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View definitions for legally


adverb as in in accordance with the law

adverb as in in a manner suggestive of the law

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The officer said he had been legally authorised to tell me the information.

From BBC

Newsom responded by calling the commission’s guidance “legally erroneous” and issued another executive order.

There will now be pressure on MI5 director general Sir Ken McCallum to explain what he knew, given that the officer said he had been legally authorised to disclose X's role.

From BBC

Plastic Services is another that supplied the BBC number plates without the legally required checks.

From BBC

Also, ICE agents can legally enter public areas of a business, such as a dining room or waiting area of a restaurant without explicit permission.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


