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Daniels strode briskly to the stand, not looking at Trump, her shoes clunking on the floor.

Mom’s feet clacked down the hall, followed by a clunking and skittering sound.

After clicking and clunking through the barriers, they are guided to a tight alleyway before ascending metal stairways that have the feel of being in the gardens of the adjoining homes.

From BBC

Carroll said: “He’s really excited to be back. He was missed enormously and was good to see him out there clunking around with our guys and getting back into the rhythm of it.”

Members moved from a vision of a greener, smooth-running Scotland in the P&J Arena to the city centre, and a clunking re-engagement with a very different reality on the rails.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


