adjective as in real, genuine
Strongest matches
accurate, authoritative, convincing, credible, legitimate, original, pure, reliable, true, trustworthy
Example Sentences
Even though the film was shot in France, not Mexico, it has some authentic touches: The movie opens with the plaintive, recorded appeals of a young girl soliciting old appliances and other scrap metal.
Aurora embraced humor to make her point, and it’s been hilarious watching viewers get in on the joke, leaving comments about how refreshing it is to see such an authentic representation of French culture.
Then you work with somebody like Luciane Buchanan, who portrays Rose in such a wonderful way, and we found a storyline that felt authentic to us for Season 2.
This moment accentuates the need for cross-racial engagement in authentic experiences that increase capacities for empathy, compassion and shared understanding of the history of the United States.
"Every leader has to be authentic," he said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.