adjective as in native
Strongest matches
adjective as in local, domestic
adjective as in innate, inborn
Example Sentences
China does not have indigenous fossil fuels, and is electrifying at an astonishing rate, and is referred to by some researchers as an "electro state".
Greenland, the world's most sparsely populated territory, is home to about 56,000 mostly indigenous Inuit people.
Leader Mark Collett said they were not extremist, did not promote violence and peacefully campaigned for the rights of what he called indigenous British people.
PA leader Mark Collett said they were not extremist, do not promote violence and peacefully campaign for the rights of what he calls "indigenous British people".
When asked about his comments afterwards, Patrick accused the BBC of having an anti-white bias and "persecuting ordinary British people who care deeply about the safety and wellbeing of our indigenous people".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.