noun as in amity
noun as in benevolence
noun as in civility
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in concord
noun as in courtesy
Strong matches
noun as in friendliness
noun as in friendship
Strongest matches
noun as in genialness
noun as in genteelness
noun as in good will
noun as in good will/goodwill
noun as in kindliness
noun as in mannerliness
Weak matches
- address
- affability
- amenities
- amiability
- attentiveness
- ceremony
- chivalry
- civility
- complaisance
- consideration
- cordiality
- courteousness
- courtliness
- cultivation
- culture
- deference
- elegance
- familiarity
- favor
- friendliness
- gallantness
- gallantry
- generosity
- geniality
- genteelness
- gentility
- gentleness
- good behavior
- good breeding
- graciousness
- indulgence
- kindness
- polish
- politeness
- politesse
- refinement
- respect
- reverence
- solicitude
- suavity
- sympathy
- tact
- thoughtfulness
- urbanity
noun as in pleasantness
noun as in politesse
Strong matches
- address
- affability
- amenities
- amiability
- attentiveness
- ceremony
- chivalry
- civility
- complaisance
- consideration
- cordiality
- courtliness
- cultivation
- culture
- deference
- elegance
- familiarity
- favor
- friendliness
- gallantry
- generosity
- geniality
- genteelness
- gentility
- gentleness
- graciousness
- indulgence
- kindness
- polish
- politeness
- refinement
- respect
- reverence
- solicitude
- suavity
- sympathy
- tact
- thoughtfulness
- urbanity
noun as in sociability
noun as in sociableness
Example Sentences
"There's a lot of comity here between a state and a federal court, and even on a federal issue, we have to respect state court rulings."
Even now, we need to be sure of her professed commitment to strengthen the legal and economic foundations of working- and middle-class security and comity.
Flav’s enthusiasm is not as staged, making news-grabbing moves like his guarantee to help American discus thrower Veronica Fraley pay her rent come off as legitimately generous and in the Games’ spirit of comity.
Decades ago, right-wing political quacks like Newt Gingrich concluded that comity and compromise on the part of politicians made the government look too good, as if it could actually work.
He said the step clashed with an international concept of the “comity of nations,” which recognizes that countries’ laws have territorial limits.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.