adjective as in acclamatory
adjective as in affirmative
adjective as in agreeable
adjective as in approbatory
adjective as in complimentary
Strongest matches
adjective as in good
Strongest match
Strong match
adjective as in good
Strongest matches
adjective as in laudatory
adjective as in permissive
adjective as in supporting
Strong matches
adjective as in sympathetic
noun as in agreement
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in harmonization
Example Sentences
Gates tells me "social networking, even more than video gaming, can absorb your time and make you worry about other people approving you" so we have to be "very careful how it gets used".
Environmental Protection Agency to take into account the effect of pesticides on butterflies before approving the products for market.
"There is no way that we can meet those targets by approving new oil and gas," he said.
That could make it hard for the State Department to start approving hundreds of thousands of visas for World Cup visitors, even if they qualify.
While the cancer-causing mechanism is specific to rats and does not occur in humans, the Delaney Clause prohibits the FDA from approving additives shown to cause cancer in humans or animals, regardless of exposure levels.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.