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View definitions for flipper


noun as in arm

noun as in extremity

noun as in fin

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Ms Williams said scuba tanks and flippers were the most common finds but the rarest discovery yet was the first Lego shark ever reported.

From BBC

Unlike me, however, my mom owned a cheap pair of flippers: those perfect, creepy-looking fake teeth toddlers wear in beauty pageants.

From Salon

Experts say that the whale — a 40-foot-long, approximately 5-year-old humpback — is likely in distress because the rope is tightly tied around its right flipper and extends through its mouth.

The development of a claw or a flipper requires many particular different genes.

From Salon

By phenotype, Sackton means the actual expression of that trait, like having flippers or engaging in gaze following, as opposed to its genotype, meaning the genetic makeup that results in that trait.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


