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View definitions for go out of control

go out of control

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Sometimes you have to let it go out of control, but there are some things definitely on that IMDb page where I'm like, "Ooh."

From Salon

“Policies should be corrected before things go out of control.”

"I warn the US and its proxy Israel that if they do not immediately stop the crime against humanity and genocide in Gaza, anything is possible at any moment and the region will go out of control," Mr Amir-Abdollahian said at a news conference in Tehran.

From BBC

That said, he adds their populations should be monitored so that they don’t go out of control in certain areas with vulnerable local fauna, like islands.

“They get pushed on Twitter and go out of control because everybody sees them and journalists cover them,” he says.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


