small amount
noun as in chicken feed
noun as in chump change
noun as in drop in the bucket
noun as in smidgen
Example Sentences
"Just because there are situations where she's tolerated a small amount once, it doesn't mean that the next time she will," she added.
In Pasadena, Fire Chief Chad Augustin said the area experienced a short period of time where pressure was low on a small amount of hydrants.
He also pointed to the discovery of a hollowed-out locket that he referred to as a “sno go” — a subtle piece of jewelry that can be used to hold a small amount of drugs in powder form — and suggested the fentanyl that killed the women could have come from narcotics held inside.
"We weren't able to turn some of the girls to talk to us and tell us their story. We took nine men to court, and we had only a small amount of victims come and give evidence. It was much bigger than that."
This is a relatively small amount compared with international production levels, but still notable considering that rainbow trout is a new farmed species in China, unlike traditional species like carp.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.