professional
2000 version(s) for server and client respectively keep the system on safer
side. We are of the view that the existing pirated operating system be
replaced with the licensed Windows NT family.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Suggestions for Improvements
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
 The computer use policy should be enforced by IT Section in order to make
the personnel fully aware of their limitations for smooth function of the
equipment and minimize the chances of trouble shooting.
 For Education Section: IT Section should come forward to play its role and
provide expertise on using wizard utilities to generate quick short applications for
manipulation of data as how effective they want to be. This may be done by
extending coordination by IT personnel in the supreme interest of the organization.
 In Health Section: getting support from IT Section, the personnel in the
Section with sound knowledge and expertise in relation to IT matter should come
forward to help and facilitate the personnel in need of desired level of skills in
order to improve the efficiency level in the best interest of the organization.
 VCD Section: Organization should take quick and timely decision in order to
avoid such sort of situation as identified in previous discussion. Either the decision
is favorable or unfavorable; it should be taken timely without creating uncertainty.
It not only affects directly to the personnel but also shakes the confidence of other
associated stakeholders. Now VCD is out of such danger and is on track to work
zeal and zest.
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
14. Conclusion
We hereby sum up the report on the following points: -
 In Admin and Finance Section, work is being done satisfactorily. Definitely, HR-
MIS, FIS with more integrated components, solution over the problems in
question, and capacity building on developing short applications for effective use
of computer hardware/software would strengthen human resources in meeting with
the obligations of support section(s) in general; and provide tonic to program
sections in fulfilling their needs in view of HDSU objectives in general.
 Presently, IT Section has extended its support on General areas (Equipment
handling, repair/maintenance of hardware and software etc) but no concrete
support in terms of application except of taking backup(s) of data on application(s)
software and troubleshooting. On the part of IT Section, coordination level needs
to be improved to catch admirable feelings of personnel regarding IT Section as
solution provider. Initiating draft of “Computer Use Policy” is appreciable. It needs
to be refined and applied with the objective to provide connivance instead of
creating problems. IT Section should take a step ahead to motivate and conduct
informal/formal trainings on need assessment basis of the personnel in view of
requirement of sectional heads.
Here, I would also like to say that DITO needs to improve coordination level
because it has been observed strongly by other sections that sometimes DITO
creates problems for them instead of facilitating on the issues in focus.
 On the part of Education Section: They people are doing work with commitment
and great zeal and zest in pursuance of prime objective to enroll every eligible
child in school under their operational area. They are taking some concrete steps at
HDSU level to strengthen their information system to handle the dropout ratio
specifically. They work as team and coordination level is upto the mark. IT Section
should help DPO(E) in acquiring skills on MS-Project and MS-ACCESS
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
 Health Section: In regard to IT activities, Epi Info is being used only to record
baseline data, done satisfactorily. On preparing MPRs, using EXCEL, the
personnel (HMIS) needs training to perform work with good time management.
Coordination and conduct with other sections is splendid. They people work as
team work and sound motivation.
 In VCD Section: with respect to problem in question, IT Section as immediate
support, has great responsibility to come forward and initiate informal discussion
with VCD people with the motto to provide services at their door step in the larger
interest of the HDSU and ultimately towards achievement of NCHD goals as
Internship Report on IT Support to MIS
National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan
Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04
Progress Report, (2004) Progress Report, August – 2002 to August - 2004,
National Commission for Human Development, Islamabad
Workshop Report, (2004) Report on DITOs’ Orientation Workshop, February 17-19,
2004, Conducted by IT Department, NCHD, Islamabad;
written by Ms. Tayyaba Naz, DITO- Rahim Yar Khan
Manual – UPE, (2002) Universal Primary Education Program, 100% Enrollment
Campaign for Children between the ages 5 – 7 years,
NCHD, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan.
Training Material, (2005) Training Material on Epi Info 6.04, Software on Health
Issues, Workshop, April 28 – 29, 2005, Conducted by IT
Section, by Ms. Tayyaba Naz, DITO- Rahim Yar Khan
Manual on VCD, (2002) Information/Training Manual on Volunteerism Program,
NCHD, Head Office, Prime Minister Secretariat, Block –
D, Level – 2, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad – Pakistan.
URL: http://nchd.org.pk/ws
Human Development Support Unit, Rahim Yar Khan
Page i
Finance & Admin Section
Alongwith the IT Section, F&A (Finance & Admin) Section acts as support unit at each HDSU
level in order to facilitate the program sections regarding financial matters and maintaining
general administrative activities. The key responsibilities of the section includes: processing all
sorts of necessary payments meeting day-to-day expenses of general and on program section(s)
activities, ensuring provision of logistics of general nature (furniture/fixture maintenance, office
utilities, general supplies etc). The Section is supervised by the Incharge given designation FAO
(Finance & Admin Officer). Overall performance on activities of the section is taken into account
and approvals, immediate instructions passed by the General Manager at HDSU. In the absence
of the General Manager, FAO acts as Acting GM. He/She meets with the responsibilities
assigned to GM in addition to his/her present assignments and exercises the powers delegated to
GM as per policy/rules and regulations.
a. Human Resource:
Management: Finance & Admin Officer (FAO) 01
In Association with: Finance Assistant 01
Admin Assistant 01
b. IT Support available:
ii. Hardware Support:
ii. Software Application Support:
Application software FIS (Finance Information System) is available in the section to get
work done on different types of financial activities.
v. Operating System & other Office Application Tools:
Operating System: Windows – XP
Office Application Tools: MS-OFFICE 2000
Adobe Acrobat Reader
InPage etc
Item with Specification Purpose
Computer System
(NCHD-Finance )
2.4 GHz, P-IV
Mainly used for FIS (Finance Information System) treated
as Server in the section, as client liked with IT Section on
LAN. The system is under operation of FAO
Computer System
2.4 GHz, P-IV
Treated as client with above designated server and also
attached with IT Section on LAN. The system is used for
support on different assignments undertaken by F&A
03. Printer
No Printer is available in the section. However, hard copy is
taken using the shared printer in IT Section, as and when
03. Data Storage Device
HDD 60 GB for each computer system, Flash Drive (on
Demand), FDD 3.5”, CD-R/W
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD
Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD

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Internship Report on IT support to MIS at NCHD

  • 1. THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED TO AIOU IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENT OF THE DEGREE OF THE MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (MBA-IT) Submitted By: Zafar Ahmad Roll # L – 519679 Reg. # 99–PMN–0978 Department of Business Administration Allama Iqbal Open University, H – 8, Islamabad Session 2002 – 04
  • 2. Internship Report On IT Support to MIS At Human Development Support Unit National Commission for Human Development Rahim Yar Khan Submitted By: Zafar Ahmad Roll # L – 519679 Reg. # 99–PMN–0978 Department of Business Administration Allama Iqbal Open University, H – 8, Islamabad Session 2002 – 04
  • 3. Disclaimer This report reflects personal experiences based on the level of interpersonal communication, interaction with the personnel, coordination level and information shared & perceived. There is always room for improvement. However, it is not necessary for the reader to agree with the contents, findings/conclusions and areas of improvement as identified therein.
  • 4. Abbreviations ADPO Assistant District Program Officer AIOU Allama Iqbal Open University ALCs Adult Literacy Centres AMO Assistant Media Officer CSOs Civil Society Organizations DDPO Deputy District Program Officer DITO District Information Technology Officer DPO District Program Officer F&A Finance & Administration FAO Finance & Administration Officer FIS Finance Information System FS Feeder School FT Feeder Teacher HDSU Human Development Support Unit HMIS Health Management Information System HR-MIS Human Resource Management Information System IT Information Technology LC Literacy Coordinator M&E Monitoring & Evaluation MC Markaz Coordinator MIS Management Information System MPR Monthly Progress Report NCHD National Commission for Human Development NGO Non Governmental Organization PHDF Pakistan Human Development Fund PMIS Personnel Management Information System SCM Social Community Mobilizer SO Social Organizer SOPs Standard Operating Procedures TOR Terms Of Responsibility UNDP United Nations Development Program UPE Universal Primary Education VCD Volunteerism & Community Development
  • 5. Authorization To go for internship training, I moved my C.V. on 10-02-2005 to the Chairman – National Commission for Human Development, Islamabad with the request to provide me an opportunity to get hands on experience as internee for a period of 8 – weeks with NCHD. In response to my application, I was called for interview on 21-02-2005 at HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan. Finally, the General Manager, HDSU – NCHD, R.Y.Khan honoured my request and consented for a stipend free internship in IT Section therein. Image of consent message is produced hereunder: - Meanwhile, I managed to get recommendation letter issued by the Regional Director – AIOU, Regional Campus, Multan in this regard. With such support vide letter # 4271/MN dated 16-03-2005 (copy of same is produced hereunder), I submitted my joining report on 18-04-2005 for internship training at HDSU – NCHD, Rahim Yar Khan. Thus I got authorization for internship training as practical component in the way to meet with the requirement to qualify for MBA-IT degree under MBA program by Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.
  • 6. Acknowledgement First of all, I am very grateful to Almighty Allah Who provided me strength and made capable of doing internship training and summarize the proceedings in the form of report to meet with the realistic interpretation of the matter. Obviously, I have nothing to do without His blessings. I certainly believe that skills and hidden abilities remain useless if no one is there to help to bring these attributes at forefront and polish them in a fruitful manner. No doubt, the teacher does it well. So my utmost thanks and gratitude to my beloved and Hon’ble teachers in the entire program; and especially Ms. Tayyaba Naz, District IT Officer, HDSU – NCHD, Rahim Yar Khan whose guidance make me so capable to complete the task as it was planned. I am thankful to Mr. Gohar Khan Khattk, faculty member of AIOU whose guidance made me capable to make changes accordingly. With the blessings of beloved parents; we are successful in the entire length of career and life. I have no words to thank to my beloved parents whose advice and guidance, love and affection, and experience made me capable to distinguish between wrong and the right path in my career development phases. Specially, I salute to the dignity of my mother due to which I have been successful so for and also would love to seek her guidance at step- by-step during the remaining course of life. May Allah bless my parents a long life and keep me joining their association in eternal! Motivation and moral support play a vital role to do things consistently. Especially, I would like to thank to Mr. Kashif-Ud-Din Siddiqui at IT Section, HDSU – NCHD, R.Y.Khan who always encouraged me and extended his cooperation to come out of the difficulties, as and when encountered during the course of training work. From the core of my heart, my sincere thanks are due to Col. Muneef Malik, Senior General Manager, NCHD, Islamabad (the then GM at HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan) who provided me opportunity to take PEHLA QADAM towards NCHD to learn and concentrate on training with good time management during the entire length of internship program. It is because of him, I got the concept of this report on “IT Support to MIS” and access to go through whole of the working cycle at HDSU. This helped me a lot in understanding the procedural mechanism to put this in a form of the report. I really admire and salute to him. In the last, but not the least, it would be very unfair, if I leave this acknowledgement without paying recognition to all NCHD people: Mr. Shakeel Mahmood Butt (FAO), DPOs in program section(s) and their team members, Ms. Noureen, DDPO(E), Ms. Aasia (HMIS), Ms. Sumaira Khalid in VCD, Mr. Shahid Nawaz in CB, Mr.Ishrat and Ms. Shakeela from F&A, personnel in sub-areas(s) and others. I am highly thankfully to all of them for extending their cooperation, support and logistics during the entire course of work giving feel to me as their own team member. May Allah be very kind to all of us! Zafar Ahmad
  • 7. National Commission for Human Development Background Inception of the Organization: In a view to Human Development Index of Pakistan and envisioned by the President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, a Task Force on Human Development was established in June 2001. It was designed to find innovative solutions to improve and fill implementation gaps in social service delivery at the grass-root level in the sector of Education, Health and Poverty Alleviation. Having extensive research and selfless efforts of social scientists, foundation of a National Level Development Agency was laid in July 2002 under the Ordinance # XXIX of 2002 and named as National Commission for Human Development (NCHD). The Commission operates as an autonomous body under the flag of Federal Government. NCHD aims at effective provision of social services. It perceives human development as a process of enlarging choices, building capacities and encouraging participation of communities at the grass-root level. To ensure this, NCHD is directed towards supporting government line departments, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the local communities in the sectors of Education, Basic Health Care, Volunteerism & Community Development and Income Generating activities according to the commission objectives as dreamed at grass root level. NCHD – Mission: To promote Human Development by supporting Government line departments, non- governmental organizations and elected officials at the district level in primary education, literacy, income generating activities and provision of basic health services. Scope under NCHD Operates: The scope of NCHD emerges from the mandate of the commission as listed in the clause 7 of the Ordinance as follows: - a. Formulate, approve, manage, promote, enhance, implement, execute, monitor and organize its support programmes and projects for assistance of the line Ministries, Departments and agencies concerned, inter alia, for-
  • 8. National Commission for Human Development i. Capacity building, training, and enhancement of competency of Governmental functionaries and line departments, and non-governmental organizations working in the social sectors, especially under District Governments; ii. Literacy and non-formal basic education programmes supported by skills training programmes for income generating activities; iii. Programmes to assist in universal primary education; iv. Programmes to assist in primary health care; v. Programmes to assist in alleviation of poverty vi. National volunteer programme to assist in the social sectors. b. Undertake research, studies and surveys to assess the needs and requirements of an area for extending scope of its activities and disseminate information in respect thereof; c. Keep informed the Federal Government and respective Provincial Governments and their District Administration of its programmes and projects being carried out by it in performance of its functions; d. Global resource mobilization including finances, intellectual expertise and talent to assist in the social sectors; and e. Perform such other function, as may be incidental or ancillary to the execution of its programmes and projects. NCHD – at a Glance: Focusing on the above social sector development areas, NCHD identifies, and consequently presents innovative and cost effective solutions to fill implementation gaps, building the capacities of the involved agencies and stakeholders to effectively address the issues hampering the process. Through extensive training programs and capacity building workshops which cater to all the stakeholders involved in the process, NCHD helps to ensure a lasting impact. These capacity building exercises are targeted towards Government Line departments, CSOs and the community. Generally, it has been observed that strategies are done but remain unimplemented for one reason or the other; resultantly the social service delivery system suffers and development projects can’t meet to its realistic interpretation. NCHD takes PEHLA QADAM to work on an innovative approach – Incubation of government and non-government in regard to service delivery system to bridge the implementation gap between strategy and delivery. In order to put this approach in practice, a nationwide network of
  • 9. National Commission for Human Development Human Development Support Unit (HDSU) is placed in operation at district level. Social services delivery is accomplished through HDSU in building the capacity and competencies of lines departments and CSOs at the district level by imparting skills to promote communication and knowledge sharing. Today, NCHD has its operational projects in over forty-two districts across the Pakistan, with aims of replicating the successes in the remaining districts of the country. In order to carry out this dream in to its realistic interpretation – the Commission shares financial resources from the fund known as the Pakistan Human Development Fund (PHDF) & UNDP. The fund is used to support the human development endeavors of NCHD in Pakistan. However, a strategy is followed to be a doner agency in near futures for grass-root level project in social sector. NCHD – in Action: In regard to work areas identified as above, NCHD seems to be in action in different programs of Education and Health in particular whereas on the move to create National Volunteer Corps. Communication & Media Campaign and Global Resource Mobilization programs are in also in operation. Here we have a brief on these programs as an overview: - i. Education Program: This program is executed to assist the govt. in achieving 100% primary school enrollment taking assistance from the CSOs. Under this program, schools are also opened in the areas where no govt. school exists. Partially, this program facilitates to beneficiaries to economically empowered towards poverty reduction i.e. improving the employment rate. Under this program, general beneficiaries are distributed into three categories of target groups applying different sorts of treatment but with the one main objective to take PEHLA QADAM towards raising literacy rate. - Universal Primary Education Program (UPE) for 5 – 7 years old target groups - Basic Literacy and Non-Formal Community Based Primary Projects for 8 – 14 year age group.
  • 10. National Commission for Human Development - Adult Literacy Program followed by a skill training focusing 15 – 39 years old people. ii. Health Program: As per guidelines under National Health Policy, the program emphasizes on Primary Health Care Services to improve Infant & Mortality Rate and Population Growth Rate. For the purpose, Family Worker Training, Community Midwifery and Health Capacity Building projects (e.g. Training on ORS preparation underway) iii. Promoting Volunteerism: It is on credit of NCHD for taking first ever initiative to address this area to create National Volunteer Corps (NVC). Under this program volunteers are taken into account to utilize their skills and capabilities in the area of interest matched with the programs of NCHD. Operations are done through Volunteerism & Community Development Section(s) at HDSU level. Besides this, in order to masses awareness and to develop behaviour necessary for human development programs of NCHD, social marketing programs utilizing the communication and media with the available technology are put into operations at HDSU level through media personnel: Assistant Media Officer (AMO) as part of supportive role to programs. Moreover, description on operations of each program section(s) is given in the enclosed Fact Sheet(s) as per annexure. Organizational Hierarchy: Chairman CEO/COO CFO Sr. Director Operations Sr. Director Support Treasury Audit M & E Director MED Director Education Director Volunteerism Director Health Director CB Mktg HR Admin GMs at HDSU IT DPO DDPO ADPO DITO FAOPerformance Contract
  • 11. National Commission for Human Development Sections at HDSU level Scope and Limitations of the Organization: Hence having overview of the organization, we summarize that the scope of the organization revolves round the efforts towards social sector development; providing helping hand to govt. lines departments, ensuring to make the masses at grass root level empowered to get and have access to the basic necessities of life (e.g. health, education and livelihoods). This organization doesn’t operate on commercial or industrial basis and not a doner agency at the end. In short, the commission attempts to make Pakistani capable through knowledge with a vision to help them in accessing social facilities leading to a happy, satisfied and prosperous life at the end. Education Section Volunteerism & Community Dev. Section Health Section Finance & Admin Section IT Section HDSU Rahim Yar Khan Capacity Building Section
  • 12. National Commission for Human Development Highlights Judgement about performance during internship training and documentation of experiences in the form of report is evident in the certificate issued by the competent authority at HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan. The same is placed hereunder: -
  • 13. Table of Contents Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................................1 1. Purpose of Report..................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Scope of the Study........................................................................................................................3 1.2 Objectives of the Study ................................................................................................................4 2. Data Collection and Analysis ................................................................................................................5 2.1 Detail of Data................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Source Used..................................................................................................................................5 2.3 Importance and Cost of Data ......................................................................................................6 2.4 Requirement Analysis Tools ........................................................................................................6 2.5 Preliminary Requirement Analysis .............................................................................................7 2.6 Role and Participation .................................................................................................................9 2.7 SWOT Analysis ..............................................................................................................................9 2.8 System Design & Development.................................................................................................12 2.9 System Implementation.............................................................................................................13 2.10 System Evaluation......................................................................................................................14 3. Methods of Research........................................................................................................................... 16 3.1 Self-Administered Survey...........................................................................................................16 3.2 Personal Interviews....................................................................................................................17 3.3 Observation.................................................................................................................................17 3.4 Research Methods used for the Report....................................................................................18 4. Current Issues ......................................................................................................................................19 5. Causes of Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 22 6. Effects after Analysis........................................................................................................................... 25 7. Problem Analysis .................................................................................................................................27 8. Result....................................................................................................................................................28 9. Solution Criteria ...................................................................................................................................30 10. Recommendations..........................................................................................................................33 11. Benefits............................................................................................................................................35 12. Weaknesses ....................................................................................................................................37 13. Suggestions for Improvements......................................................................................................38 14. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................40 References.....................................................................................................................................................42
  • 14. Annexure(s): Fact Sheet - A: Finance & Admin Section......................................................................................................i A1. Data Flow Diagram..........................................................................................................................xii A.1.1 Level 0 DFD............................................................................................................................xii A.1.1 Level 1 DFD............................................................................................................................xii A2. Entity – Relationship Diagram ......................................................................................................xiii Fact Sheet - B: Information Technology Section .......................................................................................xiv Fact Sheet - C: Education Section .............................................................................................................xvii Fact Sheet - D: Health Section ..................................................................................................................xxvi Fact Sheet - E: VCD Section .....................................................................................................................xxxv a. Approved Work Plan
  • 15. Executive Summary Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 1 Executive Summary National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) – The Wheel of Change and Development is an organization with a people centered philosophy which is striving to empower the people at the grass root level to become the agents of social change. NCHD is a statutory autonomous federal body, mandated with the role of orchestrating human development efforts in Pakistan. Its primary role is to build capacities and improve services delivery in the social sector at the district level. Human Development Support Unit is put as key operational unit for delivery of services in lines with the NCHD focused areas of Education, Health, Capacity Building and Volunteerism & Community Development. The HDSU at Rahim Yar Khan has distinction among other HDSUs to the extent of covering the largest target district under NCHD operations. Since its commencement of operations; under Universal Primary Education (UPE) Project, baseline data of 556,376 households has been collected and analyzed with 242,304 children identified as out of school and decreasing this figure through enrollment of 167,232 children subsequently. Besides this, 4,691 adults were focused in 165 Adult Literacy Centres (ALCs) and provided education through 268 teachers. In result of all this efforts 86% enrollment is achieved but experienced 50% dropout (on over all estimation). UPE-MIS is need of the day to address the issue in concern and meeting objectives in letter and spirit. Besides this, IT support is also required in developing short applications on the areas, which are not covered under UPE-MIS Scope. No one can deny the importance and contribution of Information Technology products in every sphere of life and inevitable inputs towards sustainable development especially in social sector services delivery at very grass root level. In meeting with the objectives set by NCHD. Its IT Department is at fore front to contribute its share to facilitate the program sections at grassroots level. Still there is a long way to go. IT Department has to enhance its support to the program sections in the end. A lot of work has been done in a dream to launch first ever MIS on UPE soon at least to equip the Education Section with the list of upcoming enrollable children well before the start of their turn with the dream to utilize this system over the large geographical area. In order to support: Admin and
  • 16. Executive Summary Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 2 Finance Section, IT Department has contributed so nicely. MIS on Finance is already put in operations following the steps in performance of financial activities smoothly, minimizing the chances of errors, and to hold the responsible accountable for effective utilization of resources. Following to this, HR – MIS is on paper to strengthen the Human Resource Activities. However, in the present circumstances, IT Section at HDSU level may provide its support in terms of training especially on office application tools particularly to staff in different sections desperately needed to perform their assignments with effective use of IT resources in terms of cost and time. Moreover, short applications preferably using MS- ACCESS may be developed by IT Section recognizing the need of program sections even the above mentioned MIS will be in operation in different sections. IT Section should take a step ahead helping program section(s) in recognition of their need assessment to provide IT Solution at their door step. We feel coordination level on part of IT Section needs to be improved giving feel to program sections a helping hand rather creating obstacles for them in meeting day-to-day requirements. Computer Use Policy should be enforced in order to minimize frequent trouble shooting activities and effective use of IT Resources.
  • 17. Purpose of Report Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 3 1. Purpose of Report Obviously one of the main reason to prepare this report is associated with the final target i.e. to qualify for MBA – IT degree under MBA program by Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. After having completed 20 courses under the program, every student has to undergo for internship training minimum for a period of 6 week to get hands on experience through practical exposure in some organization and finally put it in the form of a report. Here this task is taken after completing 23 courses successfully scoring 73.42% marks in five consecutive semesters with the development of a project “Track and Trace System” of PHS – Department, Regional Office, State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan, Multan with the project report in final semester for specialization in IT. For internship purpose, the organization – an autonomous body at federal level named as “National Commission for Human Development” is picked for study on many reasons but its Human Development specialty is the prime one. As the Commission has its operational units in scattered parts of the country; so difficult to visit all of these units and even operational areas in a specific unit to address all ongoing activities therein. Here, in this report, the one of operational unit at Rahim Yar Khan given the name “Human Development Support Unit” (HDSU) is focused. 1.1 Scope of the Study After having focused the operations of HDSU at Rahim Yar Khan; it is revealed that there is a mix of operations like finance & administration in general and supporting operations of IT Section to different set of programs undertaken separately by other sections: Health, Education, Volunteerism & Community Development, Capacity Building in particular. Hence to limit the scope of the study and concentrating on one area with respect to the degree program (MBA-IT); here we take the focus on IT Section and examine the nature of support this section has extended to strengthen the capabilities of above mentioned program sections in carrying out different task assigned to accomplish at their own end. In relation to this scheme we draw following objectives to have answered in this report.
  • 18. Purpose of Report Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 4 1.2 Objectives of the Study - To develop an understanding on the over all activities being carried out in different sections at HDSU – NCHD, R.Y.Khan. - To list down the areas relating to support of IT section has extended to other sections helpful in their meeting job assignments. - To point out the limitations of IT Department with respect to time, cost and expertise to comply with the desired support as dreamed by the associated sections. - Requirements in terms of skills & expectations of the program sections, presently and in near future, to acquire support from IT section in meeting with their program objectives effectively and efficiently. - To come up with the recommendations for having support, in the present scenario, from IT section, which may be extended to other, associated program sections beneficial in their respective programs and to get work done with the optimum utilization of human and logistic resources. So, the track we are following to meet the objectives in a coherent way, the study is given the name “IT Support to MIS”. In order to carry out the task, the study scheme is designed to have practical exposure as per work plan [annexed herewith] for 36 days plus 08 days of work experience exclusively in IT Section. Fact Sheet(s) for each and every section to observe the ongoing activities and probe into the matter relating to IT support regarding logistic, human and expertise; are prepared and then summarized in the report following the desired format as per directions of MBA Department, AIOU, Islamabad. Supporting stuff like Manual(s), Activity Report(s), Presentation(s) etc, taken in study, is listed under reference column at the end of this report and come up with conclusion and recommendations keeping in view NCHD – The Wheel of Change and Development. In addition to 44 days of training experience, further 15 days are utilized for documentation to produce this report. Hence 8 – weeks are utilized to finish this activity in a fruitful manner.
  • 19. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 5 2. Data Collection and Analysis In this section, we will discuss the key points on which data has been collected in relation with the topic of the report and then will go through the preliminary investigation to the system evaluation points at the end. 2.1 Detail of Data In regard to scope of the study and topic “IT Support to MIS” and on having experience of each section at HDSU, the detail of the data on following lines has been collected. - Human Resource o Management o In association with the Management - Support Available o Hardware Support o Software Application Support o Operating System & Office Application Tools o Network available o MIS Support in relation to IT infrastructure available in the respective section [Note: Detail on these points and actual data collected can be perused in the referred Fact Sheet(s), prepared for each section, as annexed at the end of this report] 2.2 Source Used Focusing on the line of action and in order to obtain the data as per points mentioned above, data is collected utilizing the following sections in operation at HDSU as primary source. - Supporting Part at HDSU o Admin & Finance Section o IT Section - Program Implementation Part at HDSU o Education Section o Health Section o Volunteerism and Community Development Section
  • 20. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 6 Alongwith the primary source of data, secondary source like reports available with different sections and stuff available at website of NCHD is also used with respect to the topic helpful for study. 2.3 Importance and Cost of Data In any kind of research activity, primary data is of vital concern and plays a key role in rest of the proceedings. Hence its importance is beyond any doubt. In this particular study, the importance of primary data takes the weightage as compared to data collected from secondary source due to its distinction the way it is collected and composed in a Fact Sheet specifically addressing the point in concern. As for as cost incurred on collection of data is concerned; all the sections extended their cooperation and provided free of cost stuff/material in the form hard/soft copy(s) without showing any reluctance in regard to the material they thought free from shattering their concerns. 2.4 Requirement Analysis Tools There are a number of requirement analysis tools to assess the organization, two main: SWOT and PEST are elaborated as under: - SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors The SWOT analysis provides a good framework for reviewing strategy, position and direction of a company or business proposition, or any idea. SWOT analysis also works well in brainstorming meetings. SWOT analysis is used for business planning, strategic planning, competitor evaluation, marketing, business and product development and research reports. We can also use SWOT analysis exercises for team building games. PEST analysis, which measures a business's market and potential according to external factors; Political, Economic, Social and Technological. It is often helpful to complete a PEST analysis prior to a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis measures a business unit, a proposition or idea; a PEST analysis measures a market.
  • 21. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 7 Strength could be specialist expertise, new or innovative services, quality of procedures and process or any other aspect that adds value to the delivery of services/product. Weakness could be lack of expertise, poor quality of services delivery or damaged reputation. Opportunities could be developing new market, ineffective competitor, mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances. Threat may include: new competitor with innovative product/service, taxation or service/product delivery channel. 2.5 Preliminary Requirement Analysis The tool used for requirement analysis is not different as discussed under Methods of Research heading. It is also a blend of direct observation, personal experiences, especially minute watch on action and reaction of departments on acquiring information and level of fulfillment on performance of responding section. Here, the format on the points on which facts collected, specific to preliminary requirement analysis, are given hereunder. - Requirement Analysis: Why it is being used? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Are user needs fulfilled? ____________________________________ Are organizational needs are fulfilled? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Is it recognizable compatible with the system available at other HDSU? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
  • 22. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 8 - Free of ambiguity _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ - Easily understandable _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ - Performance Analysis: Types of Reports generated: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Are reports generated automatically? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Problems: Strength to accommodate the changes in organizational policy _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Security Measures: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Current Issue: With respect to the IT support, what would you think the vital concern that really needs to be solved? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Cause of Analysis: To improve the credibility of financial resources, production, inventory, human resources development activities in the organization. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
  • 23. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 9 Effects: After these analysis, impact on organization _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Hence the requirement analysis is done keeping in view of internal Strengths & Weaknesses and external Opportunities & Threats (SWOT analysis) with respect to the IT Support to MIS. 2.6 Role and Participation On joining at HDSU – Rahim Yar Khan and having first meeting with Col. Muneef Malik, General Manager; I was asked to go through whole of the working of support as well as program sections and observe analytically to come up with recommendations to implement it, if applicable, without putting additional resources (financial, human and logistics) in a dream to ensure optimal utilization of resources to achieve efficiency and effectiveness on the way to achieve HDSU objectives in particular and NCHD at large. This task is taken in spirit to work whole-heartedly. Initially, a work plan is chalked out, enclosed as annexure, and got it approved by the GM-HDSU to work in a disciplined way. After setting scope of work and focused on one area of performance “IT support to MIS” efforts are documented in the shape of preparation of Fact Sheet(s) one each section elaborating observations, working environment, prevailing situation, identification of areas improvements and suggestions at the end; keeping in view the format of the report. After having prepared these sheet(s), summarization is made in the form of this report while fact sheets are taken as evidence at the end of this report. Thus, in this way, I participated in the system. 2.7 SWOT Analysis In pursuance of scope of the project and focused on the area “IT support to MIS”, SWOT analysis of HDSU is done on the following parameters: - STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Competitive advantages: As a layman thinking, NCHD works as NGO but under Timescales, deadlines and pressures: Organizational personnel needs to absorb
  • 24. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 10 STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES the cover of government flag. Hence the organization has advantage to implement its programs in delivery of social service to the grass-root level over other NGO with such work areas, only because of under cover of govt. cover. The govt. lines departments, in one way are compelled to attempt to do things consistently, which leads to improvement in social services delivery. Moreover, HDSU operates in the areas where no other govt. agency is doing in regard to programs implemented by NCHD. Resources, Assets, People: The HDSU has resources (financial, human, logistics) quite sufficient to implement the programs without major obstacle. Experience, knowledge, data: In program sections, experienced personnel are applied in respective program sections (Health, Education, VCD and Capacity Building). They people are knowledgeable and come up with verified and authenticated data on their work areas. Financial reserves: The organization has no concern over continuous funding to their programs. Recently PHDF is created to meet with the financial needs. Location and geographical: HDSU – Rahim Yar Khan operates in the area where no other govt. agency doing programs as NCHD is implementing. Value, Quality: Quality of work is maintained and programs implemented by NCHD through HDSU – Rahim Yar Khan have value in the eyes of the beneficiaries. Accreditations, qualifications: NCHD has been recognized by the doner agencies like UNDP only on the work they people have demonstrated. pressures of work. Deadlines to complete the task are not fully meet. Continuity, supply chain robustness: Robustness in supply chain has been not upto the mark. For example, Medicine as committed to provide in the field, is delay so much. Effects on core activities: Program related activities especially on Enrollment are shattered due to non-availability of information on list of encrollable children, in time. Reliability of data, plan predictability: On UPE-MIS, data collected has not been manipulated and take sufficient time to use due unsoundness on reliability. Morale, commitment, Coordiation: Commitment level of some personnel is not upto the mark and coordination level between the section-to-section needs to be strengthened in the interest of the organization. Processes and systems: UPE-MIS, H-MIS and FIS lacks with the support of short applications on FS/FT, Budget utilization management, VCD on identification card issuance process in particular.
  • 25. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 11 STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Processes, systems, IT, communications: NCHD has well versed SOPs and guidelines to make the personnel fully understood to meet their job obligations in letter and spirit. The HDSU is equipped with a system supported with IT infrastructure and system software in order to ensure update information system. UPE – MIS and FIS are being utilized and HR- MIS is under way. Cultural, attitudinal, behavioural: Organizational Culture, behaviour of personal and working environment is cordial to work with peace of mid and motivational spirit. Management cover, succession: Well- reputed management cover is given to NCHD as Chairman is advised to report to the President of Pakistan. NCHD Secretariat is established at Prime Minister Secretariat. Renowned personalities of the country are honoured as member of Board of Directors of the organization. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Technology development and innovation Through information technology revolution there is an increasing opportunity for the organization to strengthen their information system to support their programs for optimal results by the end of 2015 as dreamed and commitment made with the global community. Global influences: With strong and reliable information system with IT Support, organization has the opportunity to exercise healthy influence through educated human resource. Political and Legislative effects: As NCHD is established under an Ordinance passed by the President of Pakistan; analyzing past experience, it is a strong perception that Commission may be dissolved in result of change in political scenario. IT developments: In case of non- compliance and adoption of on going IT technology in information system; the Commission may go beyond the object completion. Vital contracts and partners: It has been all the time of great concern by the doner
  • 26. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 12 OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Information and research: As organization has the close interaction with the community; hence greater is the opportunity of research and acquire information to address the social issue in a coherent way. agencies about consistency of govt. policies because past experience reveals that on change of ruling party; policies are set aside on assumption on charge by other party in Pakistan. So, funding agencies all the time remain vigilant about the policies about focused programs. Loss of key staff: Once team is shared, work suffers a lot. On loose of key personnel, program activities disturbs significantly. Frequent in/out of key staff may result in badly effect of program objectives. 2.8 System Design & Development In way of data collection and analysis regarding system design; the information, in lines to IT support to MIS, is collected on storage capacity and device used therein, personnel engaged and users, input and output taken. Here, the format on which such information is shaped given hereunder: - a. Human Resource: Management: ____________________ ___ In association with: ____________________ ___ b. IT Support available: i. Hardware: ii. Software Application Support: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ iii. Operating System & other Office Application Tools: Operating System: _______________________ Office Application Tools: _______________________ _______________________ SR. # Item with Specification Purpose 01. Computer System 03. Printer 03. Data Storage Device
  • 27. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 13 iv. Network: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ c. Operations of the Section: Following key assignments are performed meeting with obligations in the pursuance of objectives of the Program. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ In meeting with the above obligations, the nature of IT Support is available: System Application Software Name: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Front-end/Backend Design Tool ____________________________________ DBMS used _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Help available: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 2.9 System Implementation Here, we are going to describe our experience on the methods used to implement the recommendations on development of short applications to support the existing information system on Finance and UPE in particular. Therefore, implementation of proposed system planned to put into action through the competent authority. The recommendations on proposal may be analyzed and presented to DPOs on respective issues highlighted pertaining to their individual sections, GM – NCHD, Rahim Yar Khan in order to make them fully conversant on what is actually proposed to strengthen the information system requiring IT Support.
  • 28. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 14 At second step, after doing presentation at length; queries, questions are welcome and honoured upto the entire satisfaction of all participants. Then, finally, the system is put into practical exposure. Rapid Application Development model is suggested to use to implement the system. [Presentation on Demand] 2.10 System Evaluation It's difficult to design an evaluation form that could be used for all types of software. Instead, consider developing a general form with components that deal with each type of software: informational, instructional, and creativity. However, the existing Financial Information System and other short software applications are evaluated on the following lines by using the feed back from the end users, personal observation and experience.  Run without errors that disrupt program function.  Be easy to install and use.  Provide documentation to support program installation and operation.  Be compatible with the hardware, network, and system.  Provide user-friendly search capabilities that provide optimal access to information.  Provide searches in reasonable time.  Provide flexible means to navigate and search.  Incorporate principles of effective screen design including readability, legibility, consistency, and use of functional areas.  Provide valid and complete information from reliable sources.  Sequence information in a logical order.  Allow you to vary the font size for easier reading.  Provide means of printing or downloading.  Be the best format for the information.  Easy to use and reliable information  Search Tools/options are available  Screen Design and Visual appeal  Option selection, calculation, Graphic Tools  Color Options, Spelling/Grammar  Printing Options
  • 29. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Data Collection and Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 15  Reports self generated, options/pre-defined Further, general view is taken on the following lines for the purpose of evaluation as well as to come up with the identification of areas need improvement and strengthening capacity of Human Resource.  Are you well versed with SOPs/Terms of Responsibilities (TORs)?  Do you think distribution of work assignments is justified?  Job rotation plays a vital role in strengthening Human Resource. Do you agree with the statement and love to work in other section for the sake of experience and enhance your capabilities?  Do you have sufficient training to do your assignments effectively?  Do you need further training, especially relating to IT support?  What kind of support do you expect from your IT Section?
  • 30. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Methods of Research Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 16 3. Methods of Research Depending on the nature of information to be gathered, different instruments are used to conduct the assessment: forms for gathering data from official sources such as police or school records; surveys/interviews to gather information from youth, community residents, and others; and focus groups to elicit free-flowing perspectives. In today’s scenario, with the revolution of Information Technology, there are number of sophisticated, result oriented and easy to use research tools are available. Conventional methods of research like observation, interview, personal experience and questionnaire are best used so for. These methods have its own importance even with highly advanced tools like Video Conference, electronic mail, net poll etc. Let us take a brief look on some of these tools:- 3.1 Self-Administered Survey Self-administered surveys have special strengths and weaknesses. They are useful in describing the characteristics of large population and make large samples feasible. In one sense, these surveys are flexible, making it possible to ask many questions on a given topic. This also provides flexibility in the analysis of the responses. On the other hand, standardized questionnaire items often represent the least common denominator in assessing people’s attitudes, orientations, circumstances, and experiences. Some advantages of the self-administered survey are:  Low Cost. Extensive training is not required to administer the survey. Processing and analysis are usually simpler and cheaper than for other methods.  Reduction in Biasing Error. The questionnaire reduces the bias that might result from personal characteristics of interviewers and/or their interviewing skills.  Greater Anonymity. Absence of an interviewer provides greater anonymity for the respondent. This is especially helpful when the survey deals with sensitive issues such as questions about involvement in a gang, because respondents are
  • 31. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Methods of Research Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 17 more likely to respond to sensitive questions when they are not face-to-face with an interviewer. 3.2 Personal Interviews The interview is an alternative method of collecting data. Rather than asking respondents to fill out questionnaire, interviewers ask questions orally and record respondents’ answers. This method generally decreases the number of “do not know” and “no answer” responses. Interviewers also provide a guard against confusing items. If a respondent has misunderstood a question, the interviewer can clarify, thereby obtaining relevant responses. As noted previously, personal interviews are a good way to gather information from community leaders, particularly those who might be unwilling or too busy (management personnel) to complete a written survey. Some of the advantages of the personal interview are:  Flexibility – Allows flexibility in the questioning process and allows the interviewer to clarify terms that are unclear.  Control of the interview situation – Can ensure that the interview is conducted in private, and respondents do not have the opportunity to consult one another before giving their answers.  High response rate – Respondents who would not normally respond to a mail questionnaire will often respond to a request for a personal interview. 3.3 Observation Observation is a word that comes from the social sciences. It usually refers to the use of an observer to record events, which can then be analyzed. To be done objectively, observation requires a plan for making observations which includes, identifying what behaviors are to be observed, a schedule identifying how often and when behaviors are to be observed, a recording format for the observations, and a method for analysis. One issues with respect to observation is the impact of the observer on the observed. People who are being observed will often change their behaviors from what they might
  • 32. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Methods of Research Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 18 ordinarily be. For example, when a supervisor is present, personnel may work to rules. In the absence of the supervisor, personnel may take short cuts. 3.4 Research Methods used for the Report This report is prepared by using a mix of research methods in data collection. As internee, I have been privileged to experience the course of work and personal observation worked all together during the entire length of internship. In regard of getting data from the personnel; a Fact Sheet pertaining to each section has been prepared instead of a formal questionnaire put before them to answer. Different fact sheets are prepared with respect to the working of the sections at HDSU in question. The fact sheet(s) is a fine blend of information extracted through interview, putting queries to the personnel, personal observation and experience. This source of data is treated as base line to come up with the current issue of that particular section, problems analysis and suggesting alternative solution, identifying strengths and weakness, recommendations for improvements and then finally to reach the end result as per format desired by the University. The copy of each of the fact sheet is annexed herewith for perusal of the reader. Besides this, on the part of documentation support in way of research methods, reports pertaining to different sections on their orientation workshops, program activities, SOPs etc are also taken into account and sought help in order to clear the viewpoint on the operational mechanism of different sections. The stuff taken under study is mentioned in the reference section of this report. In the last but not the least, as information technology is on the super highway; the web site www.nchd.org.pk is also accessed and information is used for help not only to have acquaintance over background of the organization but also to their projects as NCHD people claim – The wheel of change and development.
  • 33. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Current Issues Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 19 4. Current Issues Having sessions in different section for acquaintance upon major activities and making analysis in focusing on IT Support to prevailing MIS, we are come up with the following current issues which needs to be addressed, section wise summarized as under. The detail discussion can be pursued in the attached Fact Sheet(s) given at the end. Admin & Finance Section Admin Part: on enquiring, FAO showed his concern on the issue of vehicle management information system. The issue is on priority of FAO to strengthen the capacity of admin section expecting IT Services in regard of capacity building and acquiring expertise in order to develop the short application. Finance Part: Going through FIS, it has been observed that the system is a combination of different individual programs like part of capital inventory management system, payroll, budgeting, accounting conventional transaction support etc. At HDSU level, some of the components are provided in access to the FAO on need cum basis provided training accordingly. For example, presently, payroll is maintained and prepared at Head Office level. Therefore, payroll preparation facility is not provided to FAO. Trial Balance, voucher summary listing, balance sheet are included in output reports from the system. However, Bank Reconciliation, one of the major components to run the accounting system smoothly, is not facilitated to the extent it should be. Budget analysis, allocation to the concerned sections and utilization all done vigilantly. But a hand on information on management of budget utilization is missing over here. Instead on managing it manually, software short application is needed to address the point in concern and support on the above area. Information Technology Section IT section is doing well in providing technical support to associated sections. For example, handling IT related equipment; minor troubleshooting facility at desk of the respective section, maintenance of LAN facility at the end of each section etc. But capacity of the
  • 34. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Current Issues Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 20 personnel in respective sections on their work relating to IT related activities is not up to the mark. IT section should perceive this point as current issue to support and make them fully capable on Operating System, using office application tools proficiently (at least of intermediate level) and expertise on developing short applications in concern with the issues highlighted at their end. Education Section Education Section has to work on UPE, FS/FT part of UPE and Adult Literacy (now given under the control of District Literacy Coordinator). To cover all programs in this report is beyond the scope. Here only UPE is apparently taken into focus and documented the issue of vital concern in regard to IT support at surface level. We all agree that UPE program desperately needs IT support on developing such information system that helps on solving the following major identified problems so that the objective drawn on this program be achieved in letter and spirit.  Need to curtail Children Drop out ratio after having enrolled in the school  Need to provide list(s) of enrollable children well before admission session commences to ensure 100% enrollment of children in the school  Need to find out convenient track and trace system for child left over from one school and joined other one or the situation may be. As said, UPE is a vast program; here only surface area of this program is covered. UPE- MIS, as we perceive, has to deal with the data focused on the child at length whereas management information system on field staff (SO, MC, FT/FS etc) are left on the part of DPO(E). An up-to-date and solid application on monitoring, evaluating and analysis of progress of such field staff is required to associate with the main UPE-MIS. Education Section needs IT Support to develop short applications in order to meet with the realistic interpretation of the matter. Health Section There are number of activities performed in Health Section i.e. planning, implementation, monitoring or special emphasis on some focused assignments like ORS campaign etc.
  • 35. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Current Issues Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 21 Here only MIS related to IT focused activities (MPR and Epi Info 6.04c baseline data entry) is taken into account. We understand, in preparation, consolidation/compilation of MPRs received from eight sub areas; IT support is very much required to improve the skills of Health MIS in performing this activity in dream to good time management and efficient use of resources. Volunteerism & Community Development Section VCD Section needs assistance of IT Section to address the following issues in concern.  Development and maintenance of a database application for management of record of Registered Volunteers in operational area i.e. Track and Trace System of Volunteers.  IT Support on preparation and issuing of Computerized Identification Card(s) to Registered Volunteers  Training on maintaining/development a short database application and to those ADPOs who have inadequate knowledge on using the office application software.
  • 36. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Causes of Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 22 5. Causes of Analysis With reference to the currents issues listed in previous discussed; here, causes of analysis are drawn in regard to improve the credibility of financial resources, and human resources development activities in respective section. Section wise analysis is given as under whereas detail discussion is left with the attached Fact Sheet(s): - F&A Section Admin Part: In handling of currently available fleet of vehicles, expected to increase in near future; there is need to manage the human resource (especially drivers) for efficient utilization and: -  To utilize the financial resources on fuel expenditure (on acquiring of scare resources) more effectively  Need for effective analysis to hold the responsible accountable on logbook obligations Finance Part: In order to reflect a clear picture at the time of voucher preparation, approving payment and preparing cheque(s); budget utilization information make the accounting system more transparent especially payments in absence of Pre-Audit Payment System as is the case at HDSU level. Since, here, Post-Audit Payment System prevails; this would be beneficial to adopt such practices. IT – Section It is observed that some personnel lack desired level of efficiency while using the computer application tools. First, they prepare the desired stuff manually and then put to the application software to get the work composed through the equipment. The capacity of copy/pasting techniques cannot fulfill the requirements. Besides this, they people are not fully aware of using the operating system. For example, some personnel are unable to conceive the page set up under office application tools properly results to which wastage of resources (paper, toner, time etc) .IT section should keep on eye and analyze the situation not only to keep these personnel satisfied over their queries but also to help them to get the assignments completed effectively and efficiently with good time management.
  • 37. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Causes of Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 23 Education Section UPE program has a serious concern on dropout ratio (about 50%). Without having updated, timely available, concrete information system there is difficult to enjoy satisfaction level of achieving 100% enrollment of children between age of 5 – 7 years currently showing 50% dropout (on overall estimation). To apply measures to cut down the dropout ratio, alongwith other strategies, IT support is required to get hands on information to analyze the situation in depth. UPE Register is maintained manually at each UPE primary school level and same is the case with Feeder School. Imagine the fruit, once sound and verified data collection is put to a database and replacing/support the manual mechanism; the output through such information (Computerized List) will not only equip with the list of enrolled children but with the list of those children come to eligible to enroll well before the admission session commences. If this time consuming effort is accomplished through IT support; the rest of the work e.g. implementation, monitoring and tangible measures to minimize the dropout ration can get effective human resource utilization at the end. At HDSU level, with such information system short applications in maintaining information on SO/FT is required to make the task comfortable for DPO(E) and more concentration on major objectives. Health Section  On the task in focus, manual data entry is put for reports of each sub areas (15 reports for each sub area) towards compilation of MPR. This leads to extra effort put by human resource.  It is also observed, some times, manual calculation is done for having effect, on eight sub-total(s) of individual reports, in one cell of compiled report format. VCD – Section VCD Section does as supportive role to Health and Education program sections to make things easy for them strengthening participatory development approach. Imagine, if no proper record management (database) is established; the VCD may be in a fix on desired information for decision making in selection of most suitable person on the required task.
  • 38. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Causes of Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 24 Presently, the time consumed on maintaining the record by utilizing the inappropriate application tool disturbs the effectiveness on sound decision-making and exercises unhealthy influence towards meeting other assignments within stipulated period of time. Secondly, at present, due to inappropriate use of application tool on record management of Registered Volunteers results in unutilized information for preparation of Computerized Identification Cards. They people are doing the task manually. A bulk of cards to issue is left to complete. On pursuance of the registered volunteers; they issue the card accordingly putting particulars on the card by hand.
  • 39. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Effects after Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 25 6. Effects after Analysis After having current issues(s) in focus and analysis on it; in this section we discuss the effects on identified issues and see the impact therein. The Section wise discussion is summarized as under: -  Finance and Admin Section: As the section has to perform on two extremes: Finance and Admin; therefore, in sequence of previous discussion and issues identified on each end, here, effects are taken accordingly: -  On Admin Part: focusing on the support of IT to MIS, Vehicle Management Information System exercises the effect: -  Human resource specially drivers lack required level of efficiency  With good time management for provision of logistic support can be ensured  Person responsible in handling the vehicle can be held accountable  Lacking information system helpful in solving of physical maintenance problems resulting to which increase in life efficiency of the vehicle.  Track record of vehicles can be maintained of the vehicle  Sound decision-making can be made on occurring maintenance expenditures etc  On Finance part: With good budget utilization information system, Post- Audit Payment System activities would be strengthen and Bank Reconciliation activity will leave chances to complete in hassle and bustle.  Education Section: As organization acts as Wheel to Social Change and Development under their Education program, the solution to the issue in concern will exercise a healthy influence on part of achievements, effective human, financial resources utilization and help the task easy in services delivery to empower the community, govt. lines departments at District and Tehsil level. The solution to such problem will enforce lines departments’ personnel in discharging
  • 40. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Effects after Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 26 their responsibilities effectively and be more focused to this noble cause – Education For All.  Health Section: In regard to issue highlighted in previous section i.e. Monthly Progress Reports preparation; the effect is analyzed in the following points: -  Efficiency and effectiveness on part of this task shatters the degree of performance in result to which productivity level decreases.  It is also observed that after having laborious work done on manual feeding for each and every cell except figures on total; worksheet(s) are imported to Word just for taking hardcopy. This shows not fully conversant on the Page Setup mechanism of EXCEL.  VCD – Section: In view of cause of analysis, the current situation exercises the following impact on performance of the section, visualized in the following points:-  Data on registered volunteers remains inconsistent to utilize for multiple purposes. Even simple analysis cannot be taken by utilizing the current tool.  Delay in process of issuance of Identification Cards exercises an unhealthy influence on the performance of the section.  Lack with the desired level of skills results in consumption of time more than the desired to complete a specific task.
  • 41. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Problem Analysis Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 27 7. Problem Analysis Issue wise problem analysis is taken with respect to the time frame, political, economical, reforms by government and global changes.  Admin Part: So as Vehicle MIS is concerned, scare energy resources in the changing scenario keeping in view on global issues and world economy; has exercised a lasting impact to adjust our homeland policies. Every country is in search of getting innovative energy resources not only for expansion needs but also for survival to certain extent. Long and short, there is a desperate need to manage and effective utilization of energy resources and to curtail the expense as much as possible.  Finance Part: As for as management of budget utilization information is concerned; this practice will minimize the chances of error, provide input to the reconciliation activity and enhance the credibility of accounting transactions. Moreover, it will exercise a healthy influence on the doner in general and enhances worth in the eyes of the Post-Audit Team or External Auditors in performing activities at their end. Having such support, Bank reconciliation tasks would be eased in case of expansion of programs/transactions and future requirements.  Education: Timely solution to the problem in concern matters a lot and needs to be taken on priority. Since NCHD has launched the UPE Program, period of about 2 – years has elapsed. The HDSU in focus has achieved 86% enrollment rate whereas estimated dropout is 50% (based on overall estimation). On having close look at the statistics, timely solution would save from the real damage. Such information system is needed not only to fulfill the requirements on implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the program activities but also helpful in meeting with the global challenges as commitment made by government on world forum towards meeting 100% literacy rate by the end of 2015.
  • 42. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Result Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 28 8. Result In this section, we will highlight the over all perception about the activities being performed in relation with IT support and the course of work done during the internship briefing(s).  Finance & Admin Section: In respect Admin part, generally speaking, the briefing and conduct has been excellent in a friendly environment. FAO shared the information to the extent of level he desired to share. I tried to probe into the activities in function and understand assignments are performed in observance of SOPs. Whereas having observation in F&A Section, Overall working is satisfactory. However, there is always room for improvement. If slight adjustments are made; reliability, validity and efficiency can be increase in the scenario of Post- Audit Payment System at HDSU level.  Education Section: is doing at their level best in lines with targets set to achieve. But they people are also concerned on dropout figures even measures are taken as per training manual guidelines. The coordination level with lines departments and among the team members is admirable. They people are united as team. The positive aspect is that they are committed to do the assignments perceiving as noble cause to make people literate and delivering quality education comes under definition by NCHD.  Health Section: Work is done any way; but not effectively in use of IT Support applied. The personnel lacks of Training to use the tool at intermediate/advance level. However, at beginning level, it is done well.  Volunteerism & Community Development: team is very much dedicated and determined to do work utilizing best of their efforts in meeting with the responsibilities. They people are desperately looking for support from IT Section for assistance to solve their genuine problems. They coordinate and assist each other on assignments. They welcome queries, volunteers, and visitors to their section with open heart and always in attempt to motivate, satisfied on the
  • 43. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Result Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 29 observations towards this noble cause. I am of the view that IT Section requires formal request from VCD people. Whereas VCD section dreams that IT Section is analyzing the situation and would come to their door step to assist them as IT Section is fully aware of the need in result of scheduled meetings, informal discussions between sections etc.
  • 44. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Solution Criteria Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 30 9. Solution Criteria In connection with the current issue(s) taken from different sections, problems identified, doing analysis on causes, showing effect of it and problem analysis; here, some points on alternative solutions are discussed to solve the issue(s) in focus.  Admin and Finance Section: Part: different solutions are suggested as follows to solve the issues in concern.  The best solution is to develop requirement base vehicle management information system as analyzed to meet with the objectives of sectional head in regard to the guidelines.  Quick short application can be developed with MS-ACCESS having expertise of IT Section.  MS-EXCEL can effectively be used not to the extent of Average Analysis on Fuel Consumption of vehicle but other functions to meet the above requirements.  Manual Budget utilization Register can be maintained.  This information may be part of FIS.  For Bank reconciliation activity; FIS be enhanced to desired level of information.  In Education Section: Obviously and as discussed so for, UPE-MIS is the best solution on tracking and tracing of child. This information system contains the database of children of 0 – 9 years age of the focused area. The system is developed using tool Oracle 11i for both back-end and front-end interface. The software is passing through necessary checks and to ensure the consistency on database. Partially, the system is under commissioning at different HDSU level. Rahim Yar Khan being the largest target district is getting time to launch due to heavy database records.  Secondly, incomplete short applications on MIS relating to SOs, SCMs, FT should be developed with a serious concern to integrate with UPE-MIS for effective utilization.
  • 45. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Solution Criteria Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 31  Thirdly, alongwith capacity building of Education Section, IT Section should take steps to extend their expertise to Education Department at District level so that they people be able to adopt the effective information system to manage the work in lines with the object. The sincere efforts are required at both ends to curtail the dropout ratio having serious concern. IT Section may help the Education personnel in local government setup to make their analysis and reporting system reliable and up-to-the standard. MIS on short applications can be developed or IT Section can help them to utilize applications tools (EXCE, MS-ACCESS) for the purpose to associate the strength of measures with NCHD activities.  Health Section: to solve the problem in question, the solution is suggested using the tool EXCEL; District Monthly Progress Report can be prepared and compiled in quick possible time following the steps as elaborated at length in the attached Fact Sheet on Health Section. These steps are given in brief. A presentation/demonstration can be performed, if required.  VCD Section: in order to solve the problem in focus, list of following solution(s) are suggested: -  Incomplete application software initiated by the IT Section should be developed and implemented so that the database is managed on registered volunteers.  In order to handle record on estimated database of 5000 registered volunteers, short application may be developed by taking necessary attributes of Volunteer Registration Form in MS-ACCESS expecting the output on following objectives: - o Extraction/analysis of volunteers at District, Tehsil, Union Council and Village level separately o Extraction of record on the area of interest of volunteer o Types of report(s) necessary to meet the requirements as analyzed by ADPOs and VCD Section to meet the time-to-time requirements of Head Office.
  • 46. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Solution Criteria Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 32 o Export of Data to be utilized for Identification Cards or Facility of Computerized Card issuance using the same application tool. o Issuance of thanks/acknowledgement/motivation letters to the volunteer, his/her parents/guardian.
  • 47. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Recommendations Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 33 10. Recommendations Here the most appropriate solution by means of objective analysis among the different alternative with financial implications is picked from the suggestions in concern of different sections proposed in the previous discussion: -  Admin Part: At this point in time, to go with the first option is beyond the level of IT Section even or unless Head Office assigns the responsibility to IT Section. Short application using MS-ACCESS can be developed within quick time to have a close look in lines with the objective in question. No additional financial resources are involved therein. IT Section can support and guide FAO in developing such application.  Finance Part: The management of budget utilization information system would be appropriate to address both concerns in focus. Development of a short software application would be appropriate for the purpose. The support from IT Section can be sought. Sketch of rough output is draws here as under: - Payment voucher should bear the following information: - Working Code # _______________ Budget Allocated _______________ Amount utilized prior this bill _______________ This Bill _______________ Total Utilized _______________ Balance available _______________ Initial _______________________________________  Education: There is no way except to exercise all the steps as recommended in previous section to get problem solved as discussed at length in regard to objective analysis. Title of A/C _______________________ Working Code # _________________ Budget Allocation: __________________________________________________ Voucher # Payment Made to This Bill Total Utilized Balance Available
  • 48. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Recommendations Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 34  Health Section: The solution suggested in the previous section would be the best choice to exercise in the prevailing situation and most appropriate for the reasons: -  No changes are required in the current available infrastructure/resources (financial, human and technical).  It is all the time cost effective. Only expertise from IT Section is required to accomplish the task and make the personnel i.e. Health – MIS fully skilled on getting the steps performed as detailed in the Fact Sheet on Health Section.  VCD – Section: First the software application system developed by DITO should be reviewed and efforts should be made to complete it so that fruitful results be taken from it. However, in my opinion, best solution to the problem is to go with the second option stated in previous discussion. A short application needs less time to complete and set in operation at compared to the first one system developed in Oracle. Over 5000 records is not a difficult task to handle in MS- ACCESS. If IT Section extends its support to build the capacity of ADOs/DPO (who are interested to learn skills); it will be more beneficial not only to get the problem solved but maximum task would be in the hands of VCD people and only facilitation be left on the part of DITO to meet with the realistic interpretation.
  • 49. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Benefits Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 35 11. Benefits Here, we list the advantages on exercising the recommendations given in the previous section, in lines with the organizational objectives analysis in sequence of discussion so far in solving the identified problems on concerned issues in each section at HDSU level with respect to IT support to MIS: - Admin & Finance Section In context with the section in focus, applying the possible recommendation on the problem in question; the section will enjoy the following benefits: - Admin Part Finance Part  Maintenance of logbook will be done in a coherent way  Vehicle maintenance analysis will be more precise  Tracking and Tracing of vehicle fleet will be fast.  Voucher Preparation would get an additional support  Payment credibility would be strengthened  Post-Payment Audit activity would get a hand on support to accomplish easily.  Chances of errors will be minimized  The Information will support Bank Reconciliation task. Education Section  The analysis mechanism will be strengthened. The reporting will be accurate and fast. On reliable analysis, decision-making will be sound and more effective to apply.  List on Children coming eligible to enroll will be available well before the session commences.  The full fledge information system will help to control the dropout ratio.  This system will be helpful in addressing the issues as discussed earlier. Health Section  It would save from laborious work of data entry for worksheet(s) on different eight sub areas.
  • 50. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Benefits Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 36  Verification on compilation of reports would be easy.  Reports will be passed on to Head Office in quick possible time for doing necessary action at their end.  The effort/time saved from this activity may be consumed on other focused work. Volunteerism & Community Development Section  Definitely, VCD would be handy access to the most suitable volunteer on the specified task.  To go with the recommend option not only builds the capacity of the VCD personnel to get solution on the problem in question but also they people would be able to develop a short application on personnel management of SCMs.  In case, Computerized preparation facility is not put in the proposed Volunteers Track and Trace System; VCD can use the database in import in other application software e.g. WORD utilizing the option of merge printing with having format of desired Card to get a printout over here or other short application may developed.  Surely, following the recommended criteria would enough time and other resources leading to improvement in performance and disposing off the assignments effectively and efficiently.
  • 51. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Weaknesses Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 37 12. Weaknesses There is always room for improvement. Here, we are giving some points on flaws, as we observed during the activities in different departments. It is pertinent to mention here that points given hereunder are based on personal observation. It is not necessary for the reader to agree with the points in letter and spirit.  Admin & Finance Section: In regard to IT, personnel working in different sections are lack with the desired level of training on their assignments specially using the available IT infrastructure.  Education Section: no major weakness is observed in working of Education Section. However, for effective utilization of human resource with good time management, they people lack with training to some advance level for development of short applications using Excel, MS-ACCESS, MS-Project etc. as they effectively plan and want to do.  In Health Section, no significant weakness is observed towards coordination, motivation and teamwork progress. However, there is always room for improvement. All the time, we are in learning process.  VCD Section: For a couple of month at HDSU, it has been observed that VCD people has been in uncertainty about the fate of the Section conceiving rumors/facts from different sources about close/dissolution of the section. So, in this sort of situation, performance and commitment level to work with heart and soul definitely decreases. Generally, NCHD people are committed and self-motivated to work in the best interest of the organization. In respective sections, they are successful in building teamwork scenario but section-to-section wise lack desired level of coordination binding them as Team Unit. Some times, it seems one section creating trouble to other section irrespect of helping to getting work done in focus.
  • 52. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Suggestions for Improvements Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 38 13. Suggestions for Improvements On above areas, here we scrutinize some suggestions to improve weaknesses, as mentioned at Serial # 12, for further improvements: -  Admin & Finance: IT Section should come forward to train the personnel at least on office application tools to use effectively rather than open/close/cut/past application and like that. The personnel should be trained on using different functions relating to specific job assignments. This objective can be fulfilled following “on the job training methods” rather than conducting formal training workshops in Training Halls(s) etc providing all logistics over there.  IT Section: In the present situation, keeping in view the financial resources as well; IT section should be actively involved in software application support rather than general support. As IT section is supposed to take backup(s) on FIS, therefore, IT Section should have the control of currently available MIS program on Finance i.e. FIS at the server end. Finance section should only have the privilege to feed data.  General Support matters like maintenance of equipment not directly related to the computer hardware should be left on the part of Admin Section.  Utilizing the present infrastructure, real move should be initiated by IT Section to work on short software applications to help other sections e.g. Personnel Management System in way of HR – MIS etc.  IT section is using Windows – XP as operating system. Although this version is user friendly but comes at the second stage as for as security matters and bugs are concerned. The use of Windows NT Professional 2000 version(s) for server and client respectively keep the system on safer side. We are of the view that the existing pirated operating system be replaced with the licensed Windows NT family.
  • 53. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Suggestions for Improvements Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 39  The computer use policy should be enforced by IT Section in order to make the personnel fully aware of their limitations for smooth function of the equipment and minimize the chances of trouble shooting.  For Education Section: IT Section should come forward to play its role and provide expertise on using wizard utilities to generate quick short applications for manipulation of data as how effective they want to be. This may be done by extending coordination by IT personnel in the supreme interest of the organization.  In Health Section: getting support from IT Section, the personnel in the Section with sound knowledge and expertise in relation to IT matter should come forward to help and facilitate the personnel in need of desired level of skills in order to improve the efficiency level in the best interest of the organization.  VCD Section: Organization should take quick and timely decision in order to avoid such sort of situation as identified in previous discussion. Either the decision is favorable or unfavorable; it should be taken timely without creating uncertainty. It not only affects directly to the personnel but also shakes the confidence of other associated stakeholders. Now VCD is out of such danger and is on track to work zeal and zest.
  • 54. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Conclusion Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 40 14. Conclusion We hereby sum up the report on the following points: -  In Admin and Finance Section, work is being done satisfactorily. Definitely, HR- MIS, FIS with more integrated components, solution over the problems in question, and capacity building on developing short applications for effective use of computer hardware/software would strengthen human resources in meeting with the obligations of support section(s) in general; and provide tonic to program sections in fulfilling their needs in view of HDSU objectives in general.  Presently, IT Section has extended its support on General areas (Equipment handling, repair/maintenance of hardware and software etc) but no concrete support in terms of application except of taking backup(s) of data on application(s) software and troubleshooting. On the part of IT Section, coordination level needs to be improved to catch admirable feelings of personnel regarding IT Section as solution provider. Initiating draft of “Computer Use Policy” is appreciable. It needs to be refined and applied with the objective to provide connivance instead of creating problems. IT Section should take a step ahead to motivate and conduct informal/formal trainings on need assessment basis of the personnel in view of requirement of sectional heads. Here, I would also like to say that DITO needs to improve coordination level because it has been observed strongly by other sections that sometimes DITO creates problems for them instead of facilitating on the issues in focus.  On the part of Education Section: They people are doing work with commitment and great zeal and zest in pursuance of prime objective to enroll every eligible child in school under their operational area. They are taking some concrete steps at HDSU level to strengthen their information system to handle the dropout ratio specifically. They work as team and coordination level is upto the mark. IT Section should help DPO(E) in acquiring skills on MS-Project and MS-ACCESS specifically.
  • 55. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan Conclusion Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 41  Health Section: In regard to IT activities, Epi Info is being used only to record baseline data, done satisfactorily. On preparing MPRs, using EXCEL, the personnel (HMIS) needs training to perform work with good time management. Coordination and conduct with other sections is splendid. They people work as team work and sound motivation.  In VCD Section: with respect to problem in question, IT Section as immediate support, has great responsibility to come forward and initiate informal discussion with VCD people with the motto to provide services at their door step in the larger interest of the HDSU and ultimately towards achievement of NCHD goals as dreamed.
  • 56. Internship Report on IT Support to MIS National Commission for Human Development, HDSU, Rahim Yar Khan References Roll # L – 519679, MBA-IT Program, Session 2002 - 04 42 References Progress Report, (2004) Progress Report, August – 2002 to August - 2004, National Commission for Human Development, Islamabad Workshop Report, (2004) Report on DITOs’ Orientation Workshop, February 17-19, 2004, Conducted by IT Department, NCHD, Islamabad; written by Ms. Tayyaba Naz, DITO- Rahim Yar Khan Manual – UPE, (2002) Universal Primary Education Program, 100% Enrollment Campaign for Children between the ages 5 – 7 years, NCHD, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan. Training Material, (2005) Training Material on Epi Info 6.04, Software on Health Issues, Workshop, April 28 – 29, 2005, Conducted by IT Section, by Ms. Tayyaba Naz, DITO- Rahim Yar Khan Manual on VCD, (2002) Information/Training Manual on Volunteerism Program, NCHD, Head Office, Prime Minister Secretariat, Block – D, Level – 2, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad – Pakistan. "Introduction" URL: http://nchd.org.pk/ws
  • 57. FACT SHEET – A Human Development Support Unit, Rahim Yar Khan Page i Finance & Admin Section Introduction Alongwith the IT Section, F&A (Finance & Admin) Section acts as support unit at each HDSU level in order to facilitate the program sections regarding financial matters and maintaining general administrative activities. The key responsibilities of the section includes: processing all sorts of necessary payments meeting day-to-day expenses of general and on program section(s) activities, ensuring provision of logistics of general nature (furniture/fixture maintenance, office utilities, general supplies etc). The Section is supervised by the Incharge given designation FAO (Finance & Admin Officer). Overall performance on activities of the section is taken into account and approvals, immediate instructions passed by the General Manager at HDSU. In the absence of the General Manager, FAO acts as Acting GM. He/She meets with the responsibilities assigned to GM in addition to his/her present assignments and exercises the powers delegated to GM as per policy/rules and regulations. a. Human Resource: Management: Finance & Admin Officer (FAO) 01 In Association with: Finance Assistant 01 Admin Assistant 01 b. IT Support available: ii. Hardware Support: ii. Software Application Support: Application software FIS (Finance Information System) is available in the section to get work done on different types of financial activities. v. Operating System & other Office Application Tools: Operating System: Windows – XP Office Application Tools: MS-OFFICE 2000 Adobe Acrobat Reader InPage etc SR. # Item with Specification Purpose 01. Computer System (NCHD-Finance ) 2.4 GHz, P-IV Mainly used for FIS (Finance Information System) treated as Server in the section, as client liked with IT Section on LAN. The system is under operation of FAO 02. Computer System (NCHD-Finance2) 2.4 GHz, P-IV Treated as client with above designated server and also attached with IT Section on LAN. The system is used for support on different assignments undertaken by F&A Section. 03. Printer No Printer is available in the section. However, hard copy is taken using the shared printer in IT Section, as and when required 03. Data Storage Device HDD 60 GB for each computer system, Flash Drive (on Demand), FDD 3.5”, CD-R/W