alter ego
noun as in other side to personality
Weak matches
noun as in companion
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
But as shown in Matt Wolf’s riveting 2-part documentary, “Pee-wee as Himself,” which premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, Reubens lost himself as he found fame as his alter ego.
He said Orr had dropped an incendiary device in polyfoam at the hardware store, just as his alter ego had in the novel.
But his new album, Hurry Up Tomorrow, which is coming out on Friday, could be the last music he releases under his longtime alter ego.
Dafoe brought gravitas to one of the first and best 21st century superhero movies, playing the ambitious scientist Norman Osborn and his villainous alter ego, the Green Goblin.
“This is my alter ego,” Glenn said, holding up a picture of a turtle, “it takes me a very long time to get to any place in my life.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.