adjective as in out-of-the-way; in the distance
Strongest matches
Strongest matches
adjective as in unlikely, improbable
adjective as in cold, detached; unapproachable
Example Sentences
You might think a lack of residents, a remote location and the fact that there’s nothing of apparent value on the land would put the crime rate near zero, but you’d be sorely mistaken.
A lonely lottery winner who lives on a remote island hires his favorite musical duo to reunite for a private gig, without giving them quite all the details.
Mangoes, like most tropical fruits, are typically grown in remote locales where cultivation is highly dependent on rainfall, prone to the effects of increasingly erratic weather, and reliant on less robust transport routes, she said.
They were on duty when the car they were travelling in drove over a bomb that had been hidden in the road and was detonated by remote control.
The pay is lower than in many private sector careers, and housing costs can be sky-high in remote gateway communities on the edges of the parks.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.