brand name
noun as in trade name
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Example Sentences
They will no longer be able to dispense the medication, sold under brand names such as Wegovy and Mounjaro, to patients who have just completed online questionnaires or sent photos.
The substances alleged to be involved in the offences are MDMA, butanediol, ketamine and alprazolam, which is also known under the brand name Xanax.
When it comes to brand names, though, Swanson is not opposed.
In 1966, the Khadi Development And Village Industries Commission, a government organisation to promote small rural industries, suggested that they come up with a brand name.
The conditions agreed by EP Group include keeping the brand name and Royal Mail's headquarters and tax residency in the UK for the next five years.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.