free from
adjective as in devoid
verb as in drain
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Example Sentences
So what can be done to decrease money disruptions, help individuals be free from these shackling feelings of shame and improve their overall financial wellness?
NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard said the therapy "could be absolutely transformative – it could enable patients to live free from the fear of sickle cell crises hanging over them".
The pipping period, or anticipated time when the chicks are supposed to break free from their eggs, starts about 35 days from the time the first egg is laid.
This will allow crypto exchanges and marketers to use regular banking services to store their real money while they scheme to create new kinds of fake money to sell to those who have fallen for the libertarian dream of a system of payments for goods and services that’s free from the highly regulated American dollar.
It was designed that way by the libertarian masterminds who came up with cryptocurrencies to set themselves free from what they considered government interference in their business.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.