like it is
adjective as in forthright
adjective as in frank
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- down and dirty
- downright
- easy
- flat-out
- forthright
- from the hip
- guileless
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- outright
- outspoken
- plain-spoken
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straightforward
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
adjective as in honest
Strongest matches
adjective as in objective
adjective as in openhearted
adjective as in plainspoken
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- bold
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- direct
- downright
- easy
- familiar
- flat-out
- free
- from the hip
- heart-to-heart
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- man-to-man
- natural
- open
- outright
- plain
- plain-spoken
- real
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straight
- straight-out
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
- upright
adjective as in sincere
Weak matches
- 24-carat
- aboveboard
- actual
- artless
- bona fide
- dead-level
- dear
- devout
- faithful
- frank
- guileless
- honest-to-God
- honest-to-goodness
- meant
- natural
- no-fooling
- no-nonsense
- on the level
- on the line
- on the up and up
- open
- plain
- pretensionless
- regular
- righteous
- saintly
- square
- sure-enough
- true-blue
- unaffected
- undesigning
- undissembled
- unfeigned
- unpretentious
- up-front
- wholehearted
adjective as in straightforward
Strongest matches
adjective as in straight-from-the-shoulder
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- blunt
- bold
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- direct
- downright
- easy
- familiar
- flat-out
- forthright
- free
- from the hip
- guileless
- heart-to-heart
- honest
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- man-to-man
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- natural
- open
- outright
- outspoken
- plain
- plain-spoken
- plainspoken
- real
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straight
- straight-out
- straightforward
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
- upright
adjective as in straight-out
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- blunt
- bold
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- direct
- downright
- easy
- familiar
- flat-out
- forthright
- free
- from the hip
- guileless
- heart-to-heart
- honest
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- man-to-man
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- natural
- open
- outright
- outspoken
- plain
- plain-spoken
- plainspoken
- real
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straight
- straightforward
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
- upright
adjective as in straight-shooting
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- blunt
- bold
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- direct
- downright
- easy
- familiar
- flat-out
- forthright
- free
- from the hip
- guileless
- heart-to-heart
- honest
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- man-to-man
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- natural
- open
- outright
- outspoken
- plain
- plain-spoken
- plainspoken
- real
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straight
- straight-out
- straightforward
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
- upright
adjective as in truthful
Strongest matches
adjective as in veracious
noun as in attitude
Strongest matches
noun as in condition
Strong matches
noun as in fact
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in facts
noun as in locus
noun as in position
noun as in reality
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in situation
noun as in veraciousness
Weak matches
- accuracy
- actuality
- authenticity
- candor
- correctness
- credibility
- exactitude
- exactness
- fact
- fairness
- fidelity
- frankness
- genuineness
- gospel
- honest-to-god truth
- honesty
- honor
- impartiality
- integrity
- openness
- precision
- probity
- real McCoy
- reality
- rectitude
- rightness
- sincerity
- straight stuff
- trueness
- truism
- trustworthiness
- truth
- truthfulness
- uprightness
- veridicality
- verisimilitude
- verity
- word
noun as in veracity
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in veridicality
Weak matches
- accuracy
- actuality
- authenticity
- candor
- correctness
- credibility
- exactitude
- exactness
- fact
- fairness
- fidelity
- frankness
- genuineness
- gospel
- honest-to-god truth
- honesty
- honor
- impartiality
- integrity
- openness
- precision
- probity
- real McCoy
- reality
- rectitude
- rightness
- sincerity
- straight stuff
- trueness
- truism
- trustworthiness
- truth
- truthfulness
- uprightness
- veraciousness
- verisimilitude
- verity
- word
Example Sentences
“But why didn’t he come and talk to us? Then he could have presented reality like it is. Not like he imagines it.”
“It’s a political campaign, and we’ve got to be aggressive acting like it is, said Trustee Douglas Faigin, who has served on the board for 12 years. “This is the biggest crisis that I’ve experienced since I’ve been on the board.”
“The public conflates that with the truth: ‘They’re telling it like it is.’
And my native Canada looks like it is tilting right.
He told local media that he was Trump's "biggest fan" and that "of course they are interested in our country, and they are welcome to come and see what our country is like. It is also about opening up for trade and cooperation."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.