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He added that the argument that the amount owed should be reduced was "misconceived" and that the budget was "not designed to be an accurate or binding representation" of her overall legal costs.

From BBC

He said a review of the health service to be published on Thursday finds changes to the NHS were "hopelessly misconceived".

From BBC

In his first major interview in Downing Street, the prime minister said a review of the health service to be published on Thursday finds changes to the NHS were "hopelessly misconceived".

From BBC

A solicitor on her behalf said at the time: "Ms Jones is satisfied that any allegations in relation to impropriety surrounding expenses are entirely misconceived".

From BBC

Barrister Toby Fisher, who led Ofsted's legal team, told the judge, in a written argument, that the school's claim was "misconceived".

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


