red tape
noun as in bureaucratic rules
Example Sentences
As it is, he says, many of the country's most enterprising business people are just leaving Ghana for better paid opportunities abroad because of the red tape and cronyism in Ghana are so prohibitive.
Caruso, 66, has deep experience in building — or attempting to build — in cities across the region and navigating thickets of red tape.
“As the president of the United States, he has the ability to help cut some of the red tape,” Barger said.
U.S. prestige would take a humiliating blow if red tape and bureaucratic bungling closed the borders to World Cup visitors.
“We don’t want his family to be stressed working through all the red tape. We don’t want Grayson to fall through the cracks.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.