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View definitions for marine/maritime


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"What we've done is met not just the scientific standard to be able to start to dredge but we've gone well beyond that, at the request of the Environment Agency and the Marine Maritime Organisation," Mr Houchen added.

From BBC

Vigue is accused of firing a cannon during a Marine Maritime Academy football game in Castine in September.

Associated words: physiography, physiogony, connatural, connaturalness. nature worship. physiolatry. naughty, a. disobedient, mischievous, perverse, forward, refractory. nausea, n. seasickness; qualm, squeamishness, queasiness, qualmishness. nauseate, v. sicken, disgust, revolt; recoil from, abhor, abominate. nauseous, a. disgusting, nauseating, offensive, sickening, fulsome, distasteful. nautical, a. naval, marine, maritime, oceanic. nautilus, n.

Tetrabranchiata; argonaut, paper nautilus; diving-bell. naval, a. nautical, marine, maritime. navel, n. umbilicus, omphalos. navel string. funis, umbilical cord. navigate, v. sail, cruise; guide, steer, direct; circumnavigate near, a. nigh, close, adjacent, neighboring, contiguous, proximate, approximate to; intimate, confidential, bosom; immediate, imminent, impending, forthcoming.

Adj. oceanic; marine, maritime; pelagic, pelagian; seagoing; hydrographic; bathybic†, cotidal†.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


