go at
verb as in address
verb as in aggress
verb as in contend
Strong matches
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They will have a go at Spurs and I think they will find a way through.
From BBC
These scenes go at a fast pace, but it can be a humane pace.
From Los Angeles Times
She says she will still give it another go at work, as it will probably be more useful for such tasks.
From BBC
I was hoping Brentford would have a real go at the FA Cup this season, but they made a load of changes for their tie with Plymouth, and they ended up on the wrong end of the biggest shock of round three.
From BBC
In contrast, Ipswich are really giving it a go at staying up.
From BBC
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.