court case
noun as in legal case
Example Sentences
The 15th anniversary of Citizens United is coming up, the landmark court case that opened the floodgates for unprecedented levels of spending in elections.
"The movements for civil rights, women's rights, workers' rights, the United States of America itself, would never have come to be if people had given up their cause after a court case, or a battle, or an election did not go their way," she said.
By settling, Apple not only denies wrongdoing, but it also avoids the risk of facing a court case which could potentially mean a much larger pay out.
Westminster, a 1947 court case involving a Mexican family from Orange County that fought to end segregation across California.
The bill’s author stressed the importance of teaching students about this court case to help them “learn of the civil rights challenges faced by Mexican Americans in this state.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.