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Razor sharp and rhythmically complex, it's both a poison pen letter to his detractors, and a love letter to Los Angeles' hip-hop culture.

From BBC

There’s no dialogue, just Ani and Igor inside a car as snow falls outside and the automobile’s windshield wipers rhythmically break the silence.

Johnston then joined other rioters in rhythmically pushing against police in the tunnel, a collective effort that crushed an officer against a door frame, prosecutors said.

None were as memorable as Snoop’s outstanding reaction to the equestrian competition known as dressage, with its horses dancing rhythmically to music.

From Salon

These feathery needles rhythmically dance back and forth on sweeping branches in gentle breezes.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


