most virginal
adjective as in brand-new, unused
adjective as in chaste
adjective as in innocent
Weak matches
- above suspicion
- angelical
- cleanhanded
- crimeless
- exemplary
- faultless
- free of
- guilt-free
- guiltless
- honest
- immaculate
- impeccable
- impeccant
- in the clear
- inculpable
- irreproachable
- lawful
- legal
- legitimate
- licit
- lily-white
- not guilty
- pure
- pure as the driven snow
- righteous
- sinless
- spotless
- unblemished
- uncensurable
- uncorrupt
- uncorrupted
- undefiled
- unimpeachable
- uninvolved
- unoffending
- unstained
- unsullied
- untainted
- virtuous
Example Sentences
Not Spring's Thou art, but hers, Most cool, most virginal, Winter's, with thy faint breath, thy snows Rose-tinged.
The tenderest, the softest, the most virginal spirit breathes through all these sketches.
No, it is heroism freely donned, deliberately and unanimously hailed, heroism on behalf of an idea and a sentiment, in other words, heroism in its clearest, purest and most virginal form, a disinterested and whole-hearted sacrifice for that which men regard as their duty to themselves, to their kith and kin, to mankind and to the future.
Hail to thee, Maiden, far Fairest of all that are, Yea, and most high thine home, Child of the Father's hall; Hear, O most virginal, Hear, O most fair of all, In high God's golden dome.
All that is best, most noble, most virginal—all that is within me, all that life has bestowed is woman, woman!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.