noun as in tablet of paper
noun as in dwelling, room
verb as in protect with cushioning
verb as in elaborate, amplify
Example Sentences
Still, the whole film barely stretches to its 89-minute running time and there’s not enough to the conceit to pad out more of the story and lore.
“It was not uncommon for people to use my house as a crash pad, a party house. I know it’s horrible, but at least on a weekly basis friends were passing out at my house.”
Increasingly, you run into a new problem: a little metal number pad, locking out anyone without a receipt and a keycode.
According to its current listing, Lock House and its 32-acre estate features 10 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, a tennis court, a helicopter pad and a cinema room.
I remember staring at you with your yellow legal pad in a Paris hotel lobby while we drank cappuccinos and you wrote that four-page monologue for my character in “Inland Empire.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.