adjective as in not important; of no consequence
Strongest matches
inconsequential, infinitesimal, irrelevant, meager, meaningless, minimal, minor, minuscule, negligible, paltry, pointless, senseless, trivial, unimportant
Weak matches
casual, immaterial, inappreciable, inconsiderable, lesser, light, lightweight, little, minim, minute, nondescript, nonessential, not worth mentioning, nugatory, petty, purportless, scanty, secondary, small, trifling, unsubstantial
Example Sentences
As with leaders of autocratic regimes, nothing is too small or insignificant to serve as pretext for a grand show trial meant to demonstrate strong-man dominance over the military.
He plucks each stake from the ground, knowing that while these flower decorations might feel insignificant amid the devastation, they also might make her smile.
Should that future I imagined for myself ever become a reality, a not insignificant part of me will wonder what other forces were at play.
In essence, he’s saying that all individual and team sports achievements are completely insignificant unless it results in a championship.
Still, Boland says that "is not insignificant to a college athlete, particularly if they may come from a disadvantaged situation."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.