adjective as in deconstructionist
adjective as in heretical
noun as in agitator
noun as in inciter
noun as in schismatic
noun as in sectary
noun as in separationist
Example Sentences
Such revisionist history is not uncommon for U.S. presidents.
All of these characters — even the more objectively callous ones like Father, a retired energy industry magnate writing a revisionist biography to absolve his culpability — teem with empathy.
This year marks its 21st anniversary on Broadway, and the touring version has consistently crisscrossed the country since its earliest days, thrilling audiences with its revisionist version of L. Frank Baum’s “The Wizard of Oz.”
In the meantime, this aggressively revisionist supermarket, as indicated in Butler’s novel, has become part pharmacy, part a site of repentance for past consumption.
I'm sure he has a revisionist history viewpoint there, but he thinks, “I'm going to have a friend now” and then when that's taken away from him, he's pretty crushed.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.