adjective as in characteristic, regular
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in model
Weak matches
Example Sentences
You could argue his Ralph Lauren suits are also designed to not leave any Americans out – never straying too far from classic blue and classic lines.
"It struck me immediately as being up there with those old classics from the American Songbook. It had a real quality of something like Somewhere Over the Rainbow or Blue Moon."
Each order contains 20 individually wrapped candies that come in a can resembling Progresso’s classic soup can.
Solutions to a few of the show’s paramount riddles emerge in the course of these 10 hours, accompanied by the classic series-extending gambit of presenting more questions.
In fact, George Washington’s classic farewell address came perilously close to eschewing grandness and nobility and offering a precursor to Nixon’s approach.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.