noun as in horseplay
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in monkey business
Weak matches
noun as in shenanigans
noun as in sportiveness
noun as in tomfoolery
noun as in waggishness
Example Sentences
Still, since the release of "The Life of Pablo" in 2016 he's been far more likely to make headlines for online antics and provocative stunts than anything he's made in a recording studio.
This lends itself to the physical comedy in which Quan delivers Jackie Chan-like antics using everyday objects as impromptu weapons while also inspiring more creative choreography that emphasizes his speed and maneuverability.
And headlines claiming Trump is restricting Musk's antics are misleading.
These are two larger-than-life characters whose antics allow for an elementary-level understanding of good and evil.
Thousands of fans who eagerly follow the bird’s antics via webcam were devastated when the lovebirds’ eggs were eaten by ravens in 2023.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.