verb as in name, label
verb as in hold right to
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The King has long been a champion of nature and green causes, and explored the themes in his 2010 book, entitled Harmony: A New Way of Looking At Our World.
No one to my knowledge has ever argued that the children of invading aliens are entitled to birthright citizenship.
The service also says that if you're available to work but your place of work is closed, you will usually be entitled to normal pay.
MPs themselves were entitled to a loss of office payment, set at twice the legal minimum, if they lost their seat and had been an MP for at least two years.
The Justice Department attorneys return to the topic of whether or not Native Americans should be entitled to birthright citizenship later in their arguments, citing a Supreme Court case, Elk v.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.