adjective as in inexpensive
Strongest matches
Weak matches
bargain, budget, cost-effective, nominal, reasonable, reduced, steal, thrifty
Example Sentences
"That way loans could be affordable for students, but more of the loan would be repaid, and that could be used in part to pay for more direct teaching support for universities."
Mitchell said that the one-year program could be extended but that the site of the pilot will eventually be replaced by an affordable housing development.
County officials to temporarily waive state housing laws as residents rebuild in fire-ravaged swaths of unincorporated areas drew the ire of housing advocates, who accused the officials of skirting efforts at boosting affordable housing.
"This is a moment in time, the government could really learn from the mistakes of the past and create incentives to produce nutritious food at affordable prices," Ms Taylor told the BBC.
Padilla introduced a package of bills recently that would boost pay for federal wildland firefighters and create affordable housing from temporary disaster shelters.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.