hit the road
verb as in get going
Example Sentences
At 14-3, the Vikings are absurdly successful for a wild-card team that has to hit the road but they lost their finale, and the NFC North, to the 15-2 Detroit Lions, so Minnesota had to pack its bags.
She was only trying to escape her abusive husband when she hit the road in 2020 in her white Volkswagen hatchback with a rooftop tent and her pension.
The loser, unbelievably, has to turn right around and hit the road as a wild-card team with an incredibly gaudy record.
More than a year after her incredibly successful international Renaissance Tour, it's possible the prolific artist could hit the road again to tour the album she has only performed live once.
He intends to hit the road in January to "communicate the advantages of the budget to the public, to make sure the public exert pressure on parliament" and vote for it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.