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eBooks FAQ

What’s the eBook return policy?

If you’re not satisfied with any eBook that you rent or purchase from us, or you cancel a class and don’t need it, we offer a 14 day satisfaction guarantee that allows you to return it for a full refund, so long as you are within 14 days. You may only return the same eBook once for a refund. If you rent or buy a digital book after returning that same book, no returns for refunds will be available.

How long are eBook rental periods?

eBook rental periods are determined by the publisher, and varies by title. The available rental period options are displayed under “eBook” on the book details page.

Can I extend my eBook rental?

Unfortunately, extensions are not available for eBook rentals. If you wish to have access to your eBook longer, you need to re-rent it by reordering the eBook.

Will I save money with eBooks?

With many eBooks, purchase or rental, you can still expect to see savings up to 60% off list price.

Are eBooks internationally friendly?

Unfortunately, eBooks listed on TextbookRush.com are only available in the United States and United States territories.

How do I access my eBook?

Your eBook rental or purchase will become available in your customer account up to one business day after you complete your order. From there, you can determine whether you would like to access it online or offline.

Accessing your eBook online means you can read the book online through your TextbookRush customer account. You don’t need to download any software in order to access your eBook.

Accessing your eBook offline means you’ve downloaded the eBook you purchased or rented to VitalSource Bookshelf.

Online and offline access

When you buy or rent an eBook from TextbookRush.com, you can download the whole book, but you can also read your eBooks online - anywhere, anytime, from any internet connected device.

Online access

I can’t open my eBook

  • Try refreshing your browser.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of your browser
    • Do a quick search on the internet and download the most up to date version for:
      • Google Chrome
      • Mozilla Firefox
      • Safari
      • Internet Explorer
    • Try a different browser
      • We know this can be frustrating, but some browsers, if too outdated, aren’t compatible with eBooks or other digital content.
    • Check your internet connection
      • Poor internet connection can impact how easily you can access your eBook.

Offline access

Download VitalSource Bookshelf to your Mac or PC

  • Go to VitalSource Support, click on “Download Bookshelf”, and select the appropriate download link for your machine.
  • Once installed, launch Bookshelf and sign in with your email address and password.
  • Upon sign in, double click on any of the eBooks in your library to download and read.

Navigate your eBook

  • The Table of Contents is displayed on the left side of the screen.
  • Clicking on “Chapters” or “Sections” in the Table of Contents will take you to that particular chapter or section in the eBook.
  • Click the toggle arrows at the top of your text to go the next or the previous chapter.
  • The back and forward arrows in the main toolbar take you to the previously read page.

Search, highlight, and annotate

  • Use the search bar to search inside the book and your notes and highlights (use quotation marks for exact phrases).
  • To highlight particular text, select that text and click the “Make Highlight” button.
  • To add a corresponding note, reselect the text and click the “Make Note” button. For additional options, right click on the highlight.

For additional help or support with viewing your eBook purchase or rental offline, please visit: https://support.vitalsource.com.

Make your eBooks mobile friendly, offline

Access eBook library

  • To begin, sign in to your Bookshelf account. You’ll now have access to your library. This is your home base for accessing any of the books on your Bookshelf account. You can filter, sort, and view your library based on your preferences.
  • To read a book on your mobile device, you must first download it, so tap on a title to begin the download.
  • To open a book, tap on a downloaded title.

Search in mobile

  • Tap and enter your search term. Remember: this feature can only search titles that you have downloaded to your device.
  • Tap to expand the search results, tap any item to go to that place in the book. Tap again to return to your search results. Tap “Exit Search Mode” to stop searching.


  • To flip a page, swipe from right to left. You can also scroll down to see more content on the same page. Tap once anywhere on the book page to hide and show the toolbars.
  • To jump to a different chapter, tap the toolbar. The table of contents will appear and allow you to navigate more efficiently through the book.
  • To create a highlight, tap and hold your finger on a word. Drag the end point to select all the text that you want to highlight. Then tap “Create Highlight” on the top menu or pop-up.

Additional questions on eBooks? Please see our eBooks Terms & Conditions.