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noun as in lustrous chemical element

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Even though the film was shot in France, not Mexico, it has some authentic touches: The movie opens with the plaintive, recorded appeals of a young girl soliciting old appliances and other scrap metal.

Apple has disputed the allegation and pointed out that since early 2024, because of the escalating conflict and the difficulties of certification, it stopped sourcing tantalum, among other metals, from both DR Congo and Rwanda.

From BBC

Fresh snow was falling as they drove a metal tube into the snow to measure its water content, adding to data collected across the Sierra mountains.

The blazes incinerated plastics, metals, electronic components and building materials — including older, no-longer-permitted ones, such as asbestos, which is carcinogenic.

Where her washer and dryer once stood, Robinson found only a blackened metal frame.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


