noun as in approbation
noun as in approval
noun as in matrimony
noun as in spousal
Example Sentences
“Never mind,” “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead,” “Consume mass quantities,” “But nooooo!,” even the “Wayne’s World” cry “We’re not worthy!” — these catch phrases will ring no bells with younger viewers.
The suggestion set off alarm bells among Danish industry leaders, as the US is Denmark's second largest export market and any targeted tariffs would have a significant impact on the Danish economy.
The isolationist politician's nomination set off alarm bells in Washington, with conservative thinkers and former intelligence officials raising "serious qualms" about the strongman-supporting Republican convert.
Somebody purporting to be Pitt got in touch the next day, which set off alarm bells for Anne.
If that shoe-wiggler had bells sewn to the ends of the points, it indicated that the wearer was available for sexual frolics.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.