adjective as in like a parasite
Strong match
Weak match
Example Sentences
A new tablet being developed to cure intestinal worms has shown promising results in trials and could help eradicate the parasitic infection, which affects about 1.5 billion people globally, researchers say.
The tiny parasitic spider-like creatures are usually active from early spring to late autumn.
Over centuries, these alliances have taken many forms — some enhancing economic development while others extracting parasitic rents.
A different approach in rural Senegal tackled water pollution and the invasive plants that are habitat for the snails which host the parasitic worms which carry the disease, resulting in health and biodiversity gains.
The slaying might have been motivated by Mangione’s anger with what he called “parasitic” health insurance companies and his disdain for corporate greed, law enforcement said in a bulletin obtained by the Associated Press.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.