in agreement
adverb as in with a common plan
Example Sentences
As if in agreement, the theatre in her native Scunthorpe renamed itself in her honour.
"What's so frustrating is that every time this goes back and forth, each camp gets their hopes up and then gets their hopes crushed again," she said, as other relatives nodded in agreement.
However not everyone is in agreement on the issue of resilience - or the questions around the potential downsides of greater mental health awareness.
Was that ever something that you two had hoped would become solidified or are you in agreement that the evaluation that The Guide made was correct?
Her two sisters, Ala and Jana, nod in agreement as we sit, squeezed together on this cold winter's day, on an old lumpy sofa in their humble home in Homs.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.