verb as in ratify, validate, prove
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in reinforce
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
Mr Martin and Mr Harris confirmed the new draft programme for government earlier this month.
Infrared cameras monitor patients while they are in their bedrooms, and the technology is designed to measure a pulse, breathing rate and movement to confirm a patient is safe, meaning fewer one-to-one observations are needed.
"Putin and Xi confirmed readiness to build relations with the US on a mutually beneficial and respectful basis, if the Trump team shows an interest", Ushakov said.
But on Tuesday, after President Trump granted sweeping pardons or commutations to everyone convicted of Jan. 6 offenses — more than 1,500 people — Dempsey was released, having served less than 3½ years, officials confirmed.
His death was confirmed by the Toronto Star, which attributed the news to Hudson’s estate executor and said he “passed away peacefully in his sleep.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.