end of the world
noun as in destruction of civilization
Example Sentences
The scenes on television looked like the end of the world.
It may seem strange to find yourself with songs about cataclysmic loss and the end of the world rattling around your head as you depart the theater, but that’s part of Oppenheimer’s point.
“The End” is about one version of the end of the world, and about how the people who could have prevented it might feel when they get there.
And sometimes, those things are so powerful that we’ll go to the end of the world just for the chance to understand someone a little better.
The now 38-year-old, from Lisburn, said she was reassured that having seizures while pregnant was not "the end of the world".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.