adjective as in sensible
Strong match
Example Sentences
He’s bringing back ceramic mugs and plush chairs for customers who want to enjoy their coffee in-store — a gesture as nostalgic as it is pragmatic.
Liverpool were always seen as free-scoring under Klopp but under Slot they are more pragmatic, with Saturday's win the first time they have scored four or more goals in the league at Anfield this term.
"Both India and China will try to bring Colombo under their sphere of influence. I think the new government's foreign policy will be very pragmatic without aligning with anyone," says Prof Uyangoda.
“There was a part of him that wanted them to succeed, another part of him was pragmatic and wanted to take care of his business, and a part didn’t want them to succeed,” Dafoe observes.
He might therefore follow the inclinations of certain of his key economic advisers like transition leader Lutnick, who favor a more pragmatic, businesslike relationship with China.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.