I lead the Adaptive Optics Group at Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation in Ettlingen, Germany. I obtained my Ph.D. in Physics from the National University of Ireland in Galway in 2007. I then worked at European Southern Observatory in Garching (Germany) and at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. I joined Fraunhofer IOSB in 2012 and I currently lead research which focuses on horizontal-path propagation and strong turbulence. I have been awarded several awards and grants, e.g. from University of California, US Air Force and US Navy. I have authored or co-authored over 150 publications on turbulence and adaptive optics in journals and conference proceedings. Additionally, I have represented Germany on the following NATO research task groups: SET-165 “Adaptive Optics for Laser Beam Delivery and Passive and Active Imaging and Turbulence Mitigation”, SET-226 “Turbulence mitigation for Electro Optics (EO) and laser systems”, SET-ET-118 “Modelling, Measuring and Mitigating Optical Turbulence: M3T”. I currently chair NATO SET-304 “Modeling, Measuring and Mitigating Optical Turbulence: M3T” and additionally serve as conference chair and committee member on various OSA and SPIE conferences. I was guest editor for Optical Engineering (SPIE, in 2016/2017) and for the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (SPIE, in 2017/2018). I have served as Topical Editor for Applied Optics (OSA/Optica), and as Associate Editor, and since 2023 as Senior Editor for Optical Engineering (SPIE). I have managed grants and projects worth around 4 million USD.
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The transmission filter converts the gradients of the incident wavefront into an intensity distribution. For each direction (x and y) this distribution is captured twice, with different angles between filter and optical axis for each measurement. The contrast of both measurements (calculated for each pixel of the used detector) and the local gradients of the wavefront (averaged across each pixel) has a nearly linear relation. To reconstruct the wavefront from the obtained local gradients, algorithms developed for the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor are used. Simulations demonstrate the applicability of the sensor in atmospheric turbulence. For the experimental proof of concept, we have designed and fabricated volume Bragg gratings (VBG) as angular selective filters. The VBGs were implemented in an optical testbed to evaluate the sensor response to wavefront tilts.
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