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Since his teens, Younis had been inveigling himself into women's lives by pretending to be charming and kind, before revealing his true nature and eventually taking them prisoner.

From BBC

She is good, at any rate, at inveigling her way into other people’s homes.

They don’t want to hear about my troubles; they don’t want me being the embarrassing old bloke inveigling my way into their 6pm drinks.

Mr. Bulger’s latest true lie is “Beware of Mr. Baker,” the movie he made about the drummer Ginger Baker, a rock demigod, by inveigling his way into his home and the pages of Rolling Stone.

After inveigling a Catholic gentleman into a plot to kill the Queen, he was himself accused and executed for his involvement in it.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


