scoop out
verb as in burrow
verb as in deepen
verb as in delve
verb as in dig
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Example Sentences
Less than a week before the trout were evacuated, 760 northern tidewater gobies — tiny endangered fish — were scooped out of the same watershed and transported to aquariums.
Another method, recorded in 1735, was to scoop out the pulp, mix it with chopped apples and sugar, bake this in the hollowed pumpkin, then eat it spread on bread.
As we speak the spring runs dry, meaning Ms Mosiyoa is left to scoop out the remaining water from a litter-filled, stagnant pool.
During naturalist programs at the beach, ranger-naturalists would often scoop out a glass full of creek water, calling it ‘Ruby Beach’ or ‘cedar tea.’
Seeing that excavator take that first scoop out of the dam, she said, “it feels like I can take a deep breath now.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.