noun as in burglar
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Now at the helm as director, co-writer and executive producer, Ngo crafts a prequel tale of three young vigilante women training to take down a seedy crime syndicate in ’90s Saigon, with brutal fight sequences that would make John Wick sit up and take note — an action-packed Midnighter premiere not to miss, coming later this month to Netflix, that gives genre fans in the West another bold emerging filmmaker to watch.
While he wore a device that obscured his handsome face, two admirers — Batgirl, a longtime love interest, and Midnighter, a gay superhero — were able to recognize him from his derrière.
Joseph Kahn’s “Bodied” should be a midnighter, no doubt.
More selections, including the Midnighter program and other feature films, are still to come.
Midnighter is a different sort of Batman analogue; he was actually inspired by ’30s pulp hero the Shadow, who, in turn, inspired the creation of Batman.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.