verb as in harden
Strong matches
Weak match
verb as in indurate
Strong matches
- acclimate
- acclimatize
- amalgamate
- anneal
- bake
- brace
- buttress
- cake
- calcify
- callous
- cement
- close
- clot
- coagulate
- compact
- concrete
- congeal
- consolidate
- contract
- crystallize
- curdle
- dry
- firm
- fix
- fortify
- freeze
- gird
- jell
- nerve
- ossify
- petrify
- precipitate
- press
- reinforce
- season
- set
- settle
- solidify
- starch
- steel
- stiffen
- strengthen
- temper
- thicken
- toughen
- vitrify
Weak matches
verb as in ossify
verb as in petrify
Weak match
Example Sentences
Although he understands the rationale, Kim sees this as part of a wider trend of abandoning Korean words simply because they feel old-fashioned, fossilizing them even further.
A piece of fossilized vomit dating back to the time of the dinosaurs has been discovered in Denmark.
“None of us are interested in fossilized discipline practices and processes,” Newman added.
For many years, paleontologists have debated what these prehistoric big cats would have looked like based on their fossilized bones.
At benches they brush and gently scrape dust from fossilized bone, with the gentle dexterity of dentists cleaning Jurassic-era teeth.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.