ivory tower
noun as in place of learning
Weak matches
adjective as in theoretical, not realistic
Example Sentences
“An insider would be keeping to his ivory tower and telling other people what they should be doing. Ken Martin is in the trenches with rank-and-file members and average Democrats,” Skoufis said.
The professor in the ivory tower reminds us that words retain meaning.
“I do not paint inside an ivory tower. I speak of the society around me in my work.”
From the hazy ivory towers and corporate suites inhabited by so many college presidents and boards of trustees, Palestinian people are scarcely more than abstractions compared to far more real priorities.
For many outside the ivory tower, it was clear university leaders needed to do something to quell the chaos surrounding pro-Palestinian encampments on their campuses.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.