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View definitions for moonshine


noun as in illegally distilled alcohol

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The parallels with early 20th century Prohibition in America – gangsters, feminists, minorities, corruption, doctor’s notes, speakeasies and moonshine – are strikingly similar.

From Salon

The decline in alcohol quality due to rampant bootlegging forced bartenders to mask the harsh flavors of bathtub gin and moonshine.

From Salon

Following the shocking reveal that Hetty’s son was responsible for murdering Alberta with a bottle of strychnine-laced moonshine, Pinnock relished the opportunity to play a more romantic side of Alberta this season.

Luckily, her neighbors stopped her on Wednesday and calmed her by giving her a local moonshine called “Changaa” popular in rural and low-income areas of the capital.

As she sings in "American Requiem" against reverberating acoustic guitar and piercing vocals, she is the "grandbaby of a moonshine man" in Gadsden, Alabama.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


