verb as in go astray
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As someone who has spent a fair chunk of their adult life being probably too concerned with the proper lighting for every occasion, I can’t stand to see this backslide go any further.
Another lesson from past periods of democratic backsliding is that how we react now shapes the extent of the damage done by the forces subverting democracy and the rule of law.
Both the EU and US have condemned the government for democratic backsliding.
Both the EU and US have condemned the government for democratic backsliding and more than 460 people have been detained across Georgia over the past two weeks, according to Transparency International.
The United States must act decisively by unequivocally condemning South Korea’s democratic backsliding, supporting its constitutional mechanisms for self-correction and strengthening regional security amid its ally’s internal crisis.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.